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Van mreže Polomac

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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« Odgovor #30 poslato: Decembar 26, 2007, 08:41:47 posle podne »
Things To Think About:
ZINC: The Anabolic Activator
The mineral zinc is at last receiving the respect it deserves from the athletic
community. A now famous study conducted at Western Washington University
evaluated the hormonal effects 8 weeks of nightly supplementation provided. A
group of football players were divided into two test groups that either received the
supplement or a placebo.
The testing procedures included a double blind and randomized protocol. Since
most athletes are zinc deficient, the results were not all that surprising. The
supplemented group, receiving 30 mg Zinc Monomethionine, 450 mg Magnesium
Aspartate, and 10.5 mg Pyridoxine (Vitamin B-6) nightly, showed a blood plasma
increase in both total and free (active) IGF-1.
The placebo group showed an effective decrease in both hormone forms. This
study triggered the mass marketing of high absorption zinc supplements like Z-MASS
and ZMA. Strangely enough, the supplements actually work in an accumulative
manner for so-called naturals and chemically enhanced alike. The strange part is that
the supplement industry is right in a percentage of these product claims. Imagine
Zinc should be called the MANS MINERAL. Its presence in the body literally
makes the difference between hormone profiles that put you in either high heels and
sweater puppets, or baritone bad boy biker status. Zinc is a key factor in enzyme
activation's relating to the anabolic potential of testosterone, Insulin, IGF-1, GH,
Prostaglandins, and about every other hormone or hormone-like substance relating to
muscle growth.
If you have not as of yet realized how manly zinc is, try this. Without adequate zinc
supplies, you would not have a penis (if you are male) or enough muscle to power the
hand to scratch it with. "Optimal " levels of Zinc are absolutely vital to manhood and
bodybuilding progress. .. even for women. (The bodybuilding part)
Zinc is an enzyme activator intricate to somewhere between 200-300 enzyme/ zinc
dependent reactions in the body.

Van mreže Polomac

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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« Odgovor #31 poslato: Decembar 26, 2007, 08:43:35 posle podne »
Zinc deficiency can and will result in a reduction in an androgen receptor count of
20-40 % and an increase in estrogenic receptor count of 40-60 %
> Zinc deficiency can cause up to a 63% reduction in androgen binding sites which
can cause gyno by altering the androgen-to-estrogen activity ratio, (sweaterpuppets?)
Zinc deficiency increases the aromatization of androgens to estrogens.
> Some AAS reduce the level of Zinc in seminal fluid after 14 days of administration.
This is an additional inhibitory factor upon HPTA function.
> Prohormones such as 1 9-Norandrostenedione, 19-Norandrostenediol, 4-
androstenedione, and 4-Androstenediol (and most other variants) are dependent
upon the enzymes 1 7-BHSD and 3-BHSD for activity and conversion to more
powerful androgens. Both 1 7-BHSD and 3-BHSD depend upon zinc.
> Zinc aids in immune response.
> Zinc acts as an anti-oxidant by way of the "zinc activated" superoxide-dismutase
system. The system helps protect cells from oxidation.
> Zinc deficiency prevents pancreatic beta-cells from storing or secreting Insulin.
> Zinc is necessary for protein metabolism.
> Zinc is necessary for DNA transription and cell division.
> The prostate has the highest level of zinc concentration of all body organs, and it
does not play nice if zinc deficiency is excessive and prolonged.
> Lactate Dehydrogenase and Carbonic Anhydrase are enzymes that allow the body
to process lactic acid and carbon dioxide. Both are zinc dependent.
> Blood Cortisol levels elevate significantly during times of zinc deficiency. This
hinders GH release and IGF-1 formation. And this negatively alters the
testosterone-to-cortisol ratio.
> Zinc is needed for vitamin A metabolism.
> Zinc is intricate to the production of sperm and testosterone.
> The thymus gland shrinks if circulatory zinc levels and reserves are low. The
thymus gland produces immune T-cells that protect against tumors and disease.
> The body contains about 2000 mg of zinc. Most is stored in the bones and
muscles. Zinc is transported in blood as a component of red blood cells. Of course

Van mreže Polomac

  • Super-heavyweight Member
  • ******
  • Poruke: 5.858
« Odgovor #32 poslato: Decembar 26, 2007, 08:44:32 posle podne »
some other blood proteins carry zinc to other body tissues as well. About 55% of
the body's zinc is stored in slow twist muscle fibers.
> Plant phytates and fiber block zinc absorption because the alkaline PH
environment of the small intestines (were most zinc is absorbed) allows zinc and
the phytates to complex, or become joined as an insoluble compound. Phytates
are found in both grains and vegetables. In the presence of calcium, zinc will pass
through totally unabsorbed. (Vegetarian Diets suck!)
> As a rule, only about 20 % of a single dosage of zinc is absorbed and the larger the
dosage the lower the percentage of single dose absorption. Citrate, Vitamin B-6,
picolinic acid (a metabolite of Tryptophane) all increase absorption. Zinc gluconate
is highly absorbed.
> The toxic level/dosage of zinc sulfate for a 200 Ib male is almost 20 grams
(19,890 mg).
> The liver enzyme 5-deiodinase, that converts the thyroid hormone T-4 into the five
time more active thyroid hormone T-3, is zinc and selenium dependent. During low
carbohydrate diets or calorie restricted periods (or supplemental T-4 use) adequate
zinc intake prevents 67 % of the normal decrease in 5-deiodinase activity. Protein
synthesis is dependent upon thyroid hormone activity.
> Adequate zinc levels increase free (active) AAS plasma levels during cycles and
decrease HPTA inhibitor.
Personal experience and blood test results had led me to strongly support the use
of am and pm dosages of zinc supplements both during and after AAS protocols as
well as the co-factors magnesium, selenium, and vitamin B-6. Care should be taken to
assure adequate copper intake with zinc (1 mg copper per 1 5 mg zinc). ZMA products
too. But, of course, few will even read this section anyways. SISSIES! As to daily
dosages, the Western Washington University study was an apt guide-line for beasts.