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Autor Tema: FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith  (Pročitano 19321 puta)

Van mreže Vladar

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FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith
« poslato: Novembar 28, 2011, 04:07:59 posle podne »
FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith

HYPOTHESIS Although research confirms that the free-weight bench press allows you to use more weight than the Smith machine version of the exercise (due to the unnatural path of the bar on the Smith), we still recommend you make use of the latter because it places greater focus on the pecs.

RESEARCH Researchers from California State University, Fullerton, measured the muscle activity of the middle deltoid, front deltoid and pectoralis major (pecs) when subjects performed bench presses with free weights and on the Smith machine.

FINDINGS As reported in a 2010 issue of the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, there was not much difference between the muscle activity of the pecs and front deltoids during either version. However, the muscle activity of the middle deltoid was more than 60% greater on the free-weight
bench press than on the Smith machine.

CONCLUSION This increased activity was due to the greater stability needed to balance the free-weight barbell as opposed to the fixed path of the Smith machine.

APPLICATION Use the free-weight bench press to go heavier and place more overload on the pec muscles to stimulate greater overall upper-body growth. However, include the Smith machine bench presses to place more emphasis on the pecs, which will also help to stimulate greater growth.

— Jim Stoppani, PhD

Van mreže Dominikanac

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Odg: FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Decembar 13, 2011, 09:01:04 posle podne »
Ja sam pre 3 nedelje poceo da radim smith kosi bench ali spustam sipku jako visoko milimetar ispod brade. I evo po prvi put od kad radim grudi da imam nekog napretka i da osecam taj gornji deo grudi razvaljen posle treninga.
Sunce koje przi ko da kaze da izdrzim, vetar muzika za usi, ritam kisa koja pljusti

Van mreže urlich

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Odg: FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Decembar 13, 2011, 09:49:33 posle podne »
Najvise osetim misice gornjeg dela grudi kad skupim lopatice tako da mogu da dobijem sto veci stretch u grudima na negativnom delu ponavljanja i onda sto tecnijim pokretom krenem u pozitivni deo ponavljanja.Laktovi se ne ispravljaju do kraja vec skoro da zakljucavanja.Znaci samo tecni kontrolisani pokreti uz dobro istezanje grudi kad se spusti sipka i da vis' kako gori.

Van mreže guliver123

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Odg: FROM LAB TO GYM: Focus on the Smith
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Decembar 14, 2011, 12:57:38 pre podne »
da svi rade kao sto je urlich opisao ne bi se zalili na "pilece grudi". Retko vidjam ljude da rade u teretani bilo sta pa i grudi kako treba, guraju tezine i vezbaju ego 80% vezbaca je tako...
Ja sa svakom vezbom super pogodim grudi, sad omiljene su mi kosi, ravan bench ali sa bucicama, i naravno razvlacenje, sajle, ma sve zivo, bitno mi je da mi je svaki sledeci trening drugaciji po necemu od drugog i to je to. :)