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Autor Tema: REZULTATI PRIDE SHOCKWAVE 2006  (Pročitano 2507 puta)

Van mreže fatalnik

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« poslato: Decembar 31, 2006, 04:28:27 posle podne »
 Shockwave 2006 Final Results - With Details
1. Ikuhise Minowa vs Kiyoshi Tamura

Round 1 - After both come in swinging, Tamura lands successive low kicks, then manages to land a knee to Minowa's mid-section, immediately dropping Minowa. After two unncessary and unanswered soccer kicks, Tamura wins via KO Round 1

2. Aoki vs Joachim Hansen

Round 1 - Aoki brings the speed quickly and lands an immediate takedown. After some movement on the floor Aoki manages to attempt an armbar, which is stuffed after one attempt. However manages to secure a gogoplata, forcing "Hellboy" to tap. Aoki wins via gogoplata Round 1.

3. Yuki Kondo vs Akihiro Gono

Round 1 - Both fighters seem very light on their feet. Kondo pushes the pace slightly in the very beginning. Gono catches a leg kick and takes Kondo to the ground falling into Kondo's guard. Gono makes constant attempts to pass guard however they manage to get to their feet. Gono throwing strikes, no real damage or consequences. Kondo sporting a bad swell on his right eye. Uneventful Round 1.

Round 2 - Kondo starts the round with a flying knee that gets stuffed. Gono throwing lots of middle and low kicks. Fight goes to the ground with Gono in Kondo's guard, again. After both get to their feet they continue to exchange with no real consequence. More of the same round 2. Gono retains the upper hand winning via Split Decision.

4. Kazuhiro Nakamura vs Mauricio "Shogun" Rua

Round 1 - Nakamura starts exchanging then immediately goes to clinch. Shogun holds Nakamura in the corner throwing knees. With brief moments exchanging Shogun lands a takedown and moves to side control then moves to secure a mount. Nakamura sweeps and takes it back to his feet back into the clinch. Shogun secures another takedown and moves into side control yet the fight goes to the feet again. The pace slows on the ground with Nakamura giving up his back. Shogun gets a rear mount with both hooks and attempts a RNC. Nakamura sweeps AGAIN, and takes it to the feet. Great first round!

Round 2 - Second round starts slow with the fight moving into the clinch. Shogun scores another takedown into side control. Shogun takes mount again yet finds no effective way to utilize the position. Shogun takes Nakamura's back again with both hooks in. Nakamura stuffs more RNC attempts. At the end of the round Nakamura sweeps and the bell rings. Great performance, however Shogun retains the upper hand.

Round 3 - Nakamura comes out slugging however Shogun catches a kick and takes Nakamura down taking the mount easily again. The pattern continues. Nakamura swings, the two clinch, then the fight goes to the ground. Shogun takes side control and tries some knees to Nakamura's side. Both fighters refuse to quit, and the fight goes to the judges for the winner by Unanimous Decision, Mauricio "Shogun" Rua.

5. Tatsuya Kawajiri vs Gilbert Melendez

Round 1 - Both fighters come out with wild punches and immediately go to clinch. Gilbert lands a mean overhand right, however Kawajiri gains N/S position then moves back to clinch. Gilbert after the break starts landing some good combinations. Gilbert continues to retain the upper hand on stand up exchanges. Gilbert takes Kawajiri's back and gets both hooks in. Gilbert attempts to sink in a RNC. Tons of exchanges, very even fight, what a war.

Round 2 - The pace continues, with constant exchanges, ground battles, sweeps and more, however, Gilbert Melendez moves to take the fight via Unanimous Decision.

6. Kazuyuki Fujita vs Eldari Kurtanidze

Round 1 - The Georgian wrestler simply could not withstand the strikes from Iron Head and fell quickly in the beginning of the opening round. Fujita wins via KO Round 1.

7. Takanori Gomi vs Mitsuhiro Ishida

Round 1 - Gomi enters the fight keeping his hands down baiting Ishida with High kicks. Ishida throws a high kick while Gomi counters and lands a hook sending Ishida to the ground and proceeds to lay some of the most viscous GnP all year. Gomi wins by murderous TKO Round 1.

8. Hidehiko Yoshida vs James Thompson

Round 1 - Yoshida enters the ring unexpectedly without wearing his Gi. Thompson starts the fight with a flying knee caught by Yoshida. Yoshida lands the takedown and moves to side control. While attempting an arm bar, Yoshida gets picked up and almost slammed by Thompson. Next Yoshida tries a heel hook but Thompson works his way out of it. Upon rising, the two begin to exchange then quickly clinch. Yoshida excites the crowd by throwing standing combinations of his own. Yoshida obtains side control and proceeds to lock a Kimura, however Thompson does a good job of rolling it out. Thompson proceeds to attempt a knee-bar on Yoshida but fails. Yoshida starts taking a beating 7 minutes in taking a flurry of punches and knees. Thompson mounts and GnP's his way to a TKO victory over Yoshida 8 Minutes into the first round.

9. Antonio Rodrigo Noguiera vs Josh Barnett

Round 1 - The fight starts with both fighters light on their feet. Both throw light jabs patiently. After a bit of circling the two proceed to clinch. Josh lands a nice straight right Big'Nog answers back with a Thai Clinch and some knees. Beginning of the fight, the two seem content exchanging standing up. The two exchange with punches and knees with thus far NO ground game what so ever. Josh lands a big slam. Followed by N/S and some knees to the head. First time the fight hit the ground. Big'Nog eventually sweeps and takes upper ground. Big'Nog tries some GnP inside Josh's 1/2 guard, with no real effect. The fight enters the 8 minute mark and it seems Big'Nog has started to lose gas. Excellent round. In favor of Big'Nog

Round 2 - Big'Nog lands a nice knee and the fight is stopped momentarily. The two remain standing choosing to exchange. Josh actively aims for body shots. Big'Nog lands a takedown, but Josh sweeps and ends up in Big'Nog's guard. The fight stops again to check Josh's bloody nose. Through the exertions it appears Big'Nog's conditioning is holding up better than Josh's. Josh appears gassed as the bell nearly rings.

Round 3 - The fight starts with both fighters exchanging punches again. Big'Nog lands a nice one two combination with some knees. As they fall Josh nearly ends the fight with a guillotine choke. Big'Nog's GnP has vastly improved as well as his standup game. Incredible war both standing and on the ground. Big'Nog continued to dominate through the third round. Big'Nog continues to win the fight via Unanimous Decision.

10. Fedor Emelianenko vs Mark Hunt

Round 1 - Fedor and Hunt exchange briefly. Mark Hunt lands the better of two takedowns managing to obtain side control. Hunt proceeds to try for a kimura twice, but fails both times. Fedor manages to get to his feet, take Hunt down to 1/2 guard, and finish the Kick boxer from New Zealand via Kimura. Fedor wins Round 1 via Kimura submission.

There you have it. Pride Shockwave 2006

Van mreže Vladar

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« Odgovor #1 poslato: Januar 01, 2007, 02:20:42 posle podne »
Evo i kratkog clanka sa za one koji nisu dobri sa engleskim...

PRIDE Shockwave 2006

Jučer ujutro po našem vremenu u Saitami je održana tradicionalna PRIDE -ova novogodišnja priredba Shockwave .
Sada već bivša Cro Copova organizacija priredila je još jedan vrhunski spektakl s deset odličnih mečeva.
Najbolji svjetski borac Fedor Emelianenko svladao je nekadašnjeg K-1 šampiona Marka Hunta , no teže nego što je bilo tko mogao očekivati. Hunt je priredio pravo iznenađenje. Iako u stojci nije dominirao kao u prijašnjim mečevima, bio je vrlo aktivan u parteru, te je u jednom trenutku bio vrlo blizu da dokrajči moćnog Fedora kimurom na ruci. No Fedor se uspio izvući i krajem runde uspješno je demonstrirao dotični zahvat na Huntu.
U drugom teškaškom okršaju Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira , u našim krajevima poznatiji kao Minotauro, uzvratio je Amerikancu Joshu Barnettu na porazu koji mu je ovaj nanio prošlog rujna u polufinalu PRIDE Open-Weight Grand Prixa . Za razliku od prijašnjeg meča, Barnett ovaj put nije uspio nametnuti svoj ritam Brazilcu, te je na kraju poražen jednoglasnom sudačkom odlukom.
PRIDE prvak u lakoj kategoriji Takanori Gomi brutalno je "razmontirao" sunarodnjaka Mitsuhira Ishidu . Iako se očekivala ravnopravna borba, Gomi je krošeom brzo poslao Ishidu na tlo i dokrajčio ga udarcima na tlu.

Borba za naslov u teškoj kategoriji:
Fedor Emelianenko (prvak) - Mark Hunt (1R 8:16 kimura)

Ostale borbe:
Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira - Josh Barnett (3-0)
James Thompson - Hidehiko Yoshida (1R 7:50 TKO)
Takanori Gomi - Mitsuhiro Ishida (1R 1:14 TKO)
Kazuyuki Fujita - Eldari Kurtanidze (1R 2:09 TKO)
Gilbert Melendez - Tatsuya Kawajiri (3-0)
Mauricio "Shogun" Rua - Kazuhiro Nakamura (3-0)
Akihiro Gono - Yuki Kondo (2-1)
Shinya Aoki - Joachim Hansen (2R 2:24 gogoplata)
Kiyoshi Tamura - Ikuhisa Minowa (1R 1:18 KO)
