ok....I just woke up...realy hard day yestrday in cacak...
I was a test judge and predjuding are from 12.00-20.00!!!!!!..belive or not...
I have no words for quality of all competitors...
especyaly FROM RUSSIA !!!!!!!!!
body fitnes up to 168....I think she"s name is IRINA.....jesus christ....
I told vojo to take extra pictures of iirina....for my soul...i meet her on bacstage......and this is all what i will say...hahahhahahhahahhahahha...
NELY form rusia is incredible....swedish and finsk team are great too...
the problem on competition like this is very big..every body are extra...but in finals are going only 5!!!!...to bad...
it is relay pleasure for soul and eyes to look something like this..
imagine...26-28 beatuful body on stage..and you must decide for 5.

.....shit man.....I love them alll!!!
bro...i was thinkig that you will come?