TUZNO; tuzno kako neki ljudi u IFBB rade svoj posao,
necu puno komentirati, samo se zivciram bez veze, slike govore sve
My lovely wife Milamar entered yet another IFBB pro figure show as I asked her to...just to be AGAIN completely ignored by the IFBB judges...
It is really DISTURBING to me to see HOW IFBB judges really judge PRO FIGURE SHOWS...
As I have no time to elaborate on that at this time - I will at least leave you with few pics of crystal clear winner of this competition (OK - crystal clear to me...as an "expert" in female beauty and feminine physiques...)
MISKO:As this last comparison photo of Milamar and eventual winner said it all: IFBB judges are insulting anyone's intelligence...
For me yesterday's competition was like watching Mr. Olympia in which novice middleweight top five finisher of the Orange County Muscle Classic would defeat Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler in "muscle contest"...
What am I saying?
I claim that if aliens come down to Earth to watch this figure show - they would conclude that IFBB figure competition awards anorexic, un-feminine look where any muscularity will be penalized...and standout competitor (like Milamar) would be pushed (placing all the way down) for....making obvious that she is training to firm beautiful, strong, healthy, sexy body with just enough muscle mass and muscle tone to keep her ultimate femininity...
Also, if someone would explain to people that IFBB stands for International Federation of Bodybuilders...and that bodybuilding means BUILDING BODY....than you would assume that PROFESSIONAL category in ANY IFBB division would consider TOP WORLD CLASS competitors - and even though it is not bodybuilding but FIGURE competition - PROFESSIONAL FIGURE COMPETITOR should look like someone who spent years in the gym building PROFESSIONAL FIGURE PHYSIQUE just like Milamar...
I am sorry to say that - but top 5 girls look like COMPLETE AMATEURS and I am not embarrassed to say - they could not even be compared to Milamar...but not in direction IFBB judges were judging yesterday (placing those girls AHEAD of Milamar...)
If IFBB judges could point out to me ONE aspect in which any of the girls were better than Milamar - I would certainly love to hear it...
She was told that she was penalized for having spectacular legs...and that in order to place in these shows - she has to loose them?!
Instead of being awarded for absolutely sensational legs - she is being panelized?
Go figure