da ne duzimo raspravu
ja sam ti stavio label
spratrak je objasnio
a ti ako mislis da je to ono sta ti hoces.
i evio jos malo..verovatno znas

,ali cisto da i drugi nauce..
20% Whey Protein Isolate Ion-exchange
20% Whey Protein Isolate Microfiltration
20% Whey protein Isolate Cold-Filtration
20% Whey Protein Concentrate
10% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein Concentrate
10% Hydrolyzed Whey Protein High Grade
cold-filtration has a more granular consistancy than our other isolates (if this is what you are meaning by sandy/gritty). So what, does that signify a low quality protein powder... specifically using a cold-filtered isolate, as most filtered isolates are either ceramic filtered
Whey protein is produced in conjunction with the manufacture of cheese. Fluid whey is concentrated and purified by a membrane filtration process using micro pores to yield a high purity protein product that is both natural and pure without any added preservatives. This is the manufacturing method for Whey Protein Concentrate.
The manufacturing of Whey Protein Isolate has one additional step called micro filtration which allows the product to be purified to a higher protein concentration by removing almost all the fat that is naturally present together with the carbohydrate (lactose) and most of the naturally occurring milk minerals.
and ODIN
kada kazes da znas tematiku onda se nadam da i izlgedas dobro..jer bi to trbealo da je uzrocno posledicna veza

pa da nas pocstais sa svojm slikama

ja se iskreno nadam da je smo svi sada nesto naucili

jel tako...tako je...i ovo je THE tema...a ne reklamiranje ATW..