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Autor Tema: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS  (Pročitano 503201 puta)

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #195 poslato: Novembar 13, 2007, 05:47:38 posle podne »

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #196 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 05:28:39 posle podne »
THE Amino Whey
(Supreme Chocolate)

Highlights na
THE Amino Whey
87% Pure Protein
Aspartame FREE
Sugar FREE
Boosts Health
Mixes Instantly
Irresistible Flavour

Body builders take protein powders to develop muscles. Weight lifters take extra protein to help them get stronger. People who are underweight take protein to gain weight. Protein is an excellent source of gaining weight in cases of both nutritional deficiency and weight loss for unknown reasons and, particularly, due to advancing years. Proteins are used in the production of skin, hair, muscles and bones. In addition, protein is used to manufacture hormones, enzymes, cellular messengers, and immune system components.

87% Pure Protein, Increase Protein Synthesis and Lean Muscle Mass!!

THE Amino Whey has one of the highest percentages of protein by composition- a whooping 87%!!. It is a nutritionally superb product, containing three different protein sources to maximize your growth and recuperation as well as boosting your health and prolonging longevity. 

Microfiltred Whey Protein Concentrate, Loaded with BCAAs and Glutamine, Virtually Sugar and Fat FREE!!

THE Amino Whey is naturally rich in glutamine and branched-chained amino acids (BCAA's), Cysteine, as well as the omni- important microfractions Alpha-lactalbumin, Glycomacropeptides, Beta-lactoglobulin, Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, and various growth factors.
THE Amino whey has only trace amounts of lactose and fat. It is rich in nutrients which raise glutathione (the body's primary anti-oxidant) levels and enhance your immune system's ability to fight common health problems. Late research has also shown that the exact whey fractions plentiful in Complete Whey Protein help increase IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) which enables your body to burn fat and increase lean muscle mass at the same time.
Maintain Healthy Cartilage, Tendons, Ligaments and Skin!!

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in the body. It is responsible for skin strength and elasticity, and its degradation leads to wrinkles that accompany aging. It strengthens blood vessels and plays a role in tissue development. As we age, we lose this necessary protein. This loss can lead to joint degeneration, synovial (joint) fluid loss and dramatic skin changes. To maintain the vitality of these tissues the body needs the correct nutritional "raw materials" to keep it going. But not all collagen is created equal. Only hydrolyzed collagen contained in its purest form in THE Amino Whey can deliver this necessary protein to the body's resource center.

Anabolic Isoflavones, Powerful Antioxidants!!

THE Amino Whey incorporates pure soy protein, all-natural and with plethora of healthy effects on the body. It is ideal for high protein/low carb diets! It's valuable constituents include saponins, phytosterols, and isoflavones. Saponins support healthy immune system function and combine with cholesterol to reduce it's absorption into the body through the small intestine. Phytosterols have also been shown to help maintain cholesterol levels already within normal range. Genistein and daidzein have been shown to exhibit positive health benefits for both men and women.

Irresistible Flavor, Mixes Instantly!!

THE Amino Whey is everything you want in a protein supplement; and more! Finally, a protein powder which mixes readily with a spoon and with a taste that is only surpassed by its quality!

Serving Size: 1 level scoop (~25 g)
Servings Per Container: ~120

Nutritional Value
   Amount Per 100g   Amount Per Serving
Kcal/Kj   389/1628                                    97/407                 
Protein   87g   22 g
Carbohydrate   2,4g   0,6 g
Fat   3,6g   0,9 g

Amino Acid Profile Per 100g
L-Alanine   2390 mg
L-Arginine   5340 mg
L-Aspartic Acid   8190 mg
L-Cystine   1080 mg
L-Glutamic Acid   13140 mg
L-Glycine   8470 mg
L-Histidine   1630 mg
L-Isoleucine   3430 mg
L-Leucine   6660 mg
L-Lysine   5450 mg
L-Methionine   1440 mg
L-Phenylalanine   2880 mg
L-Proline   8060 mg
L-Serine   3870 mg
L-Threonine   3430 mg
L-Thryptophan   730 mg
L-Tyrosine   1900 mg
L-Valine   4050 mg
Hydroxylysine   180 mg
Hydroxyproline   4350 mg


Amino protein Blend ™ (Microfiltrated Whey Protein concentrate, Hydrolised collagen, vegetable protein), flavour, artificial sweetener.

Directions for Use

Directions for Use:
Add 1-3 scoops to 3-9 oz. (according to your taste) of water, milk, juice, yogurt or your favourite recipe. Stir and drink immediately.

For Best Results:
-   Upon rising 1-3 scoops
-   Immediately after workout 1-3 scoops
-   Before bedtime 1-3 scoops

Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #197 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 06:24:59 posle podne »
izgleda kao odlican preparat.. jel  jos se nista nezna oko kolicine i cijene??? ;bravi;

joz ga posoliti glutaminom sta ti jos trebaaaa....... :wink:
« Poslednja izmena: Decembar 13, 2007, 06:26:56 posle podne ATJ LUCKO »

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #198 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 06:40:25 posle podne »
pa ovako..od sledece nedlje ce biti i u HRVATSKOJ prodaja preprata THE.

detalje cu da javim...

a sto se tice cene AMINO WHEY./pa neka bude to mali poklon iznenadjenje pred praznike za sve.

pakovanje je uglavnim 3 KG...i..sta reci..deco..idemo dalje

Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #199 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 07:20:05 posle podne »
svaka cast bas ovih dana se pitam koji whey da uzmem...

nadam se da ce cijena biti bozicna :mrgreen: hohohooooo!!!!!!

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #200 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 07:29:14 posle podne »
mislim da ce neznalica posebno da se obraduje jer sam upravo dobio obavest da ce i u spltu da bude

Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #201 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 07:50:45 posle podne »
jos neznas ko ce da prodaje???

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #202 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 07:53:49 posle podne »


Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #203 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 08:06:42 posle podne »
ma nacemo nije split hong kong ping pong    :shock:

Van mreže SASO_PETEK

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #204 poslato: Decembar 13, 2007, 10:28:17 posle podne »

a sto se tice cene AMINO WHEY./pa neka bude to mali poklon iznenadjenje pred praznike za sve.

pakovanje je uglavnim 3 KG...i..sta reci..deco..idemo dalje
Cena Amino Wheya ce stvarno biti dobro iznanedjenje "SLINAVKO"

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #205 poslato: Decembar 14, 2007, 06:56:46 pre podne »
gle neznalica nije video ovu temu...

sada mu saljem link

Van mreže N_E_Z_N_A_L_I_C_A

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #206 poslato: Decembar 14, 2007, 03:57:18 posle podne »
gle neznalica nije video ovu temu...

sada mu saljem link
Opa Miki, taman pakovanja po mom guštu, a smlatio sam skoro 2 Pakovanja od kg BCAA, a uželio sam se i lješnjaka, nadam se da će cijene da ostanu iste, pričao sam sa Simonom, nisam očekivao da će da dobiju dovolu tako brzo, superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Thx Pedja!!!

Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #207 poslato: Decembar 14, 2007, 04:02:38 posle podne »
heheh jadan pedjos se satro okolo da ti pokaze a ti ko marke dorat samo pravo gledas i  nikog neznas :lol: :lol: :lol:??
jel taj simun drzi neku trgovinu u ST di ce se moc zbavit to??

Van mreže N_E_Z_N_A_L_I_C_A

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  • Krkam kao budala!!! MASS!!!
    • Apartmani "NIKOLA"
Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #208 poslato: Decembar 14, 2007, 04:08:45 posle podne »
heheh jadan pedjos se satro okolo da ti pokaze a ti ko marke dorat samo pravo gledas i  nikog neznas :lol: :lol: :lol:??
jel taj simun drzi neku trgovinu u ST di ce se moc zbavit to??
Stari sad kad smo kod Pedje kako bi on reka spava sam ka Nilski konj, dakle nemam pojma, idem da pročitam stranicu unatrag. Šimun, hm...nemam pojma, samo se nadam da nije onaj stari na Cankarevoj jer ce cijene da budu astronomske...

Van mreže ATJ LUCKO™

  • Heavyweight Member
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Odg: THE NUTRITION -KOD NAS http://www.the-nutrition.com/
« Odgovor #209 poslato: Decembar 14, 2007, 04:14:55 posle podne »
heheh jadan pedjos se satro okolo da ti pokaze a ti ko marke dorat samo pravo gledas i  nikog neznas :lol: :lol: :lol:??
jel taj simun drzi neku trgovinu u ST di ce se moc zbavit to??
Stari sad kad smo kod Pedje kako bi on reka spava sam ka Nilski konj, dakle nemam pojma, idem da pročitam stranicu unatrag. Šimun, hm...nemam pojma, samo se nadam da nije onaj stari na Cankarevoj jer ce cijene da budu astronomske...

sprry jesam te ja krivo skuzio simonom ili simunom??