By its structural design, Halotestin carries an anabolic rating of 1,900 and an androgenic rating of 850. All ratings are measured against pure testosterone, which carries a rating of 100 in both categories. This means Halo as it’s often known carries ratings that are almost beyond reason, but its anabolic rating is tremendously deceiving. While it carries a massive anabolic rating, its anabolic translation in human beings appears to be near zero. This steroid simply doesn’t translate into any notable anabolic effect and will primarily function by androgenic activity.
E ovo me uvjek zanimalo. Neki steroidi navodno imaju mnogo veci anabolicki skor od testa ali u praksi tj kad se koriste to i nije bas tako. Eo odje sam nasao primjer za halotestin koji je navodno 19 puta jaci od testosterona al i ne daje bas takve rezultate.
Zasto je to tako i cemu uopste onda dodjeljivanje tolikog anabolickog skora?