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Autor Tema: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!  (Pročitano 12190 puta)

Van mreže LavaBit

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Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 12:05:07 pre podne »
U nadi da ce nekima biti jasno zauvek znacenje PCT ili OCT-a jednom zauvek, i sta to znaci u sadasnjem vremenu, za razliku od nekih vremena kada su se korisnici AAS lecili od posledica lekova lekovima.

Danas sve to izgleda daleko drugacije, i lekovi poput Nolvdexa, Clomida, HCG-a ne moraju biti korisceni u velikom broju slucajeva...

Danas su nam dostupni neki dodaci ishrani (suplementi) koji na potpuno zdrav i veoma efikasan nacin mogu uciniti oporavak dosta laksim i bez prakticno bilo kakvih nuspojava koje mozete imati koriscenjem gorenavedenih lekova.

Setite se korisnika AAS 60, 70, 80ih godina, skoro pa niko nije ni koristio bilo kakav lek za "cuveni" PCT, dok sa druge strane ima jako velikih zagovornika koriscenja lekova u svrhu oporavka nakon AAS...

Ali to je previse dugacka prica, pa ce se ova tema bazirati na PCT/OCT-u na jedan savremen i potpuno ispravan nacin koji bi trebalo da primenjuje svaki korisnik AAS.

Tekst sam zeleo da prevedem, ali usled nedostatka vremena cu iskopirati isti i ostaviti link ka jako dobroj temi sa jednog stranog foruma;

Uzivajte :)

In this thread I am going to try to shed some light on a subject that is often overlooked by many AAS users especially first timers. I want to talk about priming for a cycle and Off Cycle Therapy (OCT). Two very important topics for beginners to AAS and those experienced alike. Many people forget how important it is to have all the bases covered before beginning a cycle of AAS. It is very important to have diet, nutrition, and training in order prior to starting your cycle. This is called priming. When you prime for your cycle you are getting your body prepared to make the gains that will come from correct AAS use. Many people think they are ready for a cycle but in reality their bodyfat is too high or they have an improper diet. IF your bodyfat is over 12-14% and you decide to run a cycle you are going to be putting your body at a higher risk for many of side effects associated with AAS. You will be more prone to gyno, increased water retention, elevated Blood Pressure, and increased strain on the heart and kidneys. AAS are not a magic drug that you can take and just sit back while the drugs build the physique of your dreams. AAS require hard work and dedication to diet and nutrition to make successful gains in LBM. Priming is a way to prepare your body for what is about to come. If you have any doubts about training, nutrition, and diet you need to address these issues before your cycle otherwise you will not get the most out of your AAS. This forum has sections for Diet and nutrition, and Training. There is valuable information in these sections that often gets overlooked because people are anxious to start AAS right away without thinking things through first. Here are a couple articles I have been digging up on the subject of priming for a cycle and OCT after your PCT ends. Hope this will help open some eyes to what is possible when you have everything in order and are truly ready to use AAS. These articles can help you get the most out of your hard work and dedication.

If it is one thing that I know, it’s that bodybuilders pay a great deal of attention to their cycles. Many guys are almost self-taught steroid scientists as they put so much emphasis on studying the right steroids, most efficacious dosages, and most appropriate collection of ancillary medications. Next to this, a great deal of attention is also paid to the Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT), that crucial period at the end of the cycle when testosterone-support medications are used. Once again, these programs are often studied micro detail. This, however, tends to be where it ends. In this, I find one thing greatly lacking. Little attention is paid to the time off all drugs. I believe this third and final stage of the steroid administration cycle is also highly critical.

Introduction to OCT

The purpose of the Off-Cycle Therapy is simple to maximize the long-term benefits from anabolic/androgenic steroid therapy. No drug products are used during our OCT program; only natural substance. We can view this phase as one part maintenance, and one part recovery. Our ideal OCT program is broken down into three distinct segments. This first focuses on testosterone support. The next, re-sensitizing the muscle cells to training stimulation. And the third, use the natural anabolic substances that help retain muscle. When all three aspects are in check, your muscles should be bigger and much more primed for the next cycle. This should potentially equate to a need for lower total doses, fewer cycles, and shorter durations of use, lofty goals for any harm-reduction strategy.
Part 1:
Testosterone Support

The testosterone support aspect of our Off-Cycle Therapy program is substantially different than what is used during traditional PCT. We are no longer looking to aid endogenous testosterone production with anti-estrogenic drugs like tamoxifen or clomiphene, nor to use pharmaceuticals that mimic an endogenous luteinizing hormone such as hCG. All pharmaceutical strategies have been concluded at this point, and hopefully have eficited the necessary effects. For OCT, we want to provide our bodies some of the natural components used in the synthesis of testosterone. We want to augment our own natural processes, not artificially shift them.

Vitamin D/Calcium/Zinc

The first thing to pay special attention to during OCT is our vitamin and mineral status, particularly those components that are integral to testosterone biosynthesis. To begin with, clinical studies have shown that higher levels of Vitamin D in the blood are associated with increased testosterone output. Calcium is another nutritive components involved in hormone function, especially the level of bioavailable (free) testosterone. Lastly, zinc is also tied to androgen biosynthesis. Any deficiency in these vitamins/minerals will likely translate into suppressed (sub-optimal) testosterone output. Examine your diet closely, and supplement these three as needed.

D-Aspartic Acid
DAA is an amino acid that is naturally found in the endocrine system, and is believed to play roles in hormone biosynthesis. Clinical studies demonstrated a 42 percent increase in serum testosterone levels when this amino acid was given to a group of healthy men. The same dose of 3.2 grams/day is recommended (DAA sodium salt).
Part 2:
Cell Re-Sensitization

Repeated high-intensity exercise, especially resistance training, causes disruption of the muscle cell membranes. This disruption is in many ways desirable, as it is needed to initiate muscle growth and repair. Without damage, we will not have progress. There are some negatives to regular distruption of the muscle cells, however. One of the most fundamental is that the outer membranes of the muscle cells (which consist mainly of the fatty acid compounds called phospholipids) are re-arranged. In particular, the concentration of arachidonic acid (ARA) is lowered, which may have implications for future progress.

Arachidonic Acid

Arachidonic Acid supports the local anabolic process. It’s depletion is highly undesirable, and may contribute to training stagnation. Thus, ARA is supplemented during the OCT period at a daily dose of 250 mgs, in an effort to re-sensitize the muscles. This represents 50-100 percent of the normal daily dietary intake of ARA, which should be sufficient for phospholipid replenishment and acceptable for long-term use.

Fish Oil
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), two Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in fish oil, are also important constituents of muscle cell membrane phospholipids. Additionally, studies suggest that Omega-3 essential fatty acids may enhance the membrane storage of arachidonic acid. A daily dose of 2 grams of fish oil is recommended during our Off-Cycle Therapy program.

Part 3:
Anabolic Supplementation

An optimal Off-Cycle Therapy program should also include natural products with anabolic/anti-catabolic properties. Many AAS users are skeptical of muscle-building supplements, and rightfully so. The market can be very unreliable, with even the best products falling far short of AAS in terms of efficacy and reliability. Still, the field has progressed a great deal over the years, and there are many products of tangible value. And even a partial muscle-sparing effect during the OCT period is highly desirable, as it can significantly alter the baseline muscle level by the start of the next steroid cycle. Supplementation is limited to only those ingredients with proven anabolic effects in humans.

Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine augments muscle size and performance through several distinct mechanisims. The two most prominent are cell volumization (water retention) and cell energy enhancement (cellular ATP resynthesis), although the supplement also has direct protein synthetic and anti-catabolic properties. Creatine (as creatine monohydrate) is taken at a dose of 5 grams per day.

Beta-Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that serves as a direct precursor for carnosine synthesis, an intramyocellular buffering agent that counters the buildup of hydrogen ions. By serving as the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of muscle carnosine, beta-alanine is a strong stabilizer of muscle pH. A dose of 3-6 grams per day is used, which should allow the individual to perform measurably longer during training.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids
The three branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) leucine, isoleucine, and valine are abundant in skeletal muscle protein. BCAA supplements provide integral build blocks for the synthesis of new muscle protein. BCAAs also appear to directly stimulate muscle cells to synthesize and retain protein, thus they appear to have direct anabolic effects. A dosage of 10 grams per day (post-training) is recommended during the OCT.

Sample OCT Program (8-12 Weeks)

Testosterone Support
Vitamin D, 3000 IU/Day
Calcium, 500-1000 mgs/Day
Zinc , 30-35 mgs/Day ( ZMA supplement)
D-Aspatic Acid, 3.2 grams/Day

Muscle Cell Re-sensitization
Arachidonic Acid, 250 mgs/Day
Fish Oil, 2 grams/Day

Anabolic Supplementation
Creatine, 5 grams/Day
Beta-Alanine, 3-6 grams/Day
BCAAs, 10 grams/Day

Priming for a Cycle

Frequently, athletes research how to better layout an anabolic-androgenic steroid cycle, as well as proper post cycle therapy for making the transition back to a natural training state. Unfortunately, many neglect another component for a successful AAS cycle: maximizing the time spent on using pre-cycle therapy, better know as “priming.”
What is priming?

Priming is a preparatory method used to create a favorable growth environment so an AAS cycle can maximize muscle gains. The goal of priming is to make an athletes system very sensitive to increased calories, greater training intensity and elevated anabolic hormones. Psychologically, a trainee should feel pent up and ready to move heavy loads.
Priming should be done before every cycle – no matter the athlete’s previous AAS cycle experience. If completed correctly, priming will lead to very quick and dramatic results. Because of the faster results, cycle duration can also be cut back to make coming off and restoring proper hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis functioning easier, for a faster recovery of the body’s endogenous androgen production.

How should you prime?

Priming involves correct dietary and training manipulations that allow an athlete to lower body fat while sparing muscle. Basically, it is essential to diet down slow enough to simply lose fat – again, no muscle or strength should be lost.
Bodybuilders spend a lot of time preparing to exhibit a lean, muscular build. But other things are going on inside. Their body is getting really sensitive for a period of growth following the long period of dieting and depletion training. Most advanced bodybuilders – especially those that compete – know how responsive the body can be right after leaning up; such as the growth spurts frequently experienced after a competition with or without concurrent AAS administration. This is an example of what occurs by priming before a bulking phase, although pre-contest routines are generally too exhaustive since extremely low body fat levels are required. Simply put: priming opens the window for a great opportunity to obtain phenomenal muscle building results and end training plateaus.
Training cycles must change as goals change. While priming, the training should not be so intense that overtraining is likely; in fact, a general maintenance routine would be best in many circumstances. The training routine should also let the athlete mentally prepare for a split that is very progressive. The amount of aerobic training (as well a total calorie intake) is determined by current lean body mass and what has previously been learned about personal metabolism and limitations. The concurrent aerobic and anaerobic training effect won’t limit results since the goal is not to gain strength or muscle but rather to preserve it.
The diet should allow the body to become sensitive to carbohydrates and the other macronutrients. Generally, a cyclic-ketogenic diet works wonders. This method helps many lose fat while preserving lean body mass while becoming carbohydrate sensitive for superior calorie partitioning once the AAS cycle begins.
It is very catabolic to train with no carbohydrate intake and no scheduled carbohydrate loads; lost muscle is inevitable. Why take two steps back and then two steps forward every time you cycle? Scheduling carbohydrate loads presents an opportunity to fill out energy stores for a productive – and frequently progressive – power workouts, opportunities to fight for strength levels and muscle mass.
Using a CKD approach, carbohydrates remain very low for three or four days – maximum – followed by a “carb up,” a period where carbohydrate intake is substantial. Remember, glycogen levels must become grossly depleted during the weekly rotation to ensure the proper response from a carbohydrate load. Be careful of total calorie intake – results gained by obtaining low carbohydrate can be diverted if total calorie intake is too high; this can negatively affect the depletion phase.
After successfully depleting glycogen levels, a subsequent carb up can not only replenish glycogen depots but super compensate them. Stick to high-protein and high-carbohydrate food sources during the carbohydrate load. Total calorie intake during this period can be very high – some can eat well over 6,000 calories and still burn fat! Any high-fat cravings should be curbed within the first several hours of the carbohydrate load. Studies show fat gain during this time is very low since the body is more interested in replenishing itself than it is in storing fat. As you advance through the carbohydrate load, high fat foods are more likely to be stored as fat.
Regardless, carbohydrate loading will cause dramatic increases in bodyweight, though this is not suggestive of regaining fat. Weight fluctuations vary based on the athletes lean body mass. It is common for many to re-gain six to 10 pounds after a carbohydrate load due; much of this is due to the concurrent water uptake required to store the excess supply of glycogen. During the depletion week, it is common for many to lose seven to 12 pounds – roughly netting one or two pounds of fat loss per week with the rest of the weight composed mostly of dropped water.
The carbohydrate load also provides a key opportunity to train heavy and possibly make some gains in limit strength. A succeeding power training day is a great opportunity to accurately gauge muscle wasting or drops in limit strength. An abbreviated full body workout can be used with great success. All of the lifts should stay strong or possibly get stronger – use a workout journal!
The last four or five days before the cycle starts should be low carbohydrate. The steroid cycle should commence on the same day as a carbohydrate load. Testosterone and most of its popular derivatives will make this carbohydrate load very effective. Glycogen super compensation can occur very quickly, especially if short-ester (suspension, acetate, propionate) steroids are used; otherwise, front load longer esters (enanthate, cypionate, decanoate) to get blood levels up quickly.

Here is an example split for successful priming (based on Ultimate Diet 2.0 by Lyle McDonald, which is considered an up-to-date version of Underground Bodyopus by Daniel Duchaine):

    Day 1: Moderate Carb/Cardio at maintenance calorie intake.
    Day 2: Low Carb/Upperbody Supersets at a caloric deficit, either through diet or cardio.
    Day 3: Low Carb/Lowerbody Supersets at a caloric deficit, either through diet or cardio.
    Day 4: Low Carb/Cardio at a caloric deficit, either through diet or cardio.
    Day 5: Low Carb/Full Body Workout with daytime calorie intake should be slightly less than they were during the previous days. The carbohydrate load should follow immediately after evening training.
    Day 6: Carb Load/No training
    Day 7: Moderate Carb/Power Training (Squats, Deadlifts and Bench Presses), eating slightly above maintenance.

Once the cycle has begun, your body will remain very responsive and you should begin training hard; using supersets, drop sets, rest-pause – heavy and intense training. You should feel pent up and ready for it. As always, a training log will help maximize the growth window.
How long should the priming period last?

Proper priming generally last about six to eight weeks, pre-cycle. The body will be very responsive if finished correctly and long enough. Obviously, finding the best ratio between priming, cutting and growth macro cycles can guarantee the greatest results during the training year. This relation is best identified through experience.
Successful priming will bring your body fat levels down but the most important aspect is to become sensitive for a growth period. If body fat is high, an athlete could extend the priming period with a target body composition in mind before switching to a growth phase but don’t allow gross overtraining to occur. If body fat mass is currently out of control, it is better to focus on dieting and training strictly for fat loss. A lean body is much more effective at proper calorie partitioning. Once bodyfat levels are within reason, take a brief pause, and then begin priming for the AAS cycle.
Are any ancillary drugs helpful for priming?

Proviron and Bromocriptine can be very helpful for sustaining muscle mass and fat metabolism. Proviron helps to support natural testosterone levels during a calorie restricted diet. Bromocriptine helps support suitable hormone levels while training to metabolize body fat; in addition to dulling hunger pangs. Either drug can help trick your body from trying to put a stopper on fat loss and limit muscle wasting. Unfortunately, Bromocriptine is notorious for bad side effects, such as decreased appetite and nausea. This drug should be tapered up and only administered in the mornings, to avoid uncomfortable side effects. Exogenous insulin can help carbohydrate loads – especially brief loads under 24 hours – by increasing faster glycogen storage.( Warning-Proviron can cause some shutdown to HPTA)
Are any non-pharmaceutical ancillaries helpful for priming?

A multi vitamin and mineral supplement is always good practice while on a macro-restrictive diet, to fill holes in daily nutritional requirements. Extra Vitamin C can also help deter flu symptoms and keep you from falling ill during an important training cycle. A daily dose of around four to eight grams of vitamin C per day will serve to support a healthy immune system during any training cycle. Obviously, getting sick can mess everything up.
Taking a healthy dose of the essential branched chain amino acids helps to deter overtraining and over-reaching symptoms. They also help prevent muscle wasting during dieting to foster a better environment to remain on a progressive strength routine. Studies show that it’s harder to overtrain while taking at least 10 grams of the essential BCAA’s daily. Ten grams pre-workout can have a substantially positive effect on strength and mental focus while using a CKD program.
When you stay low-carbohydrate your body starts to produce less of the digestive enzymes responsible for carbohydrate metabolism. This can cause bad gastrointestinal problems when carbohydrate loading. In particular, a low carbohydrate phase results in less production of the enzyme Amylase. To combat this, you could supplement with digestive enzymes to aid proper digestion.
Charles Poliquin, a famous strength coach, has been quoted supporting the idea of post-workout high-dose glutamine. He suggests this in place of sugar for those needing to drop some body fat. The idea of mega dosing glutamine is debatable but many have used 30 to 40 grams of post-workout glutamine with great success
Caffeine and other thermogenics are an absolute help when training during low carbohydrate intake. They support energy levels and depress appetite. During carbohydrate loading, they help with the lethargic feeling easily acquired from a dramatic increase in starches and sugars. Alternatively, the carbohydrate loading phase can be used as a break from caffeine-containing supplements and drinks.
Taking the time to properly prepare for a steroid cycle can make the experience more rewarding. A properly primed system is more responsive to growth, allowing for a lower dose or shorter duration. Appropriate post-cycle therapy helps retain gains – proper pre-cycle preparation helps attain them.

This is an example of a primed bulking cycle. Starting bodyweight was 228 pounds. After seven weeks of priming, a slender 220 was revealed. Finally, after four weeks of testosterone administration, a stronger and more muscular 250 pounds were obtained with a peak weight of 254 within those four weeks – 34 pounds gained in less than a month.

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Van mreže 1234509876

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 02:08:46 pre podne »
morace ovo se proba

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 06:16:07 pre podne »
lava kre krenuo krupinm koracima napred

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 10:13:42 pre podne »
« Poslednja izmena: Mart 05, 2013, 10:15:21 pre podne sasacg »
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže LavaBit

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 01:03:12 posle podne »
Krupnim koracim napred, sluzimo narodu :)

OCT izvanredan.
Nema u naturalca logike nikakve, krepao senzor za to...

Van mreže bole gym

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 02:00:11 posle podne »
 Proviron helps to support
natural testosterone levels ---
can cause some shutdown to HPTA

Ovo mi nije jasno?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 02:02:31 posle podne »
Proviron helps to support
natural testosterone levels ---
can cause some shutdown to HPTA

Ovo mi nije jasno?

pa upozorenje u MOGUCIM posledicama
mislim st aje tu cudno
lek kao lek te vrste moze da zaustavi prirodnu produkciju HPTA..ono...

Van mreže bole gym

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 02:51:56 posle podne »
Ja sto sam citao on i zaustavlja prirodnu produkciju.
A u tekstu gore pise "pomaze prirodnom nivou testosterona"

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Mart 05, 2013, 03:01:07 posle podne »
Ja sto sam citao on i zaustavlja prirodnu produkciju.
A u tekstu gore pise "pomaze prirodnom nivou testosterona"

pa i jedno u drugo je tacno :D

Van mreže Magnolija

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Mart 06, 2013, 05:41:17 posle podne »
zakon.  :)

Van mreže JohnDoe

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Mart 06, 2013, 09:24:55 posle podne »
evo preveo sam prvi deo za one koji nisu razumeli :) uskoro cu i drugi
U ovom clanku cu pokusati da objasnim temu koja je cesto zapostavljena od strane mnogih korisnika AAS a najvise pocetnika. Pricacu vam o priming-u I OCT (terapija dok niste na kuri). Veoma bitna tema za pocetnike a I za iskusne korisnike. Mnogi zanemare bazicne stvari pre pocetka steroidne kure. Naravno prvo su ishrana I trening. Ovo se zove priming. Priming-om cete pripremiti vase telo za dodavanje misica  na kuri. Mnogi misle da su spremni za kuru, a u stvarnosti je njihov nivo telesne masti prevelik ili npr imaju losu ishranu. Ako vam je  telesna mast iznad 12-14% a vi odlucite da krenete sa kurom, povecavate sanse da dodje do nuspojava koje idu uz upotrebu androgeno anabolckih steroida. Povecavate mogucnost da dobijete ginekomastiju, povecano zadrzavanje vode, povecan krvni pritisak, samim tim I povecano opterecenje na srce I bubrege. AAS nisu magicni lekovi koje cete da uzmete I sedite dok vam oni izgradjuju formu vasih snova. AAS zahtevaju veliki trud i posvecenost vasoj dijeti I ishrani kako biste dodavali kvalitetnu misicnu masu. Priming je nacin kojim cete pripremiti vase telo za ono sto dolazi. Ako sumnjate da nemate savrsenu ishranu I trening prvo se posvetite ipravljanju istih kako biste dobili maksimum od vase kure.
Uvod u OCT
Cilj OCT-a je da maximalizuje dugotrajne koristi koriscenja AAS. Nijedan lek se ne koristi u ovom periodu, samo prirodni suplementi. Mozemo gledati na ovaj deo kao na vid odrzavanja I oporavljanja posle kure. Nas savrseni OCT je podeljen na 3 segmenta. Prvi se fokusira na testosteronsku podrsku, drugi na ponovnu sensitizaciju misicnih celija na trenaznu stimulaciju I treci segment na koriscenje prirodnih anabolickih supstanci kako bi se zadrzala misicna masa.Kad se sve ovo zavrsi bicete mnogo veci I spremniji za sledecu kuru. Sto moze da znaci da ce vam trebati manje doze, manje kura I krace vreme na njima, I naravno manje sanse za nus pojave.
Prvi deo:
Testosteronska podrska
Ne koristimo lekove kao tamoxifen ili clomifen, niti hCG, znaci nista od farmaceutskih stvari. U toku OTC-a zelimo da omogucimo nasim telima neke prirodne komponente za proizvodnju testosterona. Znaci podsticemo nase prirodne procese a ne forsiramo ih niti menjamo.

Vitamin D/Calcium/Zinc
Prva stvar su vitamini I minerali, najvise oni koji su bitni za proizvodnju testosterona. Klinicke studije su pokazale da je visok nivo Vitamina D u krvi povezan sa povecaniom proizvodnjom testosterona. Calcium je povezan sa nivoima slobodnog testosterona. Poslednje, cink je povezan sa proizvodnjom androgena. Bilo koj nedostatak ovih vitamina I minerala moze uticati na smanjenu proizvodnju testosterona.

D-Aspartic Acid
DAA je amino kiselina koja se prirodno nalazi u endokrinom sistemu, smatra se da ima ulogu u sintezi hormona. Klinicka studija pokazuje povecanje od 42 procenta u serum testosteron nivou kad se DAA  dala grupi muskaraca (zdravih). Preporucuje se doza od 3.2 g dnevno.
Drugi deo:
Celijska re-sensitizacija
Stalno vezbanje visokog intenziteta, pogotovo sa otporom, izaziva poremecaj membrane misicne celije. Ovaj poremecaj je na mnogo nacina pozeljan, jer on je neophodan da bi doslo do misicnog rasta I oporavka. Bez ostecenja ne bi imali ni oporavak. Ali ima I nekih negativnih strana. Jedna od najbitnijih je da dolazi do promene mesta spoljasnjih membrana misicne celije. Smanjuje se nivo arachidonic kiseline sto moze imati uticaja na dalji rast.
Arachidonic Acid
Podrzava lokalni anabolicki proces. Njen nedostatak je veoma nepozeljan I moze dovesti do platoa u treniranju. Zbog toga uzimajte ARA u toku OCT perioda u dnevnoj dozi od 250mg.
Riblje ulje
DHA I  EPA, dve omega-3 esencijalne masne kiseline koje se nalaze u ribljem ulju su takodje neophodne za fosfolipide membrane misicne celije. Dnevna doza od 2 grama ribljih ulja se preporucuje za OTC.
Treci deo:
Anabolicka suplementacija
Optimalni OTC program bi takodje trebao da sadrzi I anabolicke/anti-katabolicke proizvode. Pored mnogih sumnjivih preparata izabrali smo samo proverene suplemente za ovaj deo OTC-a.

Creatine Monohydrate
Kreatin pomaze u odrzanju misica (I dobijanju) kroz vise mehanizama. Dva najbitnija su volumizacija celije (zadrzanje vode) I povecanje energije celije (celijski ATP resinteza). Kreatin monohidrat uzimajte u dozi od 5 gr dnevno.

Je ne esencijalna amino kiselina ali je direktni prekursor za sintezu karnozinau misicima. Beta alanin je jak stabilizator misicne PH. Preporucuje se doza od 3-6 grama dnevno, sto bi omogucilo osobi da izdrzi duze u toku treninga.

Amino kiseline razgranatog lanca (BCAA)
Ove tri esencijalne amino kiseline se nalaze u velikoj kolicini u vasim misicima. Dodati ih ishrani bi znacilo da omogucavate telu nove gradivne blokove za sintezu novog misicnog proteina. Izgleda da BCAA takodje direktno stimulisu misicne celije da sintetisu I zadrzavaju protein. Doza od 10 grama dnevno se preporucuje za OCT.

Primer OCT Programa (8-12 nedelja)

Testosteronska podrska
Vitamin D, 3000 IU/Day
Calcium, 500-1000 mgs/Day
Zinc , 30-35 mgs/Day ( ZMA supplement)
D-Aspatic Acid, 3.2 grams/Day

Celijska re-sensitizacija
Arachidonic Acid, 250 mgs/Day
Fish Oil, 2 grams/Day

Anabolicka suplementacija
Creatine, 5 grams/Day
Beta-Alanine, 3-6 grams/Day
BCAAs, 10 grams/Day

Van mreže 1234509876

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 02:03:17 pre podne »
jel sam ja dobro skapirao...za pct? nista tribulus,nista saw Palmetto ni maca?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #12 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 06:43:28 pre podne »
jel sam ja dobro skapirao...za pct? nista tribulus,nista saw Palmetto ni maca?

ma taj deo LavaBit obozava,zbog toga ga je iobjavio  hahahhahahahaha
ja bih ovaj deo ipak "zaobisao"

Van mreže 1234509876

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #13 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 05:08:32 posle podne »
jel sam ja dobro skapirao...za pct? nista tribulus,nista saw Palmetto ni maca?

ma taj deo LavaBit obozava,zbog toga ga je iobjavio  hahahhahahahaha
ja bih ovaj deo ipak "zaobisao"

:) cek cek...sad si me zbunio.....koji deo bi ti zaobisao?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Priming and Off cycle therapy!!!
« Odgovor #14 poslato: Mart 07, 2013, 07:32:43 posle podne »
[quote.koji deo bi ti zaobisao?][/quote]

pa taj
zaPCT nista trib,maca,kuca itd  ;D