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Autor Tema: DAVE PALUMBO  (Pročitano 195443 puta)

Van mreže MAXX

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« Odgovor #45 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:34:14 posle podne »
Moze da bude sporno samo za one koji su u principu protiv ketogenih dijeta, jer ovo zaista jeste jedna prava ketogena dijeta, i to veoma striktna u smislu rigorozne redukcije ugljenih hidrata.
Verovatno stoji argument da ovaj nacin ishrane nije podesan za naturalce (zbog opasnosti od katabolizma), ali ovo je u principu takmicarska dijeta i kao takva valjda nije ni namenjena naturalcima...

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« Odgovor #46 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:36:55 posle podne »
jbt..ja kao da pricam franuscki...

ja jako dobro znam sta je cettonic diet cak sam je i koristio itd.itd..itd...da sada ne uzlaim ud etlaje..

mene znaim..sta je sporno kod unosa UH kod ove sta kome tu nije jasno??

rec low...znaci...malo....ali ocigledno da je to MALO..prilicno opterecujece za nekoga pa pojma nema sta to malo..znaci...

dakle..bez filzlofije i sranja.postavio sam jednsotavno pitanje sta je sporno kod diejte koju palumbo preprucuje..

Van mreže MAXX

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« Odgovor #47 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:42:47 posle podne »
To bi morao da odgovori neko za koga ima nesto sporno. Za mene nema. Ketogena dijeta prilagodjena atletama, i to je sve. Ono sto mi se cini da buni pojedine, je ekstremno mali unos UH.

Van mreže MAXX

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« Odgovor #48 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:47:30 posle podne »
Koliko znam, cesta je pojava da se ljudi ne slazu sta konkretno u gramima znaci low carb... Posto si radio ketogenu dijetu, i to veoma uspesno, bilo bi dragoceno da nam kazes koja su tvoja merila i iskustva u vezi toga?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« Odgovor #49 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:50:08 posle podne »
neznam sta ih ima tu buniti.

miki..ti si pametan covek pa onda treba vrlo jasno i da kazes onima kojima nesto nije jasno.isto kao i sto im j kazem.


zar se nekome cini..iole normlanom....da pored ovilike kolicine helahty rpvom mestu..mozes i smes da unosis JOS UH???

veoma prosto..

mislim da bi ovo i moj ogi skontao da ne ide i da 2+2 nije 6...

tako da neznam koji deo ih buni.

u stvari ja znam...a to je taj..da niko nema jaja da stgne i rpoba.

rekoh,..ja sam bio 4 nedlje na ovoj diejti...mnogima sam je prepricio..stvarno radi extra...ali i treba imati jajaj do kolena da izguras ovo do kraja.

jer bez bozira na sve..svi su svesni da treba vezbati na orasima umesto na rizi..


Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« Odgovor #50 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:50:35 posle podne »
Koliko znam, cesta je pojava da se ljudi ne slazu sta konkretno u gramima znaci low carb... Posto si radio ketogenu dijetu, i to veoma uspesno, bilo bi dragoceno da nam kazes koja su tvoja merila i iskustva u vezi toga?

upravo objasnih miki

Van mreže MAXX

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« Odgovor #51 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:54:19 posle podne »
Stari, ti mene poznajes i znas da se uzdrzavam da dajem preporuke i objasnjenja u vezi necega sto nisam siguran da potpuno znam. Iako ponesto znam o tome, ketogene dijete nisam probao ni licno ni na onima sa kojima sam radio, pa sam se zato uzdrzao od davanja brojki itd, i na kraju zamolio tebe da to uradis.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« Odgovor #52 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 08:57:54 posle podne »
Stari, ti mene poznajes i znas da se uzdrzavam da dajem preporuke i objasnjenja u vezi necega sto nisam siguran da potpuno znam. Iako ponesto znam o tome, ketogene dijete nisam probao ni licno ni na onima sa kojima sam radio, pa sam se zato uzdrzao od davanja brojki itd, i na kraju zamolio tebe da to uradis.

nadam se da je ok..

str8 to face....

pa ko voli

Van mreže H2SO4

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« Odgovor #53 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 09:11:12 posle podne »
cuejm da ga je tony freeman napustio zbog neslaganja oko nekih megadoza hemije. nisam siguran za taj info
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Gjoroski

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« Odgovor #54 poslato: Januar 10, 2008, 10:37:45 posle podne »
Ja sam bio malo u setnji, pa sam duzan samo malo pojasnjenje, oko mog postovanja na temu DAVE DIJETE.
Problem nije bio u njegovom meniju. Jer je to izvodljivo, za onog koji ima m..a da to odrati,ali i koji je mentalo spreman za sve to. Cela stvar je u glavi.
Problem je bio oko "low carb ili no carb,"
Dakle, ako se radi o dejiti namenjena za dobijanje misicne mase, onda Dave preporucije i unosenje UH sa svakim obrokom od 30-50 gr. prema individulanom izboru.
Follow my same formula. . . High protein (50g per meal), Moderate Fat (25g per meal), and moderate carbs (35-50g per meal).

Ako se radi od ejite za definiciji, priprema za takmicenje, ONDA JE STRIKTNO NO CARB.
When your carbs go to virtually nothing (which they should be), for the first 3-4 days you will feel "weird" since the brain is desperately searching for gluose to use and it's starving for fuel. Once that initial 3 days is done, your brain will switch to using ketone bodies (fats) and it will seem as though someone flipped on the light switch-- you'll feel great.
The trick is not to go LOW.......but to get rid of them completely. Low will keep your braining hoping you eat more............NONE will force your brain to start burning KETONE BODIES (FATS) and will stablize your blood sugar and you'll feel great!
 I evo jedno prosto objasnjenje sa negove strane:
Remember, the diet I suggest has all its components in place for a reason. I constantly get questions of whether a person could follow my diet suggestions and use a bit less fat and one or two small carb meals. The truth is, any diet works if there's a logical plan behind it and if you stick to it. If you add some carbs to my diet and take away some fat, it will no longer be my diet.
 If you add carbs, you'll never get your brain into KETOSIS. If your brain isn't in ketosis, it will constantly be searching for CARBS to use as energy.

Mislim da je sada sve jasno. On spominje, pise LOW CARB, ali sve to dolazi kao nus pojava uneta preko sasvim drugih namirnica koje nisu CARB namirmice.
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 10, 2008, 10:39:20 posle podne Gjoroski »

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« Odgovor #55 poslato: Januar 11, 2008, 05:42:29 pre podne »

ja da se pitam ja bi tuda proterao autobus...

jbt bobce samo si zbunio klionce..

pricas malo an sprskom pa onda krenes sa engl tj citiras davida......opusteno

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #56 poslato: Februar 01, 2008, 09:24:35 posle podne »
Dave, do you have any opinions on impact/nonimpact carbs as a way of eating carbs but not releasing much insulin to inhibit fat burning or is that just a marketing ploy?
I really believe that the whole NON IMPACT CARB marketing ploy is as silly as the old FAT FREE marketing sales hype was 10 years ago. Carbs release insulin, PERIOD! Unless, of course, they are a non absorbable fiber. Be real careful of the whole NON IMPACT CARBS "warning"

dave, what are your thoughts on orals like anavar 10mg by british dragon, if i weret o run 20 mgs a day would that be harmful on the liver im paranoid with it affecting my liver or kidneys etc.

also liv 52, by himalya should i take with that and dose it realy worki have heard good things about it !
Liv-52 by HIMALAYAN LABS is an awesome liver detoxifer.

If you have any liver problems, whatsoever, I would steer clear of all 17-alpha akylated oral steroids..............ANAVAR included!

Q nr1: A friend of mine uses only 2-3 iu of GH before his workouts 4-5 times a week (offseason) & says it work wonders for him... Any coments?

Q nr2: I have my own bodybuilding & fitness store over here in Europe, Sweden & can use all supplements I want..what would you use?

-If I wasn`t built for this I`d be dead by now-

Q nr1: A friend of mine uses only 2-3 iu of GH before his workouts 4-5 times a week (offseason) & says it work wonders for him... Any coments?I agree; 2-4IU is the ideal dosage of GH. I suggest taking it all in the morning since that's when your body is the most catabolic

Q nr2: I have my own bodybuilding & fitness store over here in Europe, Sweden & can use all supplements I want..what would you use?As for supplements, I suggest sticking with a good Whey protein, creatine, and an essential fatty acid supplement (Omega-3 fish oil (3000mg per day) and Evening Primrose oil (2600mg per day)

Whats your reasoning behind recommending the evening primrose oil dave???
Evening Primrose Oil is a great source of GLA (Gamma linolenic Acid) which happens to be one of the heathy Essential Omega-6 fatty acids. It's also a great liver detoxifier.

I prefer the high intensity training technique. Less sets, heavy weight, but excellent form. I usually do 1 or 2 sets per exercise using impeccable form.

Originally Posted by huge285 
Evening Primrose Oil is a great source of GLA (Gamma linolenic Acid) which happens to be one of the heathy Essential Omega-6 fatty acids. It's also a great liver detoxifier.

I prefer the high intensity training technique. Less sets, heavy weight, but excellent form. I usually do 1 or 2 sets per exercise using impeccable form.

And how many sets per body part would you use.

Right now

I'm doing 2 exercises per body part (sometimes one for smaller groups). 2 sets each w/ a mix of rest pause and drop sets.

Ex: For Back I'll do Lat Pulldown (6-8 reps) rest 10 sec, then do a few more reps. drop the weight about 25% do some more reps, rest 10 more sec, and do as many reps as I can.

i'll do two sets........then I'll do the same with a isolation back exercise.

I'm using this as a break from high volume training.

Do you use any intensive techniques dave such as rest pause, drop sets, forced reps, eccentric training etc?????

Originally Posted by huge285 
Evening Primrose Oil is a great source of GLA (Gamma linolenic Acid) which happens to be one of the heathy Essential Omega-6 fatty acids. It's also a great liver detoxifier.

I prefer the high intensity training technique. Less sets, heavy weight, but excellent form. I usually do 1 or 2 sets per exercise using impeccable form.

And how many sets per body part would you use.

Right now

I'm doing 2 exercises per body part (sometimes one for smaller groups). 2 sets each w/ a mix of rest pause and drop sets.

Ex: For Back I'll do Lat Pulldown (6-8 reps) rest 10 sec, then do a few more reps. drop the weight about 25% do some more reps, rest 10 more sec, and do as many reps as I can.

i'll do two sets........then I'll do the same with a isolation back exercise.

I'm using this as a break from high volume training.

Do you use any intensive techniques dave such as rest pause, drop sets, forced reps, eccentric training etc?????

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #57 poslato: Februar 01, 2008, 09:35:40 posle podne »
Another problem I see is that I have trouble getting from 16 to 14 % BF, but when I get to 14 I can drop to 10 or 11% easier. It is like my body 'figures out' what i am trying to do. Does this make sense or am I talking out of my ass? My question would be if this is possible can I drastically drop kcal until I get to 14% (maybe 2 weeks at a dramatic cut, with BCAA supps galore to spare muscle) and then go on this diet or would my metabolism be ****ed if I dropped it too quickly. Just follow the diet and be patient...........any time you do something too drastic, you're risking problems.
Well I am using the cutting diet Dave has, switching over from my VLCD that was very similar. My question is I have a bunch of supplements that I have just laying aorund that were either given to me or I purchased. I've never taken gear or anything of the sort, but what i have laying around are AMS 4- AD and Arom-X, Xyience XTEST And XNGF (natural growth factor).

Is it worth taking any of these? Save it and experiment in the offseason.
I live in sunny South-Africa and was wondering when your products will be available in our country? I already ship to several customers there. Feel free to order!
thanks for the answer

Testo + deca ?

because , testo + tremb , maybe produce gyno . maybe? If you're not sure give it a try. Most people don't get gyno from TRENBOLONE.
Add Femara to combat the possible gyno ? Gyno from TREN is caused by too much prolactin. To combat that, take 1/2mg Dostinex every 3rd day.
I am in need of some new wrist straps and wanted to know how your new hand gripper wrist straps compare to standard wrist straps? Also, how long does a pair last? They will probably last you forever! Once you use them, I guarantee that you'll think they're the best straps you every used.........and I bet you'll never use a conventional pair of straps again!
You said coffee is fine, but no concentrated stimulant pills. I'm guessing you mean hydroxycut, ripped fuel, ephedrine. YEP!

What about energy drinks like Redline or Endorush? I don't recommend them. The final choice, of course, is always yours! Stimulants are not for bodybuilders. It's the worst drug choice you can make.
Dave, I am advising a freind of mine to do cardio on an empty stomach with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. He cant seem to handle doing the cardio with no food at all, is there anything he can take or eat that will keep the cardio effective for fat burning? Tell him to drink 2 glasses of water.....then try it. You'll be surprised how much better he'll feel.
hey dave, what do u think about saunas, can they help preontest? They can help dehydrate you and make you feel like you have a hangover all the time. Stay away!
Whats wrong with smoked foods? And what about liquid smoke? They cause cancer. Don't eat smoked food.
whens daves testolyze coming out? i wanna see whats in it I was supposed to get it tomorrow.......It's delayed till early next week. I will have ARTHROLYZE in stock tomorrow evening.....
I have been lifting for a little over two years now and I really want to put on alot of mass. I am 6'2" 195lbs and even though I am and have been eating EVERY day ( around 400 grams carbs) I still do not put the weight on easy. I take in 250 - 300 grams of protein as well. Anyways I am really thinking about doing a cycle with test maybe even GH but before I do I just got a product from "IDS" called "Bulk Tabs" and wanted to see what thay can do for me.
Bulk Tabs Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving:
Anabolic Amplifier Proprietary Blend 150mg
Hoelenen, Buplurium, Bergamottin.
BulkGro Proprietary Blend 350mg
Green Tea, Milk Thistle, Chrysin, 6 Bromo 3, 17 dioxoetioallcholane, Acetyl L Carnatine, 3, 17 Anabol, Epimedium Sagittatum, 3beta-hydroxy-5a-Androst-1-ene-17one. I don't think this product will do anything for you........

In your opinion do you think these tabs can help me or do I need to go on a cycle? If so what can you recommend a good starting cycle for some awesome mass?? Thank you Dave!!! If you're looking for size gains, stick with the "real" thing...... Try 100mg EQ EOD and 200mg Deca 2x per week for 12 weeks.
I hear some people use Crystal Light? That has Malto in it, does anyone know how much? I find it easy to drink a gallon of this stuff per day, but would that be too much on this diet?

There's nothing bad in there:


I am currently taking BCAAs, creatine and glutamine immediately post work out in water and then 20-30 min later drinking a whey isolate shake. Is this practice productive or counter productive on your ketosis diet plan when trying to get ripped? It's a waste of time........throw the creatine into your whey isolate and all natural PB shake and ditch the other crap!

If you were to advice against BCAAs and Glutamine when dieting then when I do cardio immediately post work out should I sip a little whey isolate instead of the BCAAs just to fight muscle catabolism? You're not gonna lose any muscle if your cardio is low intensity. Everyone thinks it's so easy to lose muscle. It is only if you start adding your own "insights"......... if you're following my protocols, you won't lose anything.

Thank you very much Dave for this truely awsome thread and not to mention of course your great tasting whey protein isolates ! ! ! Glad you enjoy ISOLYZE!
Dave what are your thoughts on L-Dopa for fatburning, or for natural GH release? Thanks

I know that AUTHOR L REA like L-Dopa for GH release but I'm a little scared about screwing up dopamine sensitivity by taking too much L-Dopa.... I think it's not worth the slight increase in GH you "might" get.

Last edited by huge285 : January 16th, 2008 at 01:04 AM. 

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #58 poslato: Februar 01, 2008, 09:40:54 posle podne »
Jako mi je zao sto ne stizem da prevedem textove zbog nedostatka vremena.....
Another problem I see is that I have trouble getting from 16 to 14 % BF, but when I get to 14 I can drop to 10 or 11% easier. It is like my body 'figures out' what i am trying to do. Does this make sense or am I talking out of my ass? My question would be if this is possible can I drastically drop kcal until I get to 14% (maybe 2 weeks at a dramatic cut, with BCAA supps galore to spare muscle) and then go on this diet or would my metabolism be ****ed if I dropped it too quickly. Just follow the diet and be patient...........any time you do something too drastic, you're risking problems.
Well I am using the cutting diet Dave has, switching over from my VLCD that was very similar. My question is I have a bunch of supplements that I have just laying aorund that were either given to me or I purchased. I've never taken gear or anything of the sort, but what i have laying around are AMS 4- AD and Arom-X, Xyience XTEST And XNGF (natural growth factor).

Is it worth taking any of these? Save it and experiment in the offseason.
I live in sunny South-Africa and was wondering when your products will be available in our country? I already ship to several customers there. Feel free to order!
thanks for the answer

Testo + deca ?

because , testo + tremb , maybe produce gyno . maybe? If you're not sure give it a try. Most people don't get gyno from TRENBOLONE.
Add Femara to combat the possible gyno ? Gyno from TREN is caused by too much prolactin. To combat that, take 1/2mg Dostinex every 3rd day.
I am in need of some new wrist straps and wanted to know how your new hand gripper wrist straps compare to standard wrist straps? Also, how long does a pair last? They will probably last you forever! Once you use them, I guarantee that you'll think they're the best straps you every used.........and I bet you'll never use a conventional pair of straps again!
You said coffee is fine, but no concentrated stimulant pills. I'm guessing you mean hydroxycut, ripped fuel, ephedrine. YEP!

What about energy drinks like Redline or Endorush? I don't recommend them. The final choice, of course, is always yours! Stimulants are not for bodybuilders. It's the worst drug choice you can make.
Dave, I am advising a freind of mine to do cardio on an empty stomach with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. He cant seem to handle doing the cardio with no food at all, is there anything he can take or eat that will keep the cardio effective for fat burning? Tell him to drink 2 glasses of water.....then try it. You'll be surprised how much better he'll feel.
hey dave, what do u think about saunas, can they help preontest? They can help dehydrate you and make you feel like you have a hangover all the time. Stay away!
Whats wrong with smoked foods? And what about liquid smoke? They cause cancer. Don't eat smoked food.
whens daves testolyze coming out? i wanna see whats in it I was supposed to get it tomorrow.......It's delayed till early next week. I will have ARTHROLYZE in stock tomorrow evening.....
I have been lifting for a little over two years now and I really want to put on alot of mass. I am 6'2" 195lbs and even though I am and have been eating EVERY day ( around 400 grams carbs) I still do not put the weight on easy. I take in 250 - 300 grams of protein as well. Anyways I am really thinking about doing a cycle with test maybe even GH but before I do I just got a product from "IDS" called "Bulk Tabs" and wanted to see what thay can do for me.
Bulk Tabs Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container: 30
Amount Per Serving:
Anabolic Amplifier Proprietary Blend 150mg
Hoelenen, Buplurium, Bergamottin.
BulkGro Proprietary Blend 350mg
Green Tea, Milk Thistle, Chrysin, 6 Bromo 3, 17 dioxoetioallcholane, Acetyl L Carnatine, 3, 17 Anabol, Epimedium Sagittatum, 3beta-hydroxy-5a-Androst-1-ene-17one. I don't think this product will do anything for you........

In your opinion do you think these tabs can help me or do I need to go on a cycle? If so what can you recommend a good starting cycle for some awesome mass?? Thank you Dave!!! If you're looking for size gains, stick with the "real" thing...... Try 100mg EQ EOD and 200mg Deca 2x per week for 12 weeks.
I hear some people use Crystal Light? That has Malto in it, does anyone know how much? I find it easy to drink a gallon of this stuff per day, but would that be too much on this diet?

There's nothing bad in there:


I am currently taking BCAAs, creatine and glutamine immediately post work out in water and then 20-30 min later drinking a whey isolate shake. Is this practice productive or counter productive on your ketosis diet plan when trying to get ripped? It's a waste of time........throw the creatine into your whey isolate and all natural PB shake and ditch the other crap!

If you were to advice against BCAAs and Glutamine when dieting then when I do cardio immediately post work out should I sip a little whey isolate instead of the BCAAs just to fight muscle catabolism? You're not gonna lose any muscle if your cardio is low intensity. Everyone thinks it's so easy to lose muscle. It is only if you start adding your own "insights"......... if you're following my protocols, you won't lose anything.

Thank you very much Dave for this truely awsome thread and not to mention of course your great tasting whey protein isolates ! ! ! Glad you enjoy ISOLYZE!
Dave what are your thoughts on L-Dopa for fatburning, or for natural GH release? Thanks

I know that AUTHOR L REA like L-Dopa for GH release but I'm a little scared about screwing up dopamine sensitivity by taking too much L-Dopa.... I think it's not worth the slight increase in GH you "might" get.

Last edited by huge285 : January 16th, 2008 at 01:04 AM. 

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #59 poslato: Februar 01, 2008, 09:54:08 posle podne »
is taco bell ok to eat when i have my cheat/carb up meal? not to sure on what food to eat when i carb up. and how much carbs is to much when carbing up That's fine!
should i carb up twice a week or once. i'm clean sunday thru friday i cheat on satruday should i add aday or just make it one day You can have 2 cheat meals per week in the offseason.
It seems to me that someone who is type 1 diabetic and not a bodybuilder would benefit greatly from your keto diet, wouldn't they?? I mean the amount of slin they need to use would have to go way down wouldn't it??. It's a great diet to follow. My gf Colette is a type 1 Diabetic since she's 12 years old and she does great on the diet. In fact, her insulin requirements dramatically drop while on a ketogenic diet.
Hey Dave, was Mighty Mike Quinn serious about coming back in the NY Pro? He says he definitely IS!
hey when i took the armour at 150/37 t4/t3 per day i lost an amazing amount of fat in only 3 weeks. but all the times i took t3 it never did anything.
and my friend now wants the rest of my t3 because she has loosing weight big time after only 14 days.
the reason i went up in dosage so quickly because it wasnt working. i did

14 days at 25mcg
14 days at 50 mcg
21 days at 100 mcg.
7 weeks is a long time for thyroid hormones not to work at all.
i was just wondering if anyones else has experienced this. Everyone is so preoccupied with whether a drug is "WORKING". Cytomel is not a stimulant and it can't cause you to lose 10lbs of fat per week. Along with a smart diet, exercise program, and enough rest, cytomel will up the fat burning process by about 10-15%. Increasing your dosages up to 100mcg in 21 days is insanity. YOu were probably losing muscle (if anything). Also, cytomel should always be combined with clenbuterol or GH for maximal fat burning effects.
I know we have some people here that have used Cissus. I was wondering if I can take Cissus with food or if it has to be taken on an empty stomach??? With food is always best for nutritional herbs. I would be careful of taking too much of the stuff since blocking inflammation can inhibit muscle growth.
I'm currently 8 weeks out for my show,a little behind,standing in the 9-10% range...
I'm using it right now a very High Protein and moderate carbs,low fat diet...
Since i'm a bit behind i was thinking in giving your diet a try...
I'm currently taking 2.280 calories per day,i'm 5'8 201 pounds,i'm already on two cardio sessions per day both 45 minutes,one in empty stomach,other in the evening...This what it came off of your diet:
Please tell me if you agree and if the numbers seems right:

Meal #1.-.

4 Whole Eggs & 6 Egg Whites
Pro:46 grams;Fat:21 grams;Carbs:4 grams

Meal #2.-.

2.5 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolated
Pro:58 grams;Fat:0 grams;Carbs;0 grams
1.5 TBSP of Natty Peanut Butter
Pro:6 grams;Fat:12 grams;Carbs:5 grams

Meal #3.-.
217 grams Chicken Breast(Measured Raw)
Pro:50 grams;Fat:2 grams;Carbs:0 grams
25 Almonds Unroasted
Pro:6 grams;Fat:15 grams;Carbs:6 grams

Meal #4.-.
2.5 Scoops of Whey Protein Isolated
Pro:58 grams;Fat:0 grams;Carbs;0 grams
1.5 TBSP of Natty Peanut Butter
Pro:6 grams;Fat:12 grams;Carbs:5 grams

Meal #5.-.
217 grams Chicken Breast(Measured Raw)
Pro:50 grams;Fat:2 grams;Carbs:0 grams
1 TBSP Olive Oil
Pro:0 grams;Fat:14 grams;Carbs:0 grams
1 Cup Green Beans
Pro:2 grams;Fat:0 grams;Carbs:8 grams

Meal #6.-.
3 Whole Eggs & 5 Egg Whites
Pro:40 grams;Fat:16 grams;Carbs:4 grams
Calories:2.275 Calories
Pro:321 Grams=58%(1283 Calories)
Fat:94 Grams=38%(848 Calories)
Carbs:32 Grams=4%(86 Calories)
What is the recommended dosage on your new joint product? 5 pills of ARTHROLYZE taken 2x per day gives you: 4000mg Glucoseamine, 4000mg MSM, 1000mg Chondroiten, and 6mg Boron

And also when is testostylyze (sp) coming out? 2-3 weeks.
Is it true that you stated that you don't have to cycle off gaspari's nolvadex xt and your new product? True!If so what will be your recommended dosage on your new product? 3 pills per day.
If following the "Palumbo Performance Diet"
and you had the choice of MHP Probolic SR or Prosource Nitro Whey (link below), which would you choose? Currently unemployed and short on funds...|6477&id=239

I like the PROSOURCE product......
Kudos for keeping this Q and A, it is priceless. I have a short Q. I'd like to get into contact with Dennis Newman. I have searched the net, but had no luckm can't find an official website. Could you PM me his contact details so I can E-mail him. Appreciating your effort for your help

Last edited by huge285 : January 30th, 2008 at 03:50 AM.
whats the deal with sodium in the off season , whats a good range to stay around , dont wanna have to much in a day Enjoy yourself. Eat as much as you want!
I know you said no sorbitol,
because in large amounts it has laxative effects, but Im in Germany and their arent many options, would the amount that would be in a stick of gum be too much? Nah, that's a very small amount in gum
Also, what do you know about huxol, its the only artifical sweetner I can find here. Thanks so much! It contains saccharin. That's fine if you like the taste!
I know it's been covered,but when is the best time to take the psyllium husk? AM,PM, with or without food. Will it affect supplement absorbtion? I take it in the morning and at night (with meals)....but it can be taken between meals too. You can take it with all supplements except fatty acids (take those separately). GIve my new DUAL soluble fiber (psyllium) and insoluble fiber (wheat bran) supplement, FIBERLYZE a try!
Hey Dave got a question for you when U do GH And Insulin can you put them in the same syringue for the injection ??? no
Dave, I have been running the diet with great success for about 8 weeks. I recently started using your fiber supplement. Fiberlyze I think it is called. Anyway, since then I have had trouble getting into ketosis. Do you think its just a bad batch of keto sticks or could the fiber supplement be taking me out? If you're not eating carbs, believe me, you're in ketosis. Ketostix are not always very accurate. Fiber would have no bearing on that.
Ok... Dave. Let's say someone is doing a show on December 31, the last day of the year. The day is not important - the question is.
For a person preparing for the show, doing a off-season steroid cycle, and a pre-contest cycle - how should this be laid out...
for example...
8 weeks offseason, drugs and eating - 4 weeks post cycle, off-season eating - 16 weeks pre-contest, drugs and diet...?
Basically, I'm asking the question - "If you're taking drugs to put on mass, how should you time this in relation to your show and pre-contest cycle?" I'd go straight from the OFFSEASON into the PRECONTEST cycle (no break). Take a break AFTER the show!
How much do you charge for an appearance fee? It would be cool if you could come visit SUNY Cortland, we have some kids doing a natural show in May and I think your diet and training tips would be great Contact me at
HMG ???( Menotropin ) . HMG is LH & FSH compared to HCG which contains only LH and only causes a slight increase in testicle size. FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to raise sperm output and cause a
much greater increase in testicle size than LH alone. Men who have used HMG report that their testicles have returned to normal size after long training cycles and frequently much bigger

HCG and HMG both contain LH and FSH............HCG contains MORE LH and less FSH ............ HMG contains more FSH and less LH
The key is that LH stimulates testosterone while FSH stimulate sperm cell production. Therefore, HCG is the preferred PCT drug!
how safe is Oral masteron 45 mg for men ???? and would u recommend anything else for cutting besides it , that is safer ? I'm not sure how absorbable oral masteron is........i'd stick to the injectable form at 100mg 3x per week.
Was wondering on the diet about Spray butter? Says nothings in it but wondered what your thoughts are on it. if you can limit yourself to 4 sprays per day (which is next to impossible). If you start using a bottle per day, just throw it out the window.

Also is there a limit on diet soda a dayno, enjoy!Also the off brand crystal light says it has nothing but on the list malto is listed. Then, don't go too crazy with it. Maltodextrin is NO GOOD!
im not sure how fine of a line it is between a huge cheat meal and going beyond that to where its detrimental...If you can't distinguish, then err on the side of LESS IS BETTER!
Is it ok to have Cucumber and/or green pepper on your salad at night? YES
what is the most cardio you would ever do at one session(postworkout) for a natural when following the Palumbo Diet? Is 60 minutes okay to do at one session because it would be much easier to do that than to do two 30 minute sessions I'd say 60 min max per session.
hey dave. I get blood work done every 3 months because i am on Hrt therapy. my thyroid levels have always been normal. when i started this t3 i started at 25 mcg for 2 weeks. when i took the armour i lost weight and could tell a difference in 2 weeks. i lost weight at that time for no reason, didnt change diet or cardio, the weight was just coming off. it worked great for just 3 weeks at 150 mcg/37.5 mcg (t4/T3) per day. i then stopped because i got really lean in that 3 weeks. anyway after 2 weeks of this t3 nothing happened so then i bumped it up to 50 mcg for 2 weeks and nothing. and keep in mind im eating clean and doing cardio just as before taking this. after 4 weeks nothing so then to see if it was fake i took 100 mcg for 3 weeks and i actually gained 3 lbs during this whole 7 week process. i got my thyroid checked on week 7 and took 100 mcg that morning before the test. my blood test came back normal. It's probably fake. Either that or you shut down your natural production and now the 100mcg you're taking is just replacing what you naturally produce.

my female friend has lost so much weigth on this stuff she wants me to give her the rest of mine. all her friends are telling her shes to skinny. she love it. she has taken t3 several times and is experienced.

so you think if it was real t3 my tests could still show normal thryoid thyroid levels?

it is my 3rd time taking t3 from different places and it has never worked for me. the only time it worked amazingly was when i took the armour.

i know you going to say "SHUT UP THEN AND TAKE THE ARMOUR!! AND QUITE BUGGING ME"...........but it pisses me off.

i do have armour on the way. but it pisses me off that nothing happens when i take the t3. i would just assume that all the stuff ive gotten from 3 different sources is that it is fake. i would believe this until my friend started taking it and dropping so much weight its ridiculous. and she has always worked out and dieted and done cardio. she is really fit. so its not like she changed anything.

sorry for the long email im just frustrated......

if I train chest on monday and then do back on tuesday and do dumbell pullovers for back would that overtrain my chest or would I be fine? FINE!
I see you are going to guest pose at the Heart of Texas in Plano later this year. Will you also be doing a seminar? Looking forward to seeing Collette and yourself. Colette will guest pose and I'm doing a seminar!
whats a good 15wk comp cutting cycle that will not come up in a piss test? GH and CYTOMEL! THey don't test for these two PERFECT! Add in my LIPOLYZE product and you have a potent trio of fat burners!

If I can not obtain GH, what would be your next choice(s)?just skip it!
If I can get GH, How much would you use in that short period of time?2iu per day