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Autor Tema: prelazak na powerlifting  (Pročitano 4778 puta)

Van mreže sajmon

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prelazak na powerlifting
« poslato: Januar 27, 2010, 09:30:06 posle podne »
Idem u teretanu vec nekoliko godina.Treniram po nekom ustaljenom programu-grudi i triceps,ledja,rame i biceps i noge.To je program koji mi je odgovarao do sada.Hteo bih da predjem na powerlifting,ali ne znam mnogo o samom treningu.Da li bi mogli malo da mi pomognete za pocetak nekim programom.Koje vezbe da radim ,koliki broj ponavljanja...

Van mreže Genius

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Februar 03, 2010, 06:37:46 posle podne »
pa malo progooglaj, ali osnovne i kljucne vezbe su  bench, cucanj, mrtvo dizanje i rameni potisak, a sto se tice ponavljanja mislim da se radi 6-8...

Van mreže nenadns

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Februar 03, 2010, 07:11:26 posle podne »
Nadji Wendlerov 5/3/1 program i pocni da radis 3x nedeljno semu

pocni da skupljas info sa:


Van mreže Polomac

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  • http://miskopolomac.blogspot.com/

Van mreže sajmon

  • Član
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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Februar 07, 2010, 01:33:23 pre podne »
Puno hvala na ovim sajtovima.Cuo sam za taj Wendlerov program 5/3/1,ali ne znam nista o njemu,samo sam cuo.Pregledacu ove sajtove i ove forume,pa se nadam da cu uspeti da sastavim nesto.U svakom slucaju vi ste uvek tu ;)

Van mreže sajmon

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Maj 22, 2010, 08:14:47 posle podne »
Video sam ovaj program za pocetnike,pa me interesuje da li je stvarno dobar

5X5 Program

Below is the 5x5 program. This is what I advise for beginners as far as their training routine goes.


Squats: 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. Start with a moderate weigth and add 5-10 pounds every week.

Front squats or leg extensions: 3 sets of 8-10. Add 5-10 pounds every week for all sets.

Glute/Ham raises: 3 sets of 8-10. If you can not do 8 reps, do as many full reps as you can then do partials to finish.

Calves: 3-4 sets to failure. Use slow reps. Add 5 pounds per week for all sets.


Bench Press: 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. Start with a moderate weigth and add 5-10 pounds every week.

Flat Dumbbell Bench Press: 2 sets of 8-10. Try to increase the weight as often as possible. It is harder with dumbbells.

Close Grip Bench press: 3 sets of 5. This is a core lift. Add 5-10 pounds every week.

Tricep Pushdowns: 2 sets of 10. Add weight every week. When you can do the stack for every set do weighted dips.


Deadlifts: 5 sets of 5 with the same weight. Start with a moderate weigth and add 5-10 pounds every week.

Barbell Rows: 3 sets of 6-8 reps. Try to add weight every week though it wont always be possible. Strive to make personal records.

Reverse hyperextensions/hyperextensions: 3 sets of 10-15 reps. These are for rehab and preventitive strengthening of the lower back (use a lighter weight for this exercise).

Barbell Curls: 5 sets of 5 reps. Start with a moderate weigth and add 5 pounds every week.

This routine is very simple. It is intended to be that way. You will understand and learn basic form of the main three power lifts and your Central Nervous System will be used to firing and moving weights in the ranges of motion specific to the core lifts. This will allow you to be familiar enough with each lift to understand and possibly implicate the use of partial movements to your training routine, which is what makes Westside and Metal Militia work.

By using this routine you will also gain some hypertrophy because there are no sets in which you do triples or singles (sets of 3 or 1 reps, respectively). This will also not cause joint pain or tendonitis unless you're doing something horribly wrong.

source: bodybuilding.com

Van mreže VeljaP

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Maj 22, 2010, 08:35:57 posle podne »
Bice ok, neko vrijeme, kao uvod u power, kasnije imas boljih programa, ali nekih 6 mjeseci, ovo je ok

Van mreže wlifter

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Maj 23, 2010, 06:02:06 pre podne »
Dam ti bolji predlog,predji na olimpisko dizanje tegova neces se pokajati,predivan  sport,prelep pokret,dobices snagu, brzinu ,eksplozivnost,manje ces se povredjivati ,uzivaces u uspesnom pokusaju,a opet ces biti stameno gradjen :-)

Van mreže milan0507

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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Maj 24, 2010, 12:08:31 pre podne »
stvarno vrh sport ali ne znam koliko je to za povrede u wl bas tacno

Van mreže sajmon

  • Član
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Odg: prelazak na powerlifting
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Maj 24, 2010, 09:14:35 posle podne »
Sto se tice plimpijskod dizanja to mi je skroz ok,ali tu tek ne znam kako bih i sta radio.