Extreme Forum
Ostali sportovi => Borilački Sportovi => Temu započeo: Vladar Novembar 14, 2008, 11:15:09 pre podne
Sutra se u Las Vegasu održava UFC 91: "Couture vs. Lesnar". Ovo će vjerojatno biti jedan od najgledanijih UFC evenata u povijesti, ne radi kvalitete cjelokupnog fightcarda (koji je čak na slabijoj razini od uobičajene) već radi središnje borbe večeri između legendarnog Randyja Couturea i bivšeg pro-wrestling superstara Brocka Lesnara.
O Coutureu ne treba trošiti previše riječi. Živuća legenda ovog sporta i čovjek koji je u 46. godini i dalje jedan od najboljih svjetskih MMA boraca.
Aktualni je UFC prvak u teškoj kategoriji a držao je i naslov u poluteškoj. Posljednju borbu imao je 25. kolovoza 2007. kada je u Las Vegasu pobijedio Gabriela Gonzagu, nakon čega je odlučio napustiti UFC, izjavivši da želi potražiti nove izazove. To je izazvalo opću buru u najjačoj svjetskoj MMA organizaciji, koja ga nije željela pustiti prije isteka ugovora. Slučaj je završio na sudu a riješen je Coutureovim povratkom u UFC (potpisao novi ugovor na 3 borbe).
Prije prelaska u pro-wrestling vode Brock Lesnar bio je vrlo uspješan amaterski hrvač i višestruki američki prvak. Nakon prelaska u WWE ubrzo postaje jedna od najvećih zvijezda pro-wrestlinga. Nakon odlaska iz WWE-a 2004. godine okušao se u američkom footballu, no to je bio kratkotrajan i neuspješan izlet.
U srpnju 2007. godine ostvario je MMA debi na K-1 HEROs priredbi u Los Angelesu gdje je pobijedio Korejanca Kim Min Soona. Početkom ove godine potpisuje za UFC i u prvoj borbi gubi od Franka Mira, no pokazuje veliki talent što je i potvrdio u slijedećoj borbi protiv Heatha Herringa kojeg pobjeđuje na bodove.
Glavne borbe:
Randy Couture - Brock Lesnar (Za UFC naslov u teškoj kategoriji)
Kenny Florian - Joe Stevenson
Gabriel Gonzaga - Josh Hendricks
Demian Maia - Nate Quarry
Dustin Hazelett - Tamdan McCrory
Uvodne borbe:
Jorge Gurgel - Aaron Riley
Jeremy Stephens - Rafael dos Anjos
Mark Bocek - Alvin Robinson
Matt Brown - Ryan Thomas
Izvor: www.profightstore.com
Verujem da prenos for free nece biti nigde...?
Vjerovatno ne, Nova TV je prenosila UFC kada se Mirko borio, ali ovo ne vjerujem, tako da cemo morati sacekati snimke, koji se ipak i dosta brzo pojave na netu.
Randy Couture - Brock Lesnar
koja ce ovo krljanje da bude. jedva cekam da vidim !!!!!
tako da cemo morati sacekati snimke, koji se ipak i dosta brzo pojave na netu.
Da, da...ovaj put cemo morati biti malo strpljivi.
Matt Brown vs Ryan Thomas - Submission (Armbar) R2/0:57
Mark Bocek vs Alvin Robinson - Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R3/3:16
Jeremy Stephens vs Rafael dos Anjos - KO (Punches) R3/0:39
Aaron Riley vs Jorge Gurgel - Decision (Unanimous) R3/5:00
Demian Maia vs Nate Quarry - Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1/2:13
Gabriel Gonzaga vs Josh Hendricks - KO (Punches) R1/1:01
Dustin Hazelett vs Tamdan McCrory - Submission (Reverse Armbar) R1/3:59
Kenny Florian vs Joe Stevenson Submission (Rear-naked choke) R1/4:03
Brock Lesnar vs Randy Couture - TKO (Punches) R2/3:07
Pobjednik je boldovan.
Randy Couture vs. Brock Lesnar
Lesnar enters the cage to the sounds of Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.” The champion follows as Aerosmith’s “Back in The Saddle” plays.
Round 1
Referee Mario Yamasaki gives the final instructions in the center of the Octagon. The fighters stare intensely into each others eyes and Lesnar cracks a smile. The fighters touch gloves and the action is on. Couture goes straight to the clinch as he backs Lesnar up against the fence. Lesnar smartly knees the thigh of the champion as he switches control against the fence. Now pushing Couture against the fence, Lesnar backs off absorbs a hard right hand to the jaw. Lesnar drops levels for a single-leg takedown, which is defended nicely by Couture. Lesnar switches to a double and gets the takedown. The challenger works from half-guard. He briefly has the mount, but Couture has none of it. Couture nearly sweeps Lesnar to his back. Lesnar picks an ankle and counters with a beautiful trip. Lesnar, from half-guard, pins Couture’s right arm down with his leg while punching the head. Couture scrambles to his knees while Lesnar controls from the top. Couture makes it to his feet and has Lesnar pushed against the cage. Lesnar grabs the fencing twice to avoid a takedown and is warned by Yamasaki.
Jordan Breen scores the round: 10-9 Lesnar
TJ De Santis scores the round: 10-9 Lesnar
Mike Fridley scores the round: 10-9 Lesnar
Round 2
Lesnar lands a standing elbow that stuns Couture to start the second round. Couture recovers and clinches with the challenger, where he lands a left knee to the head. Lesnar lands a clean knee to the body and Couture answers with a right hand. Lesnar is cut above the right eye in the exchange. Couture goes right back to the clinch and tastes a right-shoulder punch from the much larger Lesnar. The fighters separate and Lesnar lands a hard right knee to the chin. Lesnar follows with a right hand on the temple. Couture collapses and Lesnar swarms with hammer punches. Yamasaki watches closely as Couture does not answer. He steps in to save Couture. Brock Lesnar takes Randy Couture’s UFC heavyweight title with a second-round TKO. The official time is 3:07 of round two.
Izvpr: Sherdog
Video Couture vs. Lesnar na www.mmatko.com
lesnar dobio wooooohooooo
evo za ekipu uzivajte http://www.mmatko.com/randy-couture-vs-brock-lesnar-fight-video-ufc-91/
Reklo bi se da je 25 kg tezi Lesnar bio preveliki zalogaj za The Natural-a.
ogroman je
Navodno je Brock tezi 20kg od Randy-ja,mada deluje da je duplo toliko...
nista specialno cekamo borbu lesnar-fedor
Lesnar je kao i svi drugi teskasi na mjerenju morao da se spakuje u - 265 funti, sto je nesto malo preko 120 kg. Naravno posto je mjerenje dan ranije, a on realno nosi vise kg - neki kazu i cijelih 280 funti, skine se, a u oktagonu izadje tezi, zbog toga je i razlika u kilogramima veca na dan borbe.
Lesnar ce morati da skine jos neki dobar skalp prije nego li realno moze da se i pomisli na njegov mec sa Fedorom.
Iz onoga sto vidim cini mi se da ce Nog jos neko vrijeme da bude nepremostiva prepreka za UFC-eve borce.
Odlican mec.
Lesnar ce morati da skine jos neki dobar skalp prije nego li realno moze da se i pomisli na njegov mec sa Fedorom.
Iz onoga sto vidim cini mi se da ce Nog jos neko vrijeme da bude nepremostiva prepreka za UFC-eve borce.
slazem se apsolutno kad si bas spomenuo Big Noga...
UFC 91 fighter paydays and salaries for ‘Couture vs Lesnar’ tops $1.1 million
MMAmania.com has received the fighter payouts for UFC 91: “Couture vs. Lesnar” from the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC) for the monster pay-per-view (PPV) event held on November 15 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.
And, as we reported before the show even started, Brock Lesnar was the big winner of the evening in more ways than one, pocketing a $450,000 base salary and prying the heavyweight title from Randy Couture’s grip with a second round technical knockout.
“The Natural” will of course went home with more than just bumps and bruises — he now has an additional cool quarter million in his bank account, which could will more than likely help soften the blow of losing his belt … a little.
Gabriel Gonzaga also cashed in, earning $110,000 for his lighting fast destruction of Josh Hendricks.
Here are all the UFC 91 payouts:
Brock Lesnar — $450,000 ($250,000 to show, $200,000 to win)
Randy Couture — $250,000
Brock Lesnar defeated Randy Couture via technical knockout (strikes) in round two
Kenny Florian — $80,000 ($ 40,000 to show, $40,000 to win)
Joe Stevenson — $35,000
Kenny Florian defeated Joe Stevenson via submission (rear naked choke) in round one
Dustin Hazelett — $28,000 ($14,000 to show, $14,000 to win)
Tamdan McCrory — $10,000
Dustin Hazelett defeated Tamdan McCrory via submission (armbar) in round one
Gabriel Gonzaga — $110,000 ($55,000 to show, $55,000 to win)
Josh Hendricks — $8,000
Gabriel Gonzaga defeated Josh Hendricks via technical knockout (strikes) in round one
Demian Maia — $40,000 ($20,000 to show, $20,000 to win)
Nate Quarry — $25,000
Demian Maia defeated Nate Quarry via submission (rear naked choke) in round one
Aaron Riley — $8,000 ($4,000 to show, $4,000 to win)
Jorge Gurgel — $10,000
Aaron Riley defeated Jorge Gurgel via unanimous decision
Jeremy Stephens — $16,000 ($8.000 to show, $8,000 to win)
Rafael dos Anjos — $4,000
Jeremy Stephens defeated Rafael dos Anjos via knockout in round three
Mark Bocek — $18,000 ($9,000 to show, $9,000 to win)
Alvin Robinson — $7,000
Mark Bocek defeated Alvin Robinson via submission (rear naked choke) in round three
Matt Brown — $16,000 ($8,000 to show, $8,000 to win)
Ryan Thomas — $3,000
Matt Brown defeated Ryan Thomas via submission (armbar) in round two
Keep in mind the salaries listed above do not include fight bonuses, sponsorships, percentages and other unofficial payments. It also does not include deductions for expenses such as insurance, taxes, etc.
For example, the UFC often hands out extra cash for “Fight of the Night,” “Knockout of the Night” and “Submission of the Night.” To check out these figures for UFC 91 go here.
The total base fighter payroll for the blockbuster PPV event, which attracted a near sellout crowd of 14,272 fans and a huge gate of $4.8 million, was $1,118,000.
Izvor: www.mmamania.com
prepolovio se Cotur..ko da je bolestan...
Premotavao sam vise puta,al ne videh koji udarac ga obori!
para u ufc je mizerija....fuj dana white...fuj :(