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Autor Tema: THE BODYBUILDING TRUTH  (Pročitano 3158 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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« poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 10:53:55 posle podne »
THE BODYBUILDING TRUTH -- Can You Handle It? It's a fact:Most of the information you've read about building a better body is a lie. The reason is simple. Bodybuilding results are limited -- for everyone. As much as we all would like to believe it's an endless pursuit with unlimited opportunity for growth, it is most definitely finite. There is only so much one can do to develop their body to its utmost potential. Yet bodybuilding is also a business, and as with any business, revenue must be obtained. Therefore, it's necessary to provide the buying public with new incentives, new products, new anything -- as long as it can be sold. What's more, much of the so-called information you'll find in magazines and websites is manipulative prattle which isn't especially effective and at times, detrimental. Nevertheless, it's propagated for profit. Beyond the greed factor, there are other reasons so much information is off base. In some cases, the deceit is intentional. If you knew the fastest way to make the most of your bodybuilding potential, you wouldn't remain a customer for very long and the marketers want your business! In other cases, the parties involved simply don't know better. And it isn't because they're ignorant -- in fact in many cases, they're very knowledgeable. I should know, I was such an authority. I had the certifications, and the titles and the yada, yada, yada. But after being involved with bodybuilding for over 30 years, I came to realize that much of what was promoted was based on skewed information. I've found experience to indeed be the best teacher. And what experience has taught me is that what "the book" says doesn't always pan out in the real world.I've always tried my best to rectify the abundance of misinformation perpetuated -- not out of any great humanitarian gesture, but due more to the fact that I get a kick out of being the guy to say the Emperor has no clothes. As you'll see, he's butt naked.A select few publications for whom I've worked welcomed this perspective. In some cases, it was an upstart website which turned tail and went mainstream as soon as they tasted a few dollars. (For what it's worth, MuscleMag International was one of the few mags with the guts to print what many thought was way too extremist). While other publications confessed that they liked my work, they also flat out admitted they wanted no controversy. Most companies want the same stuff that has been said so many times before and they don't care whether it's right or wrong. As a bodybuilding industry insider, I've seen more deceptive tactics than I care to remember, and it sickened me. It got to the point where I was ready to throw in the towel -- instead, I decided to compile this book. The following information is a combination of material which was considered too radical for print as well as a collection of "best of" articles that have been published throughout the years. I honestly believe that within these pages is everything a bodybuilder needs to know concerning maximum muscular development. But it comes with a caution. Some of this material will fly smack in the face of what you've heard and what you may have convinced yourself to be true. Be that as it may, I have nothing to gain by convincing you my way is better. The goal here is to pass along information which will save you years of wasted effort and thousands of dollars in worthless books, magazines, personal courses, instructional videos and overpriced supplements. WARNING: The following information may force you to rethink much of what you know about bodybuilding. Read it at your own risk.==========

Van mreže mrki

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« Odgovor #1 poslato: Januar 23, 2008, 08:27:18 pre podne »
Dok sam ovo čitao imao sam osećaj kao da je autor texta  duci-Simonović.

Van mreže H2SO4

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« Odgovor #2 poslato: Januar 23, 2008, 03:37:37 posle podne »
Nelson Montana
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže H2SO4

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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  • sve je to na psihickoj bazi ®
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije