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Autor Tema: KREATIN  (Pročitano 864323 puta)

Van mreže debeli

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« Odgovor #420 poslato: Avgust 12, 2006, 07:49:58 posle podne »
ALL STARS je Nemacka firma i jedan je od naj kvalitetnijih proizvodjaca suplemenata u Evropi.

Van mreže MR.BIG

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« Odgovor #421 poslato: Avgust 12, 2006, 08:03:03 posle podne »
Ultimate Nutrition




Kre-Alkalynhas the benefits of regular Creatine, without the associated side effects
some users experience with Creatine Monohydrate.

Creatine Monohydrate has been proven through decades of research to enhance strength,
endurance, and athletic performance. However some athletes have noted side effects
including nausea, stomach cramps, bloating, and a host of other unwanted reactions.
What wasn't realized until recently is that these side effects are actually caused by
creatinine, and not Creatine.


Kre-Alkalynis Creatine which is 100% stable and will not break down into Creatinine.
This allows the Creatine to be absorbed more efficiently into the bloodstream. Kre


Alkalynallows athletes to use smaller serving sizes while experiencing even more
explosive results.


Kre-Alkalynhas been referred to as a new form of Creatine. However, it is actually the
best form of Creatine (Creatine Monohydrate) that has been fully stabilized. It is a new


technology altogether: 100% stable Creatine. Kre-Alkalynis processed at a higher pH
level than regular Creatine Monohydrate.


On June 4, 2002 Kre-Alkalynwas awarded official U.S. Patent #6,399,661. The patent
discusses an oral Creatine supplement and the method of manufacturing this supplement,
which includes mixing an alkaline powder with a powdered Creatine until the pH of the


mixture is in the range between 7-14. The research behind Kre-Alkalyn's patent shows
that Creatine's speed of conversion to creatinine is directly related to the pH of the liquid
used for mixing—the lower the pH, the faster it converts. Conversion of Creatine into the
waste product creatinine can be halted by pH level alteration during the manufacturing


Kre-Alkalynhas a pH above 12 because its molecules are synthesized with "buffering"
agents using a patented manufacturing process. As a result, it remains completely stable
and reaches muscle cells at full strength. This helps the body absorb more Creatine, thus
lowering the serving size required for beneficial results.


Preliminary feedback for Kre-Alkalynhas been positive. Many athletes report a
decrease in water retention and the elimination of bloating. Many athletes also report
immediate results even with the elimination of the "loading" phase normally followed for
regular Creatine Monohydrate. Research has shown a dramatic increase in Creatine


Phosphate concentration when supplementing with Kre-Alkalyndaily for 2 or more


Kre-Alkalynalso buffers lactic acid. Accumulation of metabolic acid (H+) is recognized


as a rate-limiting factor in exercise. Kre-Alkalyn’s patented buffer system immediately

neutralizes the acid in the stomach, protecting the buffered Creatine from creatinine


conversion. The acidity is reduced and Kre-Alkalynis ready for absorption. After
entering the small intestine, bicarbonate ions are secreted to further alkalinize the Kre


Alkalynfor absorption into the blood stream. Kre-Alkalyn’s buffering effect assists in
sparing the body’s natural bicarbonate stores, prolonging muscular performance and
delaying the onset of fatigue.

What will pH-correct Creatine actually mean to you? No more nasty side effects. No
more loading. No more cycling. No more sugar or dextrose transport systems. Best of
all, a small serving is all that’s needed to reach your muscle cells intact and with full
impact and no bloating.
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates

Van mreže Markoni

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« Odgovor #422 poslato: Avgust 12, 2006, 08:04:02 posle podne »
i MR.BIG valja li ?

Van mreže MR.BIG

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« Odgovor #423 poslato: Avgust 12, 2006, 08:05:41 posle podne »
Tek ce da se proba : )
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates


  • Gost
« Odgovor #424 poslato: Avgust 13, 2006, 07:35:14 pre podne »
U attachmentu - uporedni prikaz nekih studija o kreatinu uradjenih na ljudima.

Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #425 poslato: Avgust 31, 2006, 11:41:36 posle podne »
Uzeo sam whey , ocu i kreatin.

Kako da uzimam kratin ako mi je trening u 9 ujutru , znaci ustanm u 7 , uzmem kreatin , doruckujem , i odradim trening , e sad , da li da uzme 10gr , odma posle treninga , ili da sacekam malo , posto sam uzeo u 7 , pa da nije mali vremenski razmak?

Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #426 poslato: Septembar 01, 2006, 12:16:15 pre podne »
i posto mi je dekstroza odvrata , procitao sam da moze i sa gumenim bombonama , zanima me koliko gumenih bombona  umesto dextroze?

Van mreže t1000

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« Odgovor #427 poslato: Septembar 01, 2006, 12:24:41 pre podne »
Citat: Nikoooola
Uzeo sam whey , ocu i kreatin.

Kako da uzimam kratin ako mi je trening u 9 ujutru , znaci ustanm u 7 , uzmem kreatin , doruckujem , i odradim trening , e sad , da li da uzme 10gr , odma posle treninga , ili da sacekam malo , posto sam uzeo u 7 , pa da nije mali vremenski razmak?

Ako imas shaker, stavi u njega 10g kreatina,30g dextroze i dve merice Whey-a i slobodno stavi 4-5dl vode i neposredno posle treninga lagano cirkaj. :)
"Šampioni su oni koji ustanu svaki put kada su bačeni na pod."

Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #428 poslato: Septembar 01, 2006, 07:26:00 posle podne »
Hvala t1000 , uzeo sam dekstrozu sa ukusom limuna i probao sam danas tako sve smuckano i ok je ukus :)

Hteo sam da pitam sledece:
1.Da li da odradim fazu punjenja sa kreatinom i kako ona izgleda , znam da je 4x po 5gr , samo me zanima kad sa dekstrozom , a kad bez nje?Znam samo da cim ustanem treba da uzmem bez dekstroze , a posle treninga sa dekstrozom , a ova ostala 2 puta kako?

2.Koliko grama dekstroze ima u jednoj merici Dymatize elite whey-a , posto dozer od proteina koristim za odmeravanje dekstroze?

3.Sa koliko vode da pijem kreatin kada ga uzimam samoga?

Molim vas da mi sto pre odgovorite , od sutra pocinjem sa ciklusom , pa da znam kako treba da uradim sve to :)

Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #429 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 02:13:57 posle podne »
Ajde ljudi pomozite , treba da pocnem da pijem!!

Van mreže MR.BIG

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« Odgovor #430 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 02:51:17 posle podne »
Posle treninga ga pijes sa sve dekstrozom i Whey proteinom.

Na druga dva pitanja stvarno ne znam sta da ti odgovorim, pitanja su malko bezvezna. Ajd razmisli - kako neko da zna koliko deks ima u dozi od Dyma proteina??? Stavi na kuhinjsku vagu pa izmeri brate.
Sa koliko vode? - pa popijes ga sa recimo tri dl vode ali ono sto je najbitnije je da drasticno povecas ukupan dnevni unos vode tokom dana.
"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable." - Socrates

Van mreže Nikoooola

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« Odgovor #431 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 05:12:24 posle podne »
Ok , hvala.

Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #432 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 11:08:14 posle podne »
E MR.BIG , jos samo ovo i necu vise biti dosadan.

Posto nemam kuhinjsku vagu , interesuje me koliko je 5gr kreatina , ravna kafena kasika , skroz puna , ili izmedju?

Van mreže sasacg

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« Odgovor #433 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 11:30:30 posle podne »
Ne zamarajte se sitnicama!!!Sta i ako uzmes 6-7g umesto 5???Nista!!5g je "onako" puna kafena :lol: Salim se,ne pretrpana,ali ne i skroz ravna,znaci izmedju :twisted:
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže Nikoooola

  • Član
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« Odgovor #434 poslato: Septembar 02, 2006, 11:43:23 posle podne »
Hvala care :)
 i jos samo nesto , da li je ok da odmah po ustajanju uzmem whey i kreatin u istok sejku i onda da doruckujem , i onda 1-2h posle dorucka da uzmem jos jedan whey sejk?