citam danas u vezi slucaja Chris Benoita i slucajno nadjem ovaj tekst tj listu poginulih i preminulih kecera. za nevjerovat koja visoka stopa smrtnosti. inace ko klinac sam gledo s vrijemena na vrijeme wwf i wcw i tek sad vidim da je vecina tih zanimljivih likova iz '90 je - mrtvo
na prvi pogled reko bi covjek oni se tamo malo izmajmunisu dobiju grdne pare i dobro njima, publika se odlicno zabavlja, ma diznilend. ali na zalost ne prodju svi ko hulk hogan, the rock, john cena ...

boze sacuvaj
Wrestling Deaths If you have not heard in the news this week, another Pro Wrestling death occurred. During the weekend of June 23, 2007, Chris Benoit, 40, committed suicide but also took the lives of his wife and 7-year-old son. As horrible as the details are of this murder/suicide, the other issue that many people are missing is the amount of deaths that have occurred in the Goldberg - WWEwrestling industry.
This year alone, eight former or active WWE superstars have passed away. And since 1985, 96 wrestlers have died before the age of 65. Yeah 96! What a staggering number. No other entertainment or sport industry can boast the morality rate that pro wresting has.
So what is the cause behind all these deaths? Eric Cohen at brings up several factors that contribute to this high mortality rate - recreational drug use, steroids, overdoses of pain killers, large bodies (extra weight that causes cardiovascular issues) accidents and old age.
Should there be the creation of an oversight board that regulates the industry or some sort of government intervention from either the state or federal level that helps prevent any more deaths? Maybe pro wrestling needs to apply for a license to operate in each state they perform in like boxing. This directive would be one good way to regulate or police an industry that fails to police itself.
What should be done? I would like to hear you opinions on this.
Famous Wrestlers that have died since 1985 before the age of 65:
1. Chris Von Erich - 21
2. Mike Von Erich - 21
3. Louie Spiccoli - 27
4. Art Barr - 28
5. Gino Hernandez - 29
6. Jay Youngblood - 30
7. Rick McGraw - 30
8. Joey Marella - 30
9. Ed Gatner - 31
10. Buzz Sawyer - 32
11. Crash Holly - 32
12. Kerry Von Erich - 33
13. D.J. Peterson - 33
14. Eddie Gilbert - 33
15. The Renegade - 33
16. Owen Hart - 33
17. Chris Candido - 33
18. Adrian Adonis - 34
19. Gary Albright - 34
20. Bobby Duncum Jr. - 34
21. Yokozuma - 34
22. Big Dick Dudley - 34
23. Brian Pillman - 35
24. Marianna Komlos - 35
25. Pitbull #2 - 36
26. The Wall/Malice - 36
27. Leroy Brown - 38
28. Mark Curtis - 38
29. Eddie Guerrero - 38
30. Davey Boy Smith - 39
31. Johnny Grunge - 39
32. Vivian Vachon - 40
33. Jeep Swenson - 40
34. Brady Boone - 40
35. Terry Gordy - 40
36. Bertha Faye - 40
37. Billy Joe Travis - 40
38. Chris Benoit - 40
39. Larry Cameron - 41
40. Rick Rude - 41
41. Randy Anderson - 41
42. Bruiser Brody - 42
43. Miss Elizabeth - 42
44. Big Boss Man - 42
45. Earthquake - 42
46. Mike Awesome - 42
47. Ray Candy - 43
48. Nancy Benoit (Woman) - 43
49. Brian “Crush” Williams - 44
50. Dino Bravo - 44
51. Curt Hennig - 44
52. Bam Bam Bigelow -40
53. Jerry Blackwell - 45
54. Junkyard Dog - 45
55. Hercules - 45
56. Andre the Giant - 46
57. Big John Studd - 46
58. Chris Adams - 46
59. Mike Davis - 46
60. Hawk - 46
61. Dick Murdoch -49
62. Jumbo Tsuruta - 49
63. Rocco Rock - 49
64. Sherri Martel - 49
65. Moondog Spot - 51
66. Ken Timbs - 53
67. Uncle Elmer - 54
68. Pez Whatley - 54
69. Eddie Graham - 55
70. Tarzan Tyler - 55
71. Haystacks Calhoun - 55
72. Giant Haystacks - 55
73. The Spoiler - 56
74. Kurt Von Hess - 56
75. Moondog King - 56
76. Gene Anderson - 58
77. Dr. Jerry Graham - 58
78. Bulldog Brown - 58
79. Tony Parisi - 58
80. Rufus R Jones - 60
81. Ray Stevens - 60
82. Stan Stasiak - 60
83. Terry Garvin - 60
84. Boris Malenko - 61
85. Little Beaver - 61
86. Sapphire - 61
87. Shohei Baba - 61
88. Dick the Bruiser - 62
89. Wilbur Snyder - 62
90. George Cannon - 62
91. Karl Krupp - 62
92. Dale Lewis - 62
93. Gorilla Monsoon - 62
94. Hiro Matsuda - 62
95. Bad News Brown - 63
96. Bulldog Brower - 63
97. Wahoo McDaniel - 63
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