po meni je wolf, zasluzeno dobio 4.mesto, a roden genetic freak, a tu su bili i sa kondicijom,spremnoscu,samo sto je ovaj genetski bolji,simetricniji,skladniji,lepsi..itd, meni je cudno sto je bonac tako lose plasiran a on je zver mini kai gren:)i mislim da je mogo malo bolji plasman imati roly winklar sve je bilo na mestu osim opustenog stomaka...,ali u flexiama je bilo dobro covek od 130kg pogledajte big remya bili su head to head ali ovaj nije usao ni u top 10 a remy 7. mesto jbg. i takodje ista kg., tacnije 1,2kg tezi remy i roly za nijansicu spremniji.....olympia nije samo takmicenje oni koji prete malo duze znaju o cemu pricam,mnogo su umesane firme koje sponzorisu ove atlete tako da ima tu svega i svaceg nazalost i ovaj sport je postao biznis na kvadrat
koliko mrzim tog phil-akako su se cuskali u prejudgingu jer on nije hteo da se pomeri
iskreno meni su i rami,dexter i victor bolji od phila ove sezone. mislim da uopste nije zasluzio titulu.. inace jel zna neko neki men physique klip da odgledam?
Dennis JamesI really didn't want to post it but I think the fans deserve to know the reason why Ramy's hams and glutes weren't up to par with the rest of his physique this year. 4 weeks out Ramy tore several fibers in his left hamstring during training. As you can see in the pictures I took 2 days after it happened, it wasn't just small deal. He wasn't able to train hams ,glutes or even quads for the last 4 weeks. We sat together and talked about pulling out of the Olympia for this year but Ramy in his warrior spirit said NO lets go and do it for the fans who waiting to see him on stage. It was a very hard last month for Ramy not being able to do cardio and things he needed to do and it did effect his performance. We didn't post or talked about it before the show because we didn't want to create drama and make it look like an excuse. Ramy is in good spirit and wants the fans to know he is ok with the outcome and will continue to improve. You can see the improvements he made and it will not end here that's a promise!Thanks do David from STI for the many hours of therapy almost every day leading up to the show. He will travel to Europe today for the Arnold Classic in Spain and then continue to Dubai, Praque, San Marino and Finland for all the European and middle eastern fans to get to see Ramy compete with some of the best bodybuilders in the world.