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Autor Tema: Kynoselen?  (Pročitano 8206 puta)

Van mreže H2SO4

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« poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 01:08:36 pre podne »
Kynoselen is a powerful fat burner as well as a powerful anti-catabolic.  This means it helps  prevent muscle tissue from breaking down.  Kynoselen combats fatigue, increases endurance during training, and facilitates recovery through its anti-catabolic affects, though it is not a steroid. Kynoselen may help increase protein synthesis, leading to more lean muscle mass.

Active constituents

AMP (adenosine monophosphate) is a source of phosphorous. AMP combines with 2 phosphate atoms to become ATP (adenosine troposphere), providing an immediate source of cellular energy. AMP appears to help with fat burning.

HEPTAMINOL HCL a key ingredient in kynoselen that helps dilates coronary blood vessels, increasing blood flow and allowing a greater capacity for exertion and endurance.

VITAMIN B12 (cyanocobalamin) plays a vital role in energy metabolism and stimulates appetite.

SELENIUM is an essential trace element. As a regulator of metabolic oxidative processes, it is a catalyst for energy and fat metabolism. Selenium is also an anti-oxidant, protecting the body's cells from free radicals which can cause cellular damage that can lead to cancer, heart disease, and other health problems.

MAGNESIUM ASPARTATE increases oxygen delivery to muscle tissue. It promotes muscle strength, endurance, relaxation and has a role in muscle contraction. Magnesium also activates enzymes necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates and amino acids which lead to protein synthesis.

POTASSIUM ASPARTATE assists glucose/glycogen (i.e., energy) metabolism, helps protect the heart when oxygen deficiency occurs during strenuous exercise, and helps increase the amplitude of the heart's contractions. It also regulates a smooth heartbeat. Potassium may also support water balance.

jel probo neko?
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže California

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 01:41:40 pre podne »
,,Savremenici vide ljude koji su na velikim polozajima, no retko ili nikad ne vide ljude, koji su i bez polozaja veliki.''

Sveti vladika Nikolaj Velimirovic

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 01:49:27 pre podne »
Zvuci zanimljivo :D :D Izgleda da ga nema kod nas :(
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže California

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 01:54:36 pre podne »

Administration is intramuscularly, subcutaneous, or intravenous injection. Subcutaneous injection used primarily in dogs and cats. Administer to the anterior neck in food animals. The dosage & frequency administration correlated to selenium content in Kyno.

Horses & Cattle: 20ml/400kg (0.25ml/kg)
Foals & Calves: 10ml/100kg (0.1ml/kg)
Sheep: Up to 5ml (0.2ml/kg)
Lambs: Up to 2ml (0.2ml/kg)
Adult Pigs: Up to 10ml/100kg (0.1ml/kg)
Piglets: Up to 1ml/5kg (0.2ml/kg)
Dogs: Approximately 2ml-5ml (0.1ml/kg)
Cats: Approximately 1ml (o.2ml/kg) Used as treatment, recommend one injection every 3 days using 3 to 4 separate occasions. Used for preventative measures, one injection once weekly for a 2-4 week period.
,,Savremenici vide ljude koji su na velikim polozajima, no retko ili nikad ne vide ljude, koji su i bez polozaja veliki.''

Sveti vladika Nikolaj Velimirovic

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 02:03:34 pre podne »
pa nisam mislio da rokam krmachu, junicu i dzekija sa time ...
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže California

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 02:04:44 pre podne »
Neka, pa da posle jedes svinjsko nemasno...
,,Savremenici vide ljude koji su na velikim polozajima, no retko ili nikad ne vide ljude, koji su i bez polozaja veliki.''

Sveti vladika Nikolaj Velimirovic

Van mreže sele137

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 09:28:43 pre podne »
Nema smisla koristiti kynoselen ako vas bf% nije ispod 6%...kyno je nesto kao mix izmedu citadrena i trena...namjenjen je za cvrstocu misica i blokiranje kortizola...mnogi ga koriste cetiri sedmice prije takmicenja kad je nivo tjelesnih masnoca jako nizak zbog cvrstoce i super vaskularnosti...nije namjenjen za upotrebu u regularnom ciklusu.
Nije u pitanju nikakav steroid nego mix minerala i vitamina sa dodatkom adenosin monofosfata koji treba da poveca celijsku aktivnost sto je i jedno od objasnjenja anabolickog dejstva kynoselena.Imate i Kyno-h koji je namjenjen za ljude ali skoro niko nema rezultata od njega kao od vetereniraskog.Takoder imate i Syntelen koji je isti kao kynoselen samo sto sadrzi ATP umjesto AMP-a koji moze da izazove palpilacije (iznenadni ubrzani otkucaji) srca.
Arnold didnt do juice ,he was created in a lab with spare bodyparts from dead bodybuiders!!!

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 09:34:59 pre podne »
®EVITASELEN®, inj. 50 ml i 100 ml (20 mg + 0,5 mg/1 ml) by Galenika

tokoferol, natrijum selenit

1 ml injekcione emulzije sadrži:
alfa-tokoferolacetata (vit. E) 20 mg
natrijum-selenita 0,5 mg

jel ovo taj syntelen ili opet neka treca vrsta?

matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže sele137

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 09:40:10 pre podne »
Ocigledno neki treci jer sam rekao da je razlika samo u zamjeni  AMP sa ATP-om
Arnold didnt do juice ,he was created in a lab with spare bodyparts from dead bodybuiders!!!

Van mreže H2SO4

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 10:13:17 pre podne »
ima galenika raznoraznih animal pakova :)

matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Kynoselen?
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Maj 31, 2007, 01:18:49 posle podne »
ima galenika raznoraznih animal pakova :)