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Autor Tema: Hormoni  (Pročitano 42175 puta)

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #15 poslato: Jul 27, 2007, 09:14:39 pre podne »
Hvala na ponudi i pomoći. Ajde videću da ti prosledim iako su poprilično stručni tekstovi, pa ne znam kako ćeš se snaći ...
Ali, za sad ... barem da damo najvažniju nformaciju, sasvim dovoljno za početak ...

« Poslednja izmena: Jul 27, 2007, 09:16:28 pre podne dr_Jelena »
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže mrki

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« Odgovor #16 poslato: Jul 27, 2007, 09:50:05 pre podne »
Što u prevodu znači sintetički hormon rasta zaustavlja ili sputava normalan rad štitne žlezde što dovodi do smanjene proizvodnje hormona tiriodne  ili ti štitne žlezde.ali mi nije baš blistavo jasno šta je u stvari klinička slika hipotireodize,jel to kao neka analiza tiriodnih hormona  i njihova slika u potpunossti ili nešto drugo...voleo bih da znam da ne ostanem neuk

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #17 poslato: Jul 27, 2007, 09:58:58 pre podne »

Znači da SPUTAVA  i veoma individualno, brže ili sporije dovodi do skoro potpunog prestanka rada štitne žlezde (zavisi od mnogo faktora: doze, dužine korišćenja, rasporeda doziranja, individualnog odgovora ....)

KLINIČKA SLIKA nije analiza već termin kojim označavamo  KAKO SE NEDOSTATAK, OBOLJENJE, INFEKCIJA prezentuje (simptomi + znaci)

« Poslednja izmena: Jul 27, 2007, 10:13:41 pre podne dr_Jelena »
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #18 poslato: Jul 27, 2007, 10:13:21 pre podne »
Klinička slika hipotireoze

Hipotireoza kod nekih osoba ne dovodi do pojave simptoma, kod nekih su simptomi jako izraženi, ponekad čak ugrožavaju život. Simptomi hipotireoze su problematični jer nisu karakteristični isključivo za ovo stanje i mogu oponašati mnoge promene koje se normalno događaju tokom starenja. Opseg simptoma zavisi o težini manjka hormona i brzini kojom se poremećaj razvija. Simptomi su obično blaži kad se hipotireoza sporo razvija.
Opšti simptomi – tiroidni hormoni normalno stimulišu metabolizam i većina simptoma hipotiroizma odraz je usporavanja metaboličkih procesa Opšti simptomi uključuju umor, tromost, usporeni pokreti, usporen govor, porast telesne mase, nepodnošenje hladnoće, pospanost, bezvoljnost, emocionalna labilnost, zaboravnost, poremećaj memorije, teškoće s koncentracijom, depresija, smanjen apetit.
Koža - hipotireoza može smanjiti znojenje. Koža postaje bleda, suva i zadebljana. Kosa pojačano opada, može postati oštra i tanka, obrve mogu nestati, nokti postaju krhki.
Oči - blago oticanje oko očiju, zamagljen vid
Srce i krvni sudovi (kardiovaskularni sistem) - hipotireoza usporava srčani ritam i slabi kontrakcije srca te smanjuje ukupnu funkciju ovog organa. Posledice mogu biti: umor te nedostatak daha, osećaj nedostatka vazduha tokom vežbanja. Simptomi su teži kod osoba koje imaju pridruženu bolest srca. Hipotireoza može uzrokovati blagu hipertenziju (povišen krvni pritisak) i podići nivo holesterola u krvi.
Disajni sistem - oslabljeni su disajni mišići i smanjuje se plućna funkcija. Simptomi koji nastaju zbog toga preklapaju se sa simptomima od strane srca: umor, nedostatak vazduha u naporu, smanjeno podnošenje telesnog napora. Bolest može uzrokovati oticanje jezika i epizode prestanka disanja tokom spavanja (apnea u snu) što remeti san i uzrokuje pospanost tokom dana. Hipotireoza može uzrokovati i promuklost.
Digestivni trakt - usporava se akcija digestivnih organa i nastaje zatvor (konstipacija, opstipacija). Retko nastaje potpuni prestanak probavnih kretnji creva.
Reproduktivni sistem  - Kod žena uzrokuje nepravilan menstrualni ciklus - od postupnog izostanka menstruacije ili vrlo retkih menstruacija do čestih i obilnih. Poremećaj menstrualnog ciklusa može otezati začeće. Trudnice s hipotireozom imaju povećan rizik od pobačaja. Kod muškaraca hipotireoza uzrokuje abnormalnosti spermatozoida, prvenstveno poremećaj njihove pokretljivosti. Nakon regulacije nivoa hormona lekovima poremećaj se ispravlja. Kod oba pola hipotireoza može uzrokovati seksualne disfunkcije.
Mišićno-nervni system i zglobovi - umor, slabost mišića, bolovi u zglobovima.

Myxedema coma - ponekad kod osoba s teškom hipotireozom stresovi kao što su trauma, infekcija, izlaganje hladnoći ili određeni lekovi mogu uzrokovati po život opasno stanje koje se naziva miksedemska koma, kod koje osim gubitka svesti postoji vrlo niska temperatura tela (hipotermija).
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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Odg: Hormoni
« Odgovor #19 poslato: Jul 30, 2007, 09:28:39 pre podne »

Growth Hormone - The Fountain of Youth or Lethal Injection?

by Tom Venuto - author of Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle

Human growth hormone (GH) is a complex molecule produced by the pituitary gland and made up of 191 amino acids. GH is responsible for stimulating body tissues to grow and has powerful lipolytic (fat burning) and anabolic (muscle building) properties. Natural GH levels peak at physical maturity, although you continue to produce it in smaller amounts through adulthood, mostly during deep sleep. It is believed that this drop in GH levels as you age is partly responsible for the deterioration in body composition, strength, health and immune function that normally occurs as you get older.

In the 1950's GH injections began being successfully given to children who were suffering from stunted growth as a result of GH deficiency. At the time, the only way to get GH was to "farm" it from the pituitary glands of cadavers. When a few people died from Creutzfeld-Jakob disease because the supply of cadaver-derived GH became contaminated, the FDA pulled GH off the market. At this point, all the pharmaceutical companies entered the race to produce synthetic growth hormone. In 1990, Eli Lilly succeeded, and Humatrope, the brand name for synthetic human growth hormone, was released as a prescription drug.

When people in the bodybuilding, fitness and "life extension" business talk about GH, there seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether we are talking about:
A) The GH naturally produced in your body by the pituitary gland,
B) Synthetic GH (which is a prescription drug that is illegal and banned in athletic competition and bodybuilding), or
C) Supplements that allegedly cause your body to release more of it's own GH naturally.
We've already talked about the real thing, as it is produced by your body, so let's look at the facts about GH releasing supplements and synthetic GH injections:
Today the magazines and the Internet are full of ads for products that supposedly mimic GH, contain GH, or cause your body to release more of it's own GH. If you do a Yahoo search for "Growth Hormone," "Growth Hormone releasers," or "Human Growth Hormone," you'll find thousands of web pages hawking a variety of GH products. These "GH precursors" and GH releasers" include amino acids, secretagogues, GABA, herbs, homeopathic formulas, sprays, tablets, powders, capsules and many others.
The concept of taking natural supplements to make your body release more GH is not new. Decades ago, "life extensionists" were ardently promoting the use of the amino acids arginine and ornithine as GH releasers, but the evidence was taken completely out of context.

The recommendation for taking oral arginine was based on studies examining the effects of intravenously injected arginine. It is well known that certain amino acids, when injected directly into the bloodstream, are potent stimulators of growth hormone release. When taken orally, the amino acids are degraded by the digestive tract and never reach the pituitary intact. It is likely that nearly any GH supplement taken orally will suffer the same fate.

There is very little scientific evidence that any of these "GH releasers" will increase muscle growth, decrease body fat, or increase youthfulness and vitality. The advertisements are long on marketing hype and short on science. They capitalize on the whirl of publicity that surrounds the potential benefits of injectable synthetic GH, because few people know the difference. Quite simply, some people are taking GH supplements and thinking they are taking real GH.

Although the claims for injectable GH seem almost too good to be true, injectable synthetic growth hormone really does work. In a 1990 double-blind, placebo controlled study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, test subjects increased lean body mass by 8.8% and decreased body fat by 14.4%. Not only that, but according to Daniel Rudman and his colleagues who published the study, the subjects experienced the equivalent of becoming ten to twenty years younger!
The media jumped all over this story, proclaiming that the "fountain of youth" had been discovered. Sounds great at first, but unfortunately, all drugs have side effects. Any positive results that come from GH therapy are likely to be outweighed by the possible side effects and long term risks of taking a synthetic drug. Sports nutritionist Dr. Michael Colgan, writing in "Optimum Sports Nutrition," said that the he believes the downside of GH use is "worse than for steroids."

This "downside" stems from the fact that when synthetic hormones are introduced, your body may decrease or shut down it's own natural production of these hormones. If you take them for a long time and then stop, your body doesn't resume its normal hormone production level. There is a lag time before you get back to normal. In the worst-case scenario, you lose the capability of making the natural hormone completely and you're stuck taking the artificial stuff for life.

For every artificial peak you create, there MUST be a valley of equal or greater magnitude. This is true of steroids, GH and virtually every drug known to man. If you've ever seen anyone come off of steroids cold turkey, you know exactly what I'm talking about. After cessation of artificial testosterone (steroids) you end up in a testosterone shortage. The results are not pretty. The same is true of GH therapy - when you come off, you can end up in a GH shortage.

In the short time that synthetic GH has been available, we already know that the side effects of GH use include gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in males), carpal tunnel syndrome, joint pain, fluid retention and high blood pressure.

In the book "Biomarkers," anti-aging expert Dr. William Evans also pointed out that in the 1990 study on GH, the researchers did not distinguish between the types of lean-body tissue that was gained: "The increase in lean body mass could have been in such tissue as the liver and other organs. This type of change is not the beneficial muscle and strength increase we're after."

Simply put, GH makes everything grow. Bodybuilders who use large amounts of GH develop huge muscle mass, but they may also develop distended bellies from enlarged intestines, and disfigured faces from bone growth, also known as "Neanderthal face" or Cro Magnon forehead." Evans concludes, "There are just too many questions yet to be answered before we can recommend the widespread use of growth hormone."

No one really knows what this stuff will do to you in the long run because it has only been a short time since recombinant DNA technology has allowed GH to be produced in a lab. It has been suggested that synthetic GH could even be a contributing factor in developing cancer and diabetes. And if all of the preceding hasn't discouraged you, a year's supply of GH could cost as much as $20,000.

Enhancing Growth Hormone release would be a great thing if you could achieve it through natural means. The good news is that this is possible through proper nutrition and training. This can be accomplished by the following:

1. Performing short, high intensity workouts lasting only 40 -60 minutes.
2. Double splitting your weight training. Do two short sessions (i.e. chest in the morning and triceps in the evening) lasting about 30 to 45 minutes each instead of one long workout.
3. Progressively increasing workout intensity, but not duration.
4. Allowing sufficient recovery time between workouts (do not lift more than two days in a row).
5. Getting eight hours of sound, uninterrupted sleep (or whatever amount you've found keeps you rested and recovered).
6. Taking a 30-60 minute nap whenever possible.
7. Using basic, multi-joint exercises like Squats, deadlifts and rows. A 20-rep squat cycle will release growth hormone naturally and get you growing like no supplements ever will.
8. Keeping alcohol intake to a minimum or not drinking at all.
9 Avoiding refined sugars. Focusing on natural starchy and fibrous carbohydrates.
10. Consuming lean proteins at frequent intervals throughout the day.
11. Getting adequate amounts of the "good fats."
12. Getting lean and stay lean.
13. Avoiding stress and relaxing.

Nothing rejuvenates like good nutrition, drug free training and a stress-free, positive, happy outlook on life. If living a long, healthy life is what you want, then stay away from GH and other drugs and do it the natural way!
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže Cu

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« Odgovor #20 poslato: Jul 31, 2007, 07:52:35 pre podne »
Koji je mehanizam supresije somatotropnog hormona na gl. thyretoidea-u ?

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #21 poslato: Jul 31, 2007, 09:05:27 pre podne »
Koji je mehanizam supresije somatotropnog hormona na gl. thyretoidea-u ?

Koleginice ... mislim da biste na to pitanje mogli i sami da odgovorite ... :P
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže Cu

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« Odgovor #22 poslato: Jul 31, 2007, 02:22:54 posle podne »
Primum nil nocere...

on topic : Citat:

HGH and its Effects on the Thyroid Gland

Dr. Ronald Klatz states "Human growth hormone exerts its actions either directly or indirectly through its intermediary insulin growth factors to every organ system of the body, ........almost nothing escapes its magical touch."

Jens Sandahl Christiansen of the Aarthus Kommunehospital of Denmark stated in a report "untreated HGH deficient adults have been shown to have increased cardiovascular mortality, reduced exercise capacity, reduced muscle strength, subnormal glomerular filtration rate and renal plasma flow, defective sweat secretion and defective thermoregulation, reduced energy expenditure and basal metabolic rate, abnormal thyroid hormone metabolism, reduced myocardial function and clinical signs of premature atherosclerosis. Body composition has been found abnormal with increased fat mass, decreased lean body mass, decreased muscle fat ratio, visceral obesity, reduced extracellular fluid volume, and reduced bone mineral content

Improving the body's release of and use of HGH is known to help to improve the function of other organs in the body and help to stabilize other hormones in the body, this includes the thyroid gland and thyroid hormone.

Many patients who undergo successful HGH therapy see improvements in their hypothyroidism condition. This includes a decrease in their need for thyroid medications.

or link:
 , etc...

mozda grijesim u prevodu... :lol:

P.S. Nije neophodno vikati zutim slovima, velicine fonta... 24 (?) :lol:

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #23 poslato: Jul 31, 2007, 03:10:07 posle podne »

Ja nisam ni vikala koleginice, samo pisala drugom bojom i drugom veličinom, baš kao i na nekim drugim temama i drugim forumima ...

Pogledala sam ove linkove, i moram priznati nešto ... nisam primetila da se radi o ispitanicaima sa normalnom nivoima hormona ... pominju se deficijencijentna stanja  jel?

Pa ipak, možda ja grešim u prevodu ... ipak si ti na engleskom govornom području ... a mene učili drugačije na fakultetu ... da viškom na normalno deluješ negativnom spregom .... pa opet moguće je da su naši pogrešili ...

Nije na odmet saznati nešto novo ...

Hvala !!! 8)

I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže Sasa Ilic

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Odg: Hormoni
« Odgovor #24 poslato: Avgust 08, 2007, 10:41:54 pre podne »
U skladu sa potražnjom navedenom u PM ...

Hormon rasta

Hormon rasta ili somatotropin je peptidni hormon koga luči prednji režanj hipofize (adenohipofiza), koji stimuliše rast organizma, a ima ulogu i u ragulaciji raznih metaboličkih procesa.

Hormon rasta nema neki ciljni organ, već ispoljava svoje dejstvo na gotovo sva tkiva u telu. Igra ulogu u regulisanju procesa rasta (rast u visinu), kao i regulisanju raznih metaboličkih procesa (anaboličko dejstvo).

    * Somatotropin podstiče porast zapremine ćelija, samu deobu ćelija (mitoza) kao i diferencijaciju nekih ćelija npr. mišićnih i koštanih ćelija. Posebno je značajno dejstvo ovog hormona na skelet. Pod uticajem ovog hormona povećava se stvaranje proteina u koštanim ćelijama i ćelijama hrskavice (hondrociti), deoba ovih ćelija se takođe povećava, a takođe i transformacija ćelije hrskavice u koštane ćelije. Dijafiza dugih kostiju se izdužuje, a epifize (krajevi kosti) udaljavaju jedna od druge. Između epifize i dijafize nalazi se epifizna pukotina, koja sadrži ćelije hrskavice, čijom deobom i transformacijom nastaju koštane ćelije i kost se izdužuje. Međutim vremenom dolazi do iscrpljivanja ćelija hrskavice u epifiznoj pukotini, tako da se dijafiza spaja sa epifizama i tako se prekida rast kostiju u dužinu. Od tog trenutka one mogu rasti samo u širinu.Kosti pločastog oblika mogu rasti pod uticajem ovog hormona neprestano, pa su u slučaju povećane sekrecije ovog hormona npr. kod akromegalije posebno izražene.

    * Hormon rasta dovodi i do povećane sinteze proteina u svim ćelijama organizma. On stimuliše transport aminokiselina kroz ćelijsku membranu u ćelije, tako da se u njima povećava koncentracija aminokiselina, kao supstrata za proizvodnju proteina. Somatotropin stimuliše i translaciju tRNK (transportne RNK), što dovodi do povećane sinteze proteina. Takođe na nivou jedra podstiče se proces transkripcije, pa se stvara i više informacione RNK (iRNK). Proces razgradnje (katabolizma) proteina se istovremeno usporava.
  * Hormon rasta izaziva mobilizaciju (oslobađanje) masnih kiselina iz masnog tkiva i njihovo korišćenje kao izvora energije (lipolitičko dejstvo). Pretvaranje masnih kiselina u acetil koenzim A (acetil-koA) se povećava. Acetil koenzim A se može koristiti za dobijanje energije i sintezu ketonskih tela. Pod uticajem velikih količina hormona rasta mobilizacija masnih kiselina i je toliko velika de se u jetri stvara velika količina ketonskih tela, što može izazvati ketozu.
  * Somatotropin smanjije korišćenje i razgradnju glukoze. Smanjuje se korišćenje glukoze, kao glavnog izvora energije (na račun masti), podstiče se i odlaganje rezervnog šećera, glikogena u ćelijama. Povećava se sekrecija insulina, ali se smanjuje osetljivost ćelija na insulin. Poremećaj lučenja somatotropina može izazvati neke forme dijabetesa (dijabetogeno dejstvo).
   * Hormon rasta i somatomedin C povećava i reapsorpciju kalcijuma iz creva i povećava stvaranje aktivnog oblika vitamina D, što je u vezi sa stimulacijom rasta kostiju.

Posto nigde na forumu nisam nasao kako idu kure sa GH,da li moze neko da ispise kako bi odprilike to izgledalo i sa cim se najbolje kombinuje.Hvala unapred

Van mreže dadochicago

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« Odgovor #25 poslato: Avgust 09, 2007, 03:45:26 posle podne »
Svaka cast DOKTORKO namam reci   :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

SAMO jos nesto da napmenen verovatno vecina zna da sa iz Chicaga ii naracno ima dosta DR. Specijalista i AMera i Par nasih  StA HOCU DA KAZEM OVA DOKTRICA KOJA SIGURNO ZNA MNOGO VISE NEGO NEKE ILI NEKI NASI DOKTORI  KOJI  SAMO GLEDAJU  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ZATO STO SU U  AMERICI  I NAM STA NE RADE NASIM LJUDIMA TO JE SRAMOTA


Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #26 poslato: Avgust 09, 2007, 10:58:27 posle podne »

Nema na čemu Dado ... uživaj !!!
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Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #27 poslato: Avgust 10, 2007, 07:19:32 pre podne »

Van mreže dr_Jelena

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« Odgovor #28 poslato: Avgust 10, 2007, 11:11:13 pre podne »

Postideću se bwe .... :P
I'm strong enough to hold you on my shoulders ... again and again ...

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #29 poslato: Avgust 10, 2007, 02:53:19 posle podne »