ovo je postworkout formula, dextroza,EAA,bcaa,kreatin+neki biljni komplex za oporavak
sastav je impresivan,al eto,upoznati smo sa danasnjim marketingom i sto sve kompanije rade da bi prodale produkt,svidja mi se ovo sto su napisali :
Caution: Keep out of reach of couch potatoes, recreational athletes, and wannabe bodybuilders. Anabolic Optimal Dose™ has been shown to cause abrupt anabolic mutating effects.* Users may also experience plateau-smashing workouts and may have difficulty finding clothes that fit. Never take more than the recommended dose.
Watch Silvio Samuel Train Insane!
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* Forces Obsessive-Compulsive Muscle Growth
* Provokes Vicious Episodes of Uncontrolleable Strength
* Involutary Growth of Muscle Tissue
* Triggers Satellite Cell Activation