Creatine supplementation affects muscle creatine during energy restriction.
Rockwell JA1, Rankin JW, Toderico B.
Author information
Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg 24061-0430, USA.
Anaerobic performance and body protein may decrease with energy restriction practiced by some athletes for weight loss.
This investigation examined the effects of creatine (Cr) supplementation during energy restriction on muscle Cr, exercise performance (10 sprints of 6 s, with 30-s rest), nitrogen balance, and body composition in male resistance trainers. Creatine supplemented (CrS, 20 g x d(-1) of Cr) and those given a placebo (P1) consumed a formula diet of 75.3 kJ (18 kcal) x kg(-1) x d(-1) (54.7% C, 21.3% P, 24% F) for 4 d. A control group was unsupplemented and continued their normal diet. There were no changes in body composition or performance of the control group.
CrS and P1 demonstrated similar decreases in body weight and percent body fat. The percent change in fat-free mass was more for P1 (2.4+/-0.3% reduction) than CrS (1.4+/-0.4%), but urinary nitrogen losses were similar. Significant increases in muscle total Cr and CrP of 15-16% were demonstrated by CrS over the energy restriction period, whereas P1 had no changes in muscle Cr. Total work done during the sprints expressed per body weight tended to be 3.8% higher in CrS and 0.5% less in P1 after the energy restriction (P = 0.058).
It was concluded that Cr supplementation increased muscle Cr during short-term energy restriction but did not affect body fat or protein loss. The change in muscle creatine was reflected in a tendency for higher total sprint work for the Cr group.
PMID: 11194113 DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200101000-00011
kao sto vidis grupa P (kojoj je NIJE davan kreatin, samo placebo lek) pokazuje vecu promenu u cistoj misicnoj masi (fat free - bez masti), vece gubljenje masti, dok grupa Crp pokazuje neporomenjen procenat masti misicne mase , ali i blagi porast masicne mase(citaj navucene vode), nitrogeni i urogeni balans je isti , jer je telo adaptirano i sa bez i kreatina. Sta to znaci !? Ukoliko hoces da gubis masti , ne trebaju ti dodatni izvori atp , nego telo treba da naucis da vuice atp iz ve cpostogjecih masti , a ukoliko zelis da nabacis misicnu masu, potrebni su ti todatni izvori energije, koji ce te brzo vracati u anabolno stanje, zato se recimo krealkalyn uzima pre i posle treninga... da bi obnovio ATP stanje organizma.
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