Why only extra virgin olive oil as opposed to regular olive oil?? Whats with the all the hype on sesame oil as being the better than omegas and stuff. I only read that from the ads on sesamin? which was basicaly sesame oil. If you took pure borage oil for the GLA would there be you still use primrose, or does borage cover that in all of the benifits that theu both provide.
Regular Olive Oil has been processed and, in doing so, has damaged the fragile monounsaturated fats in the Olive Oil. Olive Oil should be COLD PRESSED and stored in a dark container. When they bleach out the olive oil to give it a lighter color and less bitter taste, it destroys the healthy benefits.
I gave your back workout a try and loved it, Im starting to become a fan of the low volume high intensity training. The only other bodypart that im lacking in is shoulders, is there any chance i can get a workout for them?
Machine press or Dumbbell press, or Military Press—3 sets (4-10 reps)
Machine Lateral raises (one arm at time) 2 sets (8-10 reps)
Dumbbell or cable front raises 2 sets (10 reps)
Bent-over Dumbbell raises 2 sets (8-10)
Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs 2 sets (10 reps)
How many grams of Creatine each day should I be consuming when I'm on your diet? I'm a natural bodybuilder and as I mentioned before my muscles feels flat all the time. 5grams 2x per day.
What is your prefered meal that you have your clients eating the night before show day? Protein/fat/carbs.......no sodium
I have heard allot of bodybuilder like to drink some wine the night before, this acts as a directic, would you recommend this? Let the diuretics act as diuretics and let your food fill up the muslces. Get rid of all the HOCUS POCUS VOODOO BODYBUILDING tricks!
And what is the prefered meal on the morning of the show? 4 WHOLE EGGS
Would you stay clear of eggs and fish since the sodium content is a wee bit higher? NOPE. The morning of the show, you want to put back a little sodium to prevent cramping. Remember, in the morning, you're no longer drinking which makes it imposible to smooth out.
I know you use white rice as your carb source, what protein and fat sources would you use and at what quantities roughly. chicken, fish, meal, peanutbutter, almonds, whole eggs......the same foods that the person dieted on.
How much water would you consume the last week, running up to show day?as much as you want until 8pm the night before the show (then stop)
Would this reduce on a daily basis? NO
What if anything do you have your clients eating or drinking prior to going on stage, alcohol, sweets, good carbs? NO TRICKS. Eat the same foods you used the entire diet.
Do you use any supplementation prior to going on stage, i.e Niacin etc? NO, It can make you light headed and cause you to pass out.
What day would you normally start carbing up your clients if the show day is on Saturday afternoon? THURSDAY
Would you stick with your 6 x meal per day regime? YES
Would you include protein source with every meal?
If so what protein do you prefer? YES, the same as during the diet. No protein shakes the FRIDAY before.
Would you include fat source with every meal?
If so what fat source do you prefer? YES
one of my training partners and i were debating on wether it is possible to prepare for a show on test alone. can you clear this up? i do not use (not that there is anything wrong with it) and he does. he pretty much stays on 500-750 mgs omnadren year round and doesnt eat all that clean. i would say moderately clean. he says that if he drops the jusnk food and cleans up all the sodium he could get dry and shredded for the stage
I always said that it's indeed possible to compete on JUST testosterone!
Finishing a T-Cypionate, Sust, Primo cycle...for mass...
Q- Whats your opinion on the follow up to this cycle ?
Thanks for the help.
T. Enanthate (250mg EOD) with EQ (200mg EOD)
Is phentermine o.k. to take ?Will it raise cortisol levels?
37.5 mg 1 x day
Thanks for your reply.
Its a stimulant and it's not healthy. I don't recommend it. You won't be hungry if you follow my diet plan.
1.) What do you think of Dorain Yates' bood and guts style of training, doing only 1 set to failure on each exercise ? You think it could work for a natural bodybuilder like myself? I like the style only I usually add in a few more exercises. But I stick to the 1 or 2 set per exercise strategy. Works well for people who have trained for a few years. If you're a beginner it's hard to "FEEL" the muscle enough to stimulate it enough in one set.
2.) What's the secret to maximizing vascularity during competition ? It has a genetic component but as bodyfat levels decrease, vascularity increases as well.
3.) Do you believe it's possible to hit the muscles at different angles through grip variations like doing close grip barbell curls for the outer biceps and wide grip barbell curls for the inner head? YES
Using 50mg of winstrol EOD and 75mg of Tren on the days I don't use the winny, I seem to not be able to acquire arimidex or proviron. I know you aren't a big proviron fan(I think) but would you think something OTC like 6OXO or Gaspari's Novadex XT at double strength would suffice?
I have reason to believe you think highly of those particular products. Does SPECIES have a similar product in that fashion and if not...do you plan on designing one?
SPECIES doesn't have one yet (because I want to make something better than whats out there). Gaspari's NOVEDEX XT seems to be one of the best antiaromatases out there. Give it a shot!
So masteron wouldnt be any good to take with Tren?This is what i meant about the profile i read, it said its good to stack Masteron with Tren.....what do you think?
What fast acting agents would you stack for an off season 8 week cycle?
Its okay to stack. Masteron is more of a pre-contest drug. Offseason you usually want to stick with longer acting drug since MASS is usually a priority. The longer the drug is in your system, the better and more consistent the gains.
1.) Do you think canned tuna is a good source of high quality protein? I survived on it in jail. When I first started bbing, I ate 4 cans a day. It "works"!
2.) Do you think Tofu is a good source of protein? Could it be included in your diet? Marginal. It can be included but I wouldn't depend on it exclusively.
3.) How about Cottage Cheese? Good source of protein. Watch your dairy intake though. Too much is no good. I find it very mucous forming.
4..) Is it true that artificial sweeteners like equal and splenda although non caloric could raise insulin level?
I don't find that. My gf is diabetic and she doesn't have issues with that either.
5.) What techniques to you employ to blast weak bodyparts into growth? Don't BLAST them........... "STIMULATE; DON'T ANNIHILATE!"
6.) How many reps is ideal when working forearms? 12-15
7.) Do you think it's a good idea to add weights on abdominal exercises? no
After taking a diuretic (ie Maxzide) for a show, does one have to wean off of it to prevent bloating? If so, how would they go about it? Thank you sir.
I recommend that people stay on about 1/2 dyazide (maxzide) per day for the 5 days following the show...........that usually works. Sometimes an additional 1/2 pill is needed for a few more days.
Dave how should I dose 2ius of hgh being that I work 12 hour swing shifts. Before sleep, or wake up, training days

. When you wake up!
Also do you find it important to add T3 even on a dose of only 2ius unnecessary unless you're dieting for a show!
Ok I finally got up to where I finally started reading... I have been waiting to ask a question until I got through everything you have already answered... I have seen where you say to do GH first thing in the am due to being most catabolic... And I know many will think I am getting this mixed up with IGF1... But what about hitting it immediately PW? I have heard it said that will suppress your natural production but everyone acts like your GH secretion is immediately after your workout and I would think it would be most apt to be produced during? And with one of GH prime benefeits being to evevate IGF1 wouldn't this be of benefeit right after a workout??? Sorry for such a long question, but I want to make it evident that I do understand why its stated not to do GH PW as well as that I know IGF1 is commonly pushed PW and Im not confusing them.... If you did get into detail in past response I apologize, but you have a lot of responses in here, I tried hitting them all up.. And also yes Im horrid at spelling...
It's not a bad idea except for the fact that GH also acts antogonistically to INSULIN........meaning, it can make you INSULIN RESISTANT which would mean you won't absorb your food with maximal efficiency. Stick to IGF-1 or Insulin post workout!
I did a shot of Cyp/Ent ( 500mg) combo on Monday in my right glute.
Even today , Its still very painful and swollen ...I don't have a fever and the area is not red at all...I don't know if its due to the potency 500mgs I believe is a lot per 1 cc...
Should I be heading to a hospital..
That's too many MILLIGRAMS (mg) in one area. It's very irritating to the tissue. If the pain and swelling progressively gets worse over the next 48 hours, go to the doctor and get on some antibiotics.
what would be the best to jump start a cycle of sust at 600 a week d-bol,t-bol,anadrol? thanks dave
Sustanon can JUMP START itself. It contains fast acting Test propionate esters!