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Autor Tema: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....  (Pročitano 736628 puta)

Van mreže filip85

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #765 poslato: Avgust 13, 2013, 12:10:55 pre podne »
izvrćeš reči, nisam rekao da je oslabio zbog depoa nego da je zbog lošeg treninga na kuri dizao slabije nego natural... zna ga i Milan tako da može da potvrdi da ne izmišljam... nebitno...

slika DL-a ima veze jer se na slici iz aviona vidi loša tehnika, za početak stojiš na prstima, da ne idemo dalje... to isto govori o treningu...

« Poslednja izmena: Avgust 13, 2013, 01:11:12 pre podne filip85 »

Van mreže Stevan Čerubdžić

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #766 poslato: Avgust 13, 2013, 12:22:16 pre podne »
Da izvinjavam se jos jednom nisam zapamtio sta si pisao, znam da mi je bilo cudno. Moguce za DL, koliko se secam to sam radio na vec uvelikoj keto dijeti posle ko zna koliko vremena i svaki iskusniji PL bi video da nemam blage sta radim, jer priznajem ne radim ga cesto. Tad je vise bilo za neko slikanje, nije to ni bila neka preterana kilaza.
-Licni/Online treninzi
-Plan/korigovanje ishrane/treninga za postizanje zeljenih rezultata

Van mreže Milenadiao

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #767 poslato: Avgust 13, 2013, 07:49:41 pre podne »
Tehnika. Tehnika je mama. I na keto dijeti vala, nisi ni prvi ni poslednji koji je radio trening bez hidrata.
suck it up, buttercup

Van mreže NPP

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #768 poslato: Avgust 13, 2013, 08:45:31 pre podne »
Ne prodajem AAS niti imam koga da vam preporučim, molim vas ne pitajte me to.

Van mreže Milenadiao

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #769 poslato: Avgust 13, 2013, 08:55:38 pre podne »
The Team Aggregate PR Clean Challenge, 1147 kgs!

Već sam gledala njihov klip "My girl is stronger than you" i oduševljava me ova Lil Kim :)
suck it up, buttercup

Van mreže NPP

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #770 poslato: Avgust 15, 2013, 09:29:47 pre podne »

Dobra stvar, pogotovu ko uključuje plyo
Ne prodajem AAS niti imam koga da vam preporučim, molim vas ne pitajte me to.

Van mreže Stevan Čerubdžić

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #771 poslato: Avgust 16, 2013, 01:06:02 pre podne »
Vecernji trening, nije nesto zanimljiv ali nisam ni ja nesto zanimljiv lik  :)
Posle laganog zagrevanja
Sutiranje super slow 15x50kg 12x60kg 10x70kg 8x80kg
SQ 12x60kg 10x80kg 8x100kg
Iskorak svaka noga 20 ponavljanja 4 serije sa bucicama od 15kg
Zadnja loza na masini super slow 10x50kg 10x50kg 8x60kg 8x60kg
Mrtvo dizazanje za zadnju lozu 10x80kg 10x80kg 8x100kg  :)
-Licni/Online treninzi
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Van mreže Stevan Čerubdžić

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #772 poslato: Avgust 17, 2013, 01:17:28 pre podne »
Sa T-Nationa

You're a Lot Stronger Than You Think
by Dave Tate

You've got to be willing to fix your attitude and get your shit tuned in. You've got to be around people with the same attitude that you want to cultivate. If you start hanging out with successful people, you're more inclined to be successful.

If you see guys busting their ass, straining and pushing against weights you didn't think they could move, it's going to teach you a lesson. You're going to find out that you're a lot stronger than you think you are once you stop being a pussy. I think you can learn attitude. Everyone's got it in them.

And everybody's emotional strength falls on different levels. Just because one guy is psyched up and has a look of intensity doesn't necessarily mean that the other guy next to him who looks like he's falling asleep isn't internally just as driven as the first guy. That's where people get a lot of this confused.

Attitude is contagious, right? But it's also the fucking plague. So if you get a guy in there who's working against the group, who won't shut up, you need to get rid of the dipshit and move on. - Dave Tate

An Interview with Dave Tate
by Nate Green

I Became the Dude You Didn't Fuck With

I was labeled with a learning disability early on, and had to deal with all the bullshit that went with it. There were events through my childhood that made me feel basically worthless, denied, or rejected. I played football and did very well, but I hated all the fuckers I was playing with and realized I wasn't getting any respect. But I learned they'd shut up real quick and leave me alone if I just knocked them on their fucking ass all the time.

My dad dropped me off at a hardcore powerlifting gym to get in shape for football. As soon as I stepped in there I knew that I wanted to be a powerlifter. My training partners were 30-year-old men and they took me in. They pushed me. In the weight room you weren't judged on your grades, what classes you were taking, what special assistance you needed, or any of that bullshit. You were judged on your strength. It was all about what was on the bar and nothing else. In the weight room I learned that I could have control. The harder I worked, the smarter I got, the more people listened, the more I progressed.

I didn't take shit from anyone after that. People quit picking on me. They quit making fun of me because all of a sudden I became the dude you didn't fuck with. So why powerlifting? It was my solace.

I Was Standing Up There In My Underwear With Oil On and Felt Stupid

I always liked the idea of bodybuilding when I was younger. It's actually been debated that I could've done just as well at bodybuilding as I did in powerlifting because of the muscularity I had at a younger age. When I went to college [University of Toledo], I couldn't find any powerlifting guys to train with. So I started to train with the bodybuilders.

A couple of my training partners were guys who went on to win some NPC contests and compete in the Junior USA. I fell into a crowd of people who really knew what they were doing and helped guide me. I loved the training aspect of the sport, the dieting, and the discipline, but I came into it a bit messed up. I had a blocky waist and my lats weren't wide at all, which put me at a disadvantage.

We'd use either a three-day split or a four-day split. Back then we trained every body part twice per week and barely did any cardio. I also never even went through the final prep to get ready for the contest. We never did sodium loading and depletion or any of that shit. We didn't know about it.

My first competition I didn't do real well and wanted to quit. I didn't place for shit. I cheated on my diet all the time because I didn't know what to expect. I was still a teenager and placed like fifth or something. I weighed in at 242 pounds at 5-foot-10, and was around 8 percent body fat, but I just got fucking smoked by some shredded dude that was like 140 pounds. The only reason I stuck with bodybuilding after that was because my roommate called me a pussy. He said I didn't like competing because I sucked, which was mostly true.

My final show I actually won, but it just didn't feel right. I remember being up on stage when they gave me the trophy and looking out into the audience. I felt nothing. I didn't know who any of those fucking people were. Just a bunch of guys in boat-neck sweatshirts, you know?

I was standing up there in my underwear with oil on and felt stupid. I never wanted to do it again. I was actually supposed to compete in the Mr. Ohio three weeks later, and I remember my training partner came to pick me up the next day after the show to go to the gym. He found me lying near-comatose in my dorm room with fucking Haagen-Dazs and Oreos and shit everywhere. I think he realized then that I wasn't going to compete anymore.

That next week I started training for my next powerlifting meet. The bitch of it was that my 1,820 powerlifting total had dropped down to 1,620.

Under the Bar, It's All About You

It took me two years to get back to the 1,820 total. Back when I was bodybuilding I had no max-effort type of training, and my technique had totally changed. It's like I completely forgot how to bench, squat, and deadlift. But even with that it didn't matter because I was home again. I remember sitting there getting wrapped up for my first competition squat and thinking, man, this is what it's all about.

I got to test myself again. I got to ask myself some tough questions. Did my training work? Am I mentally ready? You get under the bar, it's all about you. With bodybuilding you still had to rely on the judges and how they felt that day. But with powerlifting, it's just you and the bar. There's nothing like lifting heavy shit.

You're going to be as weak as your weakest training partner

I always felt it was my responsibility and my duty to get the guy next to me stronger than I was. And all the guys who trained there felt the same. One person may have had better genetics or more mental strength, but it didn't fucking matter. What matters is that you're going to be as weak as your weakest training partner.

If you're the strongest guy in the gym then you can pretty much guarantee that you've gone as far as you're going to go. I would rather be the weakest guy in the gym and the strongest guy on the platform any day, you know? If you're the strongest dude in the gym, you need to get the fuck out and find somebody else you can train with who's going to whoop your ass. Very few people can do it by themselves.
« Poslednja izmena: Avgust 17, 2013, 01:19:33 pre podne Стеван_Ч »
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Van mreže Slanina

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #773 poslato: Avgust 22, 2013, 11:46:25 pre podne »
Koje vi vezbe radite za lepeze ? Ja dobijem upalu obicno gornjeg dela ledja ali taj deo gde bi trebalo lepeze da se sire tu samo na 1 vezb me tamo pogadja ali ostalo nista

Van mreže Mare012

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #774 poslato: Avgust 30, 2013, 08:24:31 posle podne »
Da li je neko pogledao MI 40 (Mass Intensions) od Bena Pakulskog?
Vidim da preferira visok intenzitet treninga i preporucuje BCAA (nesto slicno kao Sarcev)

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #775 poslato: Septembar 02, 2013, 11:27:02 pre podne »
Da li je neko pogledao MI 40 (Mass Intensions) od Bena Pakulskog?
Vidim da preferira visok intenzitet treninga i preporucuje BCAA (nesto slicno kao Sarcev)

mislis da imas staza da bi radio tako nesto?
mislis da si zavrsio sve moguce opcije |"obicnih" treninga da bi isao na takav "level"

Van mreže Mare012

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #776 poslato: Septembar 02, 2013, 04:36:59 posle podne »
Pa ne znam kako da ti odgovorim, nisam merodovan.
Mogu da ti kazem da je sa tvojim giga setovima bilo vidljivog napretka,vrlo sam zadovoljan,(uz naravno sredjenu ishranu i suplemente), a ovo mi deluje zanimljivo, pa cisto htedoh da upitam.
Videh da ga hvale po netu, ali sam hteo da postavim ovde pitanje, jer ipak ovde ocekujem najiskreniji odgovor.
Btw, skinuo sam ga sa neta, i procitao Nutrition Manual, i mogu da kazem, dosta ima slicnosti sa Sarcevim DVDom o ishrani.
Ne znam da li smem da postavim torrent link ovde, da ljudi skinu, pa da pogledaju o cemu se radi.
« Poslednja izmena: Septembar 02, 2013, 04:38:36 posle podne Mare012 »

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #777 poslato: Septembar 02, 2013, 04:43:57 posle podne »
Mozes da skines
i naravno da je maltene obrnuta verzija sarcevove price
ali kazem
raditi te i takve sisteme-napredk je ISUGRAN
samo.....STA POSLE?
o tome se radi
a verujem da su isti reuzlatati mogli da dodju i sa jendostavnijim metodama-ali doduse,malo duze bi trebalo da se gura
ali dobro
postavi slobodno sta hoces ovde

Van mreže Mare012

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #778 poslato: Septembar 02, 2013, 05:04:15 posle podne »
Dobro pitanje, sta posle? :)
Pa ne sledim te programe bas 100%, trudim se da ih menjam, koliko toliko, svake nedelje promenim barem nesto(tezine, tempo, 1 nedelja bucice, 1 nedelja sipke), i tako to.
Smori me kad se drzim jednog plana dosta dugo, tako da povremeno menjam stvari, da razbije monotoniju :D

Van mreže vlada sin

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Odg: Podelite vase zanimljive treninga sa drugim clanovima....
« Odgovor #779 poslato: Septembar 22, 2013, 12:09:55 posle podne »
Interesuje me da napravim push pull legs sistem neki za naredni period 3 puta nedeljno, odnosno stavio bih pull push legs , pon sre petak.
Neka preporuka ili iskustvo u koncipiranju, koje vezbe obavezno ubaciti, koje su nepotrebne?
Mislio sam da budu 2 jace vezbe tipa presovi, veslanja, cucnjevi po 6-8 u seriji i 3 ili 4 vezbe pratece 10-12 ponavljanja sa kracim pauzama i rotatore i face pulse redovno na kraju treninga.
Stomak bi ubacio sa noganma verovatno.

Krenuo sam na yogu kao pravi moderni evropljanin pa javljam utiske .
Men sana in corpore sano !