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Autor Tema: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman  (Pročitano 7825 puta)

Van mreže H2SO4

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King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 09:07:42 pre podne »
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 09:40:55 pre podne »
Dal' ga Milos jos uvek sprema?

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 09:49:53 pre podne »
yap, treniraju punom parom, najavljuje se opasna forma za Ironman
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Boj@n.R

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 11:16:06 pre podne »
I dalje mi deluje ko krs, aj da vidimo bas..... ;think;

Van mreže GORAN_ILIC

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 01:30:13 posle podne »
I dalje mi deluje ko krs, aj da vidimo bas..... ;think;

Ma napravice ga Misko...

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 05:14:14 posle podne »
Milos ce morati da upotrebi svoj carobni stapic i Kinga dovede u pravu formu, u koju, makar koliko pratim, nije bio godinama.

Vidjecemo koliko ce uspjeti da ga dovede u red. U svakom slucaju ima izuzetno tezak zadatak!

Ali znajuci kako Sracev zna da transformise ove momke vjerujem da ce napraviti cudo, a cudo je i potrebno da King udje u TOP 3 na nekom takmicenju poput Ironmana.

Na mreži Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Januar 22, 2008, 06:28:17 posle podne »
ovo sto je big vlad rekao je poptuno tacno.

king nece nikada u top 3.

na ovj slici se vidi ogromna kolicina vode koju king jos uvek drzi..ali mogu da vazm kazem odmah.

to tako treba..!!!!

froma ce verovatno biti dobra...ali upotreba sintola..i gentika...e tu milos ne moze nista.....


  • Gost
Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Januar 26, 2008, 04:23:23 posle podne »
je li on imao povredu desnog bicepsa?


  • Gost
Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Februar 12, 2008, 11:42:43 pre podne »
King Kamali is one of the most colorful and opinionated IFBB pros. He loves talking smack and takes his training very seriously. Love him or hate, Kamali lights up a stage during a competition and makes sure the world knows he's getting ready for a battle.
He makes the sport interesting with his comments and electrifies the crowd when he poses. The King is throwing his hat into the ring and is going all out to win the IFBB 2008 Iron Man on February 16. He took some time from his busy prep schedule to answer a few questions for the readers of Here's what the King had to say...
[ Q ] King, I've heard through some sources that you're looking pretty big these days in your prep for the 2008 Iron Man. How much are you weighing and what weight do you think you'll come in at on contest day?
You heard right, brother. Big as a f---ing house and you know what that means to the judges? JACK S---T! It's a new Iron Game and it's all about who is hot and who is plastered on the pages of the muscle mags. Even before pre-judging has begun the judges already know who they want to see and who is in the hunt. The best way to get over this hump is to come in looking like an animal they have never seen before. Conditioning will be my X-Factor. I am currently 3 1/2 weeks out from the Iron Man Pro and I am 278 lbs. first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. And I could give a rat's @ss what I will be on stage... I will be a new animal.
[ Q ] When was your last competition, what was your weight and how did you place?
   The last time I was on an IFBB stage was the 2007 Montreal Pro where I was 268 lbs. the day of the show. I think I placed 8th... Don't really remember or care. What I do care about is that I was a f---ing freak on that stage and the added muscle even surprised me.
[ Q ] Were you satisfied with the package you brought to the stage at the show?
   Like I said I was a freak and many of my peers were quick to give me props on the added size. My best friend and guru advisor, Jim "Magnum" Magnone, showed some old tricks and took me back to the old-school days of Haney and Gaspari.
The bottom-line is this; if you try to appease the judges you will lose your mind and eventually your soul. The correct path is to beat yourself so no matter where "they" place you, one can be content with the outcome.
[ Q ] Did you make any changes to your off-season training or diet in getting ready for this pro season?
   Yes I did... I TURNED TO THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE. You see, I started to see a pattern going on with some of the competitors and it caught my attention. Everyone Milos Sarcev gets his hands on ends up making insane improvements and winning shows.
Perfect example is Dennis Wolf. I beat this man at the Montreal Pro last year and one year later he ends up embarrassing Jay Cutler at the Mr. Olympia by smacking him around during the pose down... F---ing amazing! Milos and I buried the hatchet at this year's Montreal show and decided to shock the world. He introduced me to the Dark Side and now I'm his apprentice.
[ Q ] So Darth Sarcev is teaching his new apprentice to become Darth Kamali. Sarcev's other pupils have had done very well. Are you using his "hyper-emia" approach and incorporating during-workout amino/carb drinks along with giant sets? Can you reveal some of the "dark side" things you're doing under the guidance of Milos?
   It's all give and take, home boy... He gives a lot and I take a little. I have been doing this for 20 years now and no one has a better understanding of my body than yours truly.
Milos is like a walking encyclopedia and that's what makes him the Sith Lord. Whatever he preaches he can back it up with science. And believe me, when I say that no other so-called "guru" can even come close.
I do incorporate giant sets into my training program but the core of my training has been and will always be power-building. I am freaky strong and if I'm not using bone crunching weight then I just don't feel it. I will say that all the peanut butter and jelly he has me eating is the best filler I have ever used. Making me grow like a weed.
[ Q ] How long have you been under Milos?
   We had a serious man-to-man talk after the finals of the Montreal Pro and that's when he made me an offer that I could not refuse. He showed me the path and I am almost there. The Iron Man will be one to remember.
[ Q ] Are you at the Koloseum training with Milos or is he advising you through e-mail and photos like Chad Nichols does with his clients?
   've been there a couple times to keep me in check, but in all honesty, there is no need for that at all. Milos understands who King Kamali is now and he will bet his life that if I'm suppose to eat whale sh!t for my fourth meal on any given Wednesday, it shall be eaten, no matter what. I have not missed a meal, training session, massage, tan, or pill. It's my time now and we have big plans.
[ Q ] I saw a photo online last night where you were five weeks out. You were looking very full and thick. Is this a direct result from working with Milos or some heavy off-season lifting?
   That picture looks like a tub of rat sh--t. Like I said before size is not the issue for me, it will all be about conditioning. Milos and I are bringing in the best King Kamali EVER... Period.
Q ] So that photo from five weeks out is not any indicator of what you look like now?
   Bro... I worked my @ss off and the added size is the proof but all that mass means nothing if my conditioning is not from another planet. I just started the fat burning phase and I am transforming on a daily basis. My sh--t will be dead on the money.
[ Q ] You mentioned your frustration with the judging. Where do you expect to place at the Iron Man?
   NO, no, no, my brother... I never said I was frustrated with the judging. This is the IFBB and I have learned that nothing is set in stone and if you try to beat them you will end up the loser. I have beaten Dexter Jackson, Dennis Wolf, Melvin Anthony, Gustavo Badell, and a slew of other top professionals so I know what I am capable of. I am very confident that when I bring my A-Game I will be a top contender for the Iron Man title. You want a prediction? I will be at my all time best.
[ Q ] Back to what Milos has you doing. Are you doing crazy poundages with giant sets? Could you give me an example of what your leg workout consists of?
   Milos sticks with light weights but with ridiculous amount of reps and exercises (giant sets). I like going heavy but I incorporated his style into mine and it has worked wonders for me. A typical leg training session goes something like this:
Leg Extensions: 3 sets of 20 reps (gradually working up to the whole stack)
Drop set #1:
•   Smith Machine Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps (405 lbs.)
•   Barbell Full Squats: 3 sets of 20 reps (315 lbs.)
•   Sissy Squats: 3 sets of 60 seconds (body weight only)
Drop set #2:
•   Leg Press Machine: 3 sets of 30 reps (full stack)
•   First 10 reps toes in, next 10 reps toes out, last 10 reps feet wide and toes out.
Finishing Exercise:
•   Dumbbell Lunges: 3 sets of 50 reps followed by 60 seconds of quad squeezes after each set.
[ Q ] Have you been focusing on anything in particular in your training now or in your off-season to bring up any body parts that you might think are lagging?
   Each body part is trained the same. I stopped training shoulders for about 6 weeks or I would look like I had bowling balls implanted in them. Everything has come up especially the arms and legs, thanks to Milos. I stopped doing cardio on the treadmill and bike and switched over to training in Gracie Ju Jitsu 4 times a week. It's the best cardio ever and I also sharpen up my skills.
[ Q ] You got me thinking... Using peanut butter and jelly as a filler is intriguing. How much are you eating and when do you eat it? Post-workout? Throughout the day? Tell us more about this Sith practice of consuming PB&J during pre-contest.
   First thing in the morning and immediately after training I eat 6 scoops of each and down it with 32 oz. of water. It's amazing what it did for my fullness.
[ Q ] Besides PB&J what's the rest of your diet like?
   Tons of fish, and buffalo. I have all my meals prepared for me and delivered to my front door first thing in the morning. As far as veggies go Barbara has a lot of it in the fridge but everything else is made for a King.
[ Q ] What's your final week of prep like? I think I read you carbed up on pie filling for the Night of Champions a few years back. Have you changed that approach?
   I don't know, brother. You will have to ask Milos that one, I will be living with him the final week before the Iron Man.
[ Q ] I saw you at the Iron Man in 2005. I think you placed fifth there in a pretty tough field of competitors. Ahead of Titus and one place behind Melvin. This year's event looks to be very competitive also. Phil Heath will be there after nearly a year off from competition. He's added some size and you've probably seen the photos and video taken by Isaac Hinds recently. What do you think of this new guy people are calling "The Gift?"
   First of all let's keep it real, buddy. I placed fifth in 2005 and you and I know Melvin and Troy had nothing on me and got the West Coast nod, AGAIN! That was f---ing bulls--t and one of the driving forces for what I am going to look like this year. I have not seen the Heath pics, but I have heard from my bro, Robbie Lopez, that he has put on size and looks to be on target. I'm looking forward to the comparison... And yes, he is gifted.
[ Q ] Although it sounds like you're most concerned with competing against yourself and your goal is to bring your all-time best look to the stage this year, do you see any competitors that will be tough for you get past?
   I don't care who is in the show, a 100% King will be in the hunt for the win.
Q ] It sounds like you have every intention of qualifying for the Olympia again at the Iron Man. Will you enter the "O" if you qualify? And if you do qualify, will you hit any more shows this year before the Olympia?
   I belong in the Olympia, you know it, the fans want it, and I will earn it. Olympia is the only show in the scopes.
[ Q ] Well, it would be great to see you at the Olympia press conference. I know Dan and Bob would like you to liven things up a bit.
   Oh sh--t I will light it up... Don't worry, dog, it's all falling into place.
[ Q ] You're one of the few competitors who actually competes on stage. You hold your ground, bump elbows, and give a shove here and there. For the enjoyment of the crowd, are you planning on shoving anyone this time?
   I only shove after someone else shoves me first. I don't start sh--t. I talk sh--t. Yes, I admit it; I talk more smack than anyone else on stage. It's my personality coming out and my inner drive pushing through. Some competitors are too sensitive so they are easy targets for me. But it's all in fun.
[ Q ] Alright, King, I just have to ask... you've undoubtedly heard about the Nasser interview. Have you read it and what's your take on this whole thing?
   No, I have not read it and I could care less. I have a show to win, no time for light weight sh--t.
[ Q ] Well, you sound like a busy guy who's very focused on coming in the best shape possible. What's a typical day's schedule for you as you're prepping for this show?
•   Wake up at 6:00 a.m. and eat meal #1
•   Change and feed my little baby girl
•   Fat/carb. load (P&J)
•   Go to the gym for MMA training
•   Go tanning
•   Pick up my food for the day
•   Eat meal #2
•   Sleep
•   Eat meal #3
•   Sleep
•   Eat meal #4
•   Fat/carb. load
•   Go to the gym and train
•   Go to Z-Spa for a deep tissue massage
•   Eat meal #5
•   Answer all e-mails and check on my trades
•   Eat meal #6
•   Fat Load
•   Sleep
[ Q ] You're known for your dynamic posing routines. Do you have a routine planned for the Iron Man or will you go with crowd reaction and play it by ear.
I will bring the mother f---ing house down! 'Nuff said!
[ Q ] Has posing always come natural to you? Did you have a coach or mentor?
   That's the easy part. I just do what comes naturally. I have some tricks up my sleeve for the coming year. It seems like people have forgotten who the originator is.
[ Q ] I read that your contract was up with MuscleTech. Are you in any negotiations with another supplement company?
   The finishing touches are being negotiated for a new contract with a kick-ass supplement company. They have the correct vision and understand what I am going to bring to their arsenal. Their products are far superior to the rest of the pack and, most importantly, they have not sold their soul to make a buck. Integrity goes a long way in the big scope of things. I will make an announcement on my web site by late next week.
[ Q ] You turned pro after winning the heavyweight class at the 1999 Nationals and have been competing as an IFBB pro since 2001. You've seen a lot of things change in the sport. Do you like the way things are progressing in the sport and are what are some changes that you'd like to see?
It is what it is man and I have a couple more things on my "to-do" list before I move on to next phase of my life. As with any sport you will always have the good and the bad but unfortunately for us, we also have the ugly and that's when it gets a little complicated. Speaking out could mean your career and that's going to come back and bite some people in @ss... Remember, what goes around comes around.
[ Q ] Is there anything else we haven't covered that you'd like to share with the King Kamali fans out there?
   Yes, I do. Not just to my fans, but to all bodybuilders out there: Don't sell your souls for the price of fame. The reward is not worth the pain, TRUST ME!
[ Q ] Thank you for your time, King. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Iron Man next month. Good luck in your training and maybe you can reveal some of the Sith secrets for the last week of your prep with us after the show!
The Iron Man will be one to remember. Talk to you soon... Peace.

izvor :

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Februar 12, 2008, 07:58:14 posle podne »
On ima duh bildera,ali to je sve...Njemu ni Milos ne moze pomoci,forma ce mu sigurno biti mnogo bolja,ali on je King Kamali i tu se ne moze mnogo sto sta promeniti,jednostavno ima nedopadljivu gradju.No ko ce ga znati,ja bar tako mislim...


  • Gost
Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Februar 12, 2008, 08:12:08 posle podne »
pa da,to je i moje misljenje,pogotovo su mu ruke losa partija,o struku da i ne pricam.
On bi trebao batalit bildovanje jedno 2godine i ne pipat teg&crappy ishrana da se iskatabolizuje da mu otpadne taj shut sa stomaka pa onda isponova udrit dok ne povrati formu hahaha

Van mreže BlueSky

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Februar 14, 2008, 08:44:43 posle podne »
Milos ce morati da upotrebi svoj carobni stapic i Kinga dovede u pravu formu, u koju, makar koliko pratim, nije bio godinama.

Vidjecemo koliko ce uspjeti da ga dovede u red. U svakom slucaju ima izuzetno tezak zadatak!

Ali znajuci kako Sracev zna da transformise ove momke vjerujem da ce napraviti cudo, a cudo je i potrebno da King udje u TOP 3 na nekom takmicenju poput Ironmana.

Njega u nesto dopadljivo oku, ne bi doveo ni Gandalf The White, a ne Milos :)
Ovo bez ikakve lose konotacije na Milosev racun. Mozda ce on biti u dobroj formi, ali bez obzira on je nedopadljiv i ruzno gradjen, meni bar.
Sem toga, meni builder treba da ima neku harizmu, kao sto je imao Dorijan, Roni, Shawn Ray, Labrada....

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #12 poslato: Februar 14, 2008, 09:54:16 posle podne »
King je poznat po tome da mnogo prica, vrlo cesto ulazi u verbalne konflikte sa drugim bodybuilderima, i za razliku od Shawn "Motorna usta" Raya ili nekog od ljudi koje si pomenuo nema tijelo i top rezultate sa kojima bi stao iza sve te price - i to je ono sto ga po meni ne svrstava u BB elitu, jednostavno je samo jos jedan prolaznik u bodybuildingu koji nece ostaviti bitniji trag...

Inace se slazem da je pozeljno da vrhunski bb ima i nesto vise od sjajnog tijela...

Van mreže Nemac

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #13 poslato: Februar 15, 2008, 12:47:16 pre podne »
•   Go to the gym for MMA training
Ovo je stvarno za svaku pohvalu.Ali sto se tice izgleda,neznam nisam nesto strucan ali sa moje tacke gledista,mora mnogo bolje.

Van mreže Manimal

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Odg: King Kamali 5 weeks out from the Ironman
« Odgovor #14 poslato: Februar 15, 2008, 03:33:53 pre podne »
1 week out, 264lbs