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Oh and to spark a bit of debate, my honest opinion is that although Fedor is undeniably the greatest MMA HW, possibly P4P of all time, I feel he is not the fighter he was. I believe he still has the technical mastery and experience to beat most, if not all MMA HW guys but he is aging and slowing (AA would of had him if he didnt have a glass jaw imo) and i would not be surprised if he called it a day when his strikeforce contract runs out.
Fedor is a great MMA fighter.
Fedor also is an overly shrewd businessman, to the point of being greedy. He puts business first and fighting second. In his ridiculous demand for a co-promotion with the major MMA organization in the world, he is let his country down, his fans down, and himself down. He was given a talent and chose not to use that talent because of his unreasonable demand for more money. Fedor has a weakness when it comes to controlling his own fate and lets others dictate to him what is in his best interest.
If he finishes out his career fighting lesser caliber fighters, he would have wasted his talent and ruined his own legacy. He would have hurt himself far more then he would have hurt his fans. He will be remembered as a fighter who put money first and didn't fight the best competition in the second half of his career.
Fedor is just not that important anymore in the MMA world. He will never fight most of the top fighters and super fights, so really there is not much point in discussing him.
From what i have read and seen of Fedor out of the ring/cage he is a generous and subtle man. Largely unconcerned with wealth and flashiness. He is also highly religious, a christian yes? Is greed not one of the sins? I am no religious authority just merely asking for some confirmation. I think you will find Fedor is a share owner of the said company and it is more the management that are at fault and creating awkward stipulations.