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Autor Tema: Moris Grin završio karijeru  (Pročitano 5920 puta)

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Moris Grin završio karijeru
« poslato: Februar 04, 2008, 01:53:40 posle podne »
Nekadašnji olimpijski i svetski šampion u sprintu Moris Grin završio je karijeru. 33-godišnji Grin, najuspešniji sprinter sa kraja prethodne decenije, odluku o povlačenju saopštio je u ponedeljak, izjavivši da više nema snage da se bori sa brojnim povredama. Grin je osvojio tri zlatne medalje na 100 metara na svetskim prvenstvima, 1997, 1999. i 2001. godine, kao i olimpijsko "zlato" 2000. godine u Sidneju.

"Sa jedne strane sam tužan zbog kraja karijere, ali u isto vreme i zadovoljan onim što sam ostvario. Proteklih nekoliko godina sam se mučio sa povredama, nisam mogao da treniram, tako da je bolje da prekinem. Došlo je i vreme da neki novi klinci izađu na svetsku scenu", rekao je Grin.

Na SP u Sevilji, 1999. godine, postao je tek drugi atletičar u istoriji koji je objedinio titule na 100m, 200m i u štafeti 4x100m. Prethodno je samo Karl Luis imao isti učinak, da bi prošle godine u Osaki i Tajsonu Geju isto pošlo za rukom.

Na mitingu u Atini, 1999. godine, oborio je svetski rekord na 100m, istrčavši najkraću deonicu za 9,79 sekundi, što je bilo za 5 stotinki brže od dotadašnjeg rekorda. Tri godine kasnije, Tim Montgomeri je oborio taj rekord, koji je zatim poništen, da bi Asafa Pauel, 2005. godine, 100 metara istrčao za 9,77 sekundi.

Američki sprinter je odluku o povlačenju saopštio u Pekingu, gde je obilazio objekte za predstojeće Olimpijske igre.

izvor: B92
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 02:27:22 pre podne »
Znaci ipak su povrede bile jace od ovog sjajnog sampiona!
Interesantno, bas sam prije par dana procitao sjajan clanak u MAXX-u broj 6 bas o njemu, kompletan primjer treninga, prehrane, jako zanimljiva prica!

Evo kradem od MAXX-a njegov meni:

6 AM - 12 bjelanaca, dvije solje ovsene kase, voce
10 AM - manja konzerva tune, napitak sa 30-40 grama whey proteina
2:30 PM - 350 grama grilovane ribe, mjesano povrce
6 PM - 350 grama grilovanih pilecih grudi, mjesano povrce
8 PM - Opciono: napitak sa 30-40 grama whey proteina.

Zaista je zanimljiv clanak, preporucujem svima da ga procitaju!

Van mreže mrki

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 08:52:43 pre podne »
Znaci ipak su povrede bile jace od ovog sjajnog sampiona!
Interesantno, bas sam prije par dana procitao sjajan clanak u MAXX-u broj 6 bas o njemu, kompletan primjer treninga, prehrane, jako zanimljiva prica!

Evo kradem od MAXX-a njegov meni:

6 AM - 12 bjelanaca, dvije solje ovsene kase, voce
10 AM - manja konzerva tune, napitak sa 30-40 grama whey proteina
2:30 PM - 350 grama grilovane ribe, mjesano povrce
6 PM - 350 grama grilovanih pilecih grudi, mjesano povrce
8 PM - Opciono: napitak sa 30-40 grama whey proteina.

Zaista je zanimljiv clanak, preporucujem svima da ga procitaju!

možda je glupo ali sam uočio da u njegovom obroku ima jedva 50gr UH što je po meni nelogično za jednog takvog sportistu a pogotovo sprintera!!Ili je ovaj meni netačan ili ovde nešto ne štima

Van mreže natasha_bg

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 10:31:24 pre podne »
mrki i meni je malo cudno.sem ovih ovsenih nema UH uopste.a da ne racunam vlaknaste UH iz povrca?

Van mreže mrki

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 11:21:56 pre podne »

6 Glavnih faktora u treningu:

1)Brzinski trening usmeren na apsolutnu brzinu
2)Trening brzinske izdržljivosti sa tri tipa treninga
-trening sa niskim anaerobnim opterećenjem
-trening sa srednje visokim anaerobnim opterećenjem
-trening sa visokim opterećenjem
3)Trening sa tegovima
4)Pliometrija..povećava sposobnost vrlo brze primene sile na podlogu
5)Rad na tehnici
6)Opuštanje mišića..

Po svemu sudeći samo samoubica bi imao onakav mali unos UH  na ovakav program treninga...

Van mreže ivan2big

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 01:35:19 posle podne »
Zamisli da je jeo 300g hidrata,pa trcao bi ispod 6 sekundi!!

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 01:49:04 posle podne »
Iz onoga sta sam procitao u MAXX-u, ne unosi veliku kolicinu UH iz razloga jer po njemu posto ne trci duge staze ne trosi previse energije.

Iskreno gledajuci njegov trening, opisan do tancina, cinilo mi se da bi malo vise UH bilo logicno, ne tih 300 koje spominje Ivan, jer za sprintera od 82 kg to je po meni puno, ali malo vise od ovoga sto unosi da.

Ali s obzirom da je covjek postavio rekord od 52 trke koje je istrcao ispod 10 sekundi (drugi je Ato Bolton sa 28 takvih trka) sigurno je da zna sta je za njega najbolje.

Naravno ne sumnjam da su informacije koje su prenesene tacne, jer je izvor po meni vrlo relevantan, ali da bi se moglo malo i prodiskutovati zasto da ne.

Van mreže MAXX

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 02:11:13 posle podne »
Da, evidentan je nedostak ugljenih hidrata, ali bili smo obavezni da prenesemo autenticno... Jedino sto mi se cini kao logicno objasnjenje je da mozda ovo mesano povrce sadrzi i nesto sto ima skroba npr. mahunarke, mozda kukuruz, pirinac...

Van mreže mrki

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 02:14:13 posle podne »
Iz onoga sta sam procitao u MAXX-u, ne unosi veliku kolicinu UH iz razloga jer po njemu posto ne trci duge staze ne trosi previse energije.

Iskreno gledajuci njegov trening, opisan do tancina, cinilo mi se da bi malo vise UH bilo logicno, ne tih 300 koje spominje Ivan, jer za sprintera od 82 kg to je po meni puno, ali malo vise od ovoga sto unosi da.

Ali s obzirom da je covjek postavio rekord od 52 trke koje je istrcao ispod 10 sekundi (drugi je Ato Bolton sa 28 takvih trka) sigurno je da zna sta je za njega najbolje.

Naravno ne sumnjam da su informacije koje su prenesene tacne, jer je izvor po meni vrlo relevantan, ali da bi se moglo malo i prodiskutovati zasto da ne.

Meni malo ovo neverovatno  zvuči ali ajd sigurno si upravu za to da on zna šta mu najviše prija,iskreno potražiću na netu još neki jelovnik poznatih sprintera i atletičara pa ću uporediti ..

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Februar 05, 2008, 02:17:26 posle podne »
Odlicno, to ce sigurno biti zanimljivo!

Van mreže mrki

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Februar 06, 2008, 09:20:27 pre podne »
                                                                ATHLETIC NUTRITION

Pre-Game Meal and Other Considerations
The face of nutrition changes almost daily. Fad diets and new research about foods and supplements are released to the public by scientists and pseudo-scientists every day. Nutritionists world wide agree on one thing, proper nutrition is a must for optimal athletic performance. Proper diet choices are difficult in today’s fast food, eat-it-on-the-run society; athletes, however, must apply the same discipline to nutrition that they apply to their training habits.

Proper nutritional habits for athletes do not differ much from non-athletes. Athletes should consume 2,000 or more calories per day. The average non-athlete should consume no more than 2,000 calories per day to maintain body weight. Athletes need to consume more calories due to the caloric cost of training. For athletes these calories should come from complex carbohydrates (CHO), not fats, simple sugars, or alcohol. Athletes will require more fuel for their muscles, this translates into a higher CHO intake. Athletes will need to consume 60% or more of their calories from CHO, while non-athletes should not consume more than 60% of their calories from CHO. In terms of body weight, athletes should consume 3—5 grams of CHO per pound of body weight per day.

Complex CHO intake is accomplished by consuming grains (breads, pasta, rice, and whole grain cereals). An athlete should consume 6 to 11 servings per day from this energy supplying food group.

Fat consumption should be controlled, not eliminated. Fat ingestion is necessary for proper mental function, hair production, hormonal cycles, and finger and toe nail production, to mention a few. Fats should be unsaturated and from vegetable sources. Meat sources of fat contain high amounts of saturated fat. Saturated fat has been linked to cardio-vascular disease. Good fat sources include olive oil, vegetable oil, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in ocean fish. Avoid fats from red meats (choose lean cuts of meat), fried food, and most fast food. Fast food (McDonalds®, Taco Bell®, etc.) is cheap largely due to the fact that it is high in fat. High fat foods are cheap to buy and the cost is passed along to the consumer, both in terms of dollars and the cost to your health.

There is a widely held myth that weight lifters and body builders need more protein in their diet; the truth is that long distance runners need to increase their protein consumption more than weight lifters. This myth addresses an important issue in nutrition; nutritional concerns need to be addressed not only to type of activity but body weight. Body builders weigh more, usually, than distance runners therefore, consume more protein in terms of serving size. Distance runners, weighing less than weight lifters, will consume smaller portions however, the ration of grams of protein to body weight should be higher for runners.

An athlete should consume 0.5 to 0.75 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Runners should be in the high end of the recommendation due to the amount of protein wasting caused by long distance running.

Dairy sources need to be included in a well balanced diet. An athlete should consume 2 to 3 servings of this food group per day. Dairy foods, low fat milk, yogurt, and cheese, are important sources of calcium. Calcium is necessary for proper neural and muscle function. Females need to be certain to consume enough calcium to prevent osteoporosis. Preventing osteoporosis begins in adolescence, not late in adulthood.

The remaining food groups are just as important and often sacrificed in an athlete’s diet. Fruit and vegetable consumption provide important vitamins, minerals, and phyotchemicals that we all need for proper nutrition. An athlete should consume 3 to 5 servings of vegetables and 2 to 4 servings of fruit per day. Remember that 12 ounces of juice can be substituted for a serving of that particular fruit or vegetable.

Athletes should also eat more meals per day than non-athletes. The standard “3 squares a day” will not provide enough energy during the day to promote optimal training and performance. It is recommended that athletes consume 6 meals a day. This provides the athlete with constantly replaced energy stores and eliminates the feeling of fullness that three large meals produces. Smaller amounts of food can be consumed before and after exercise to help with optimal performance.

Serving sizes also differ from food “portions.” The following list is a basic indicator of food serving sizes in accordance with proper dietary recommendations.

Your fist or cupped hand = 1 Cup

A half-cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta is one serving. For raw leafy greens, such as lettuce, a serving is a cup. A cup of cooked or hopped raw vegetables or fruit equals 1 serving.

Your Thumb = 1 ounce of cheese

One thumb-size chunk of cheese equals approximately one ounce.

Your Thumb Tip = 1 teaspoon

A small portion of peanut butter, butter, mayonnaise, or swipe of brownie batter is high in fat calories. If the amount eaten matches the size of the last joint of the thumb, it equals one teaspoon. Three thumb sizes equals a tablespoon. The tip of your index finger is approximately half a teaspoon.

A handful = 1 or 2 ounces of snack foods

One handful equals 1 ounce of nuts or small candies. For chips and pretzels, 2 handfuls equal 1 ounce.

Your Palm = 3 ounces of meat

One serving of meat is only 2 to 3 ounces. Two 3 ounce low-fat servings of meat, fish, shellfish, or poultry or a single 6 ounce daily serving are recommended.

A tennis ball = 1 serving of fruit


One of the most often asked questions concerning athletic nutrition is “When should and what should I eat prior to performance?” The answer to this is complex, but easily explained. The basics are as follows:

Eat a large meal 4 to 6 hours prior to competition;

Eat a smaller meal 2 to 3 hours prior to;

Snack 1/2 to 1 hour prior to;

Snack with in 1/2 hour post performance;

Snack again 1 1/2 to 2 hours after performance, and

Consume adequate fluids before, during and after performance.

The large meal should be rich in CHO choices, be “tried and true favorites,” psychologically comfortable and psychologically pleasing. Common choices are pasta with meat sauce, fruit and vegetable serving, fruit juices, and water. Other meal choices can include pancakes, lean turkey bacon, fresh fruit, fruit juice or low fat milk, and water.

The smaller meal 2 to 3 hours prior to competition should also be CHO rich. The choices may be the same but in smaller quantities. Good choices would be fresh fruits and vegetables, bagels, rice, yogurt. Again this meal is laying the energy foundation for performance.

The snack prior to competition should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. This snack needs to be very low in fat (high fat contents at this time significantly slow gastric emptying and “rob” the muscles of blood necessary for performance.)

Post exercise snacks are essential for replacing muscle energy stores that were lost during exercise. These energy stores are best replaced within the first 1/2 hour post training or performing. Therefore, a snack should be encouraged within 1/2 hour and again within 2 hours after training. Some athletes may have problems eating this soon after competition so merely encourage these individuals to consume small amounts of CHO over a longer period of time.

Fluid consumption prior to performance is very essential. Dehydration can compromise performance more than poor nutrition on game day. Proper hydration begins in the morning, an athlete must consume fluids during the day. Also remember that dehydration is cumulative, that is , poor rehydration builds over days of training. An athlete should consume fluids dictated below.


Greater than 2 cups consumed 2 hours prior to performance,

2.5 cups 10 to 15 minutes prior,

1/2 to 3/4 cups every 15 minutes of performance,

Post Exercise, consume 1 pint for every pound lost during performance.

Van mreže natasha_bg

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Februar 06, 2008, 10:52:23 pre podne »
Uh malo ga oduzise:).Sve u svemu ono sto pise u textu o ishrani atleticara,dosta se razlikuje od ishrane Moris Grin-a.

Van mreže MAXX

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #12 poslato: Februar 06, 2008, 11:23:45 pre podne »
Slazem se. Odstupanja su evidentna. Inace clanak o Morisu Grinu preuzet je iz americkog casopisa Muscle & Fitness, i prenet bez ikakvih izmena. Jedino objasnjenje koje bi eventualno moglo doci u obzir je ono koje sam naveo, par postova gore. Ali opet, cak i to bi bilo malo UH u odnosu na neke standarde...

Van mreže natasha_bg

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #13 poslato: Februar 06, 2008, 12:47:00 posle podne »
E pa mozda i on radi variacije sa UH,pa je dao plan ishrane od dana kada je na 50g UH:)

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: Moris Grin završio karijeru
« Odgovor #14 poslato: Februar 06, 2008, 02:50:08 posle podne »
mozda se dopinguje 
« Poslednja izmena: Februar 06, 2008, 02:52:07 posle podne H2SO4 »
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije