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Autor Tema: Westside for Skinny Bastards trening plan  (Pročitano 3344 puta)

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Westside for Skinny Bastards trening plan
« poslato: Decembar 13, 2012, 11:00:33 pre podne »
Ovo je valjda poslednje poglavlje ovog popularnog programa :) , tekst ne stavljam vec samo  program vezbanja  4 puta nedeljno koji planiram da probam na prolece verovatno. Znam da je Stevco imao iskustva sa ovime pa bi mogao da baci neki komentar kao i ostali naravno.

MONDAY – Max-Effort Upper Body
A.   Max-Effort Exercise – work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following exercises:
•   Thick bar or regular barbell bench press
•   Barbell floor press
•   Rack lockouts / Suspended chain lockouts
•   Incline barbell bench press (regular grip or close grip)
•   Close-grip bench press (index finger on smooth part of bar)
•   Weighted chin-ups
•   Board presses or foam presses
•   Chain bench press (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
•   Band bench press (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
•   Reverse band bench press (*recommended for not-so-skinny bastards)
B.   Supplemental Exercise – perform 2 sets of max reps in one of the following exercises. (Choose a weight you can perform for 15-20 reps on the 1st set. Use the same weight for both sets and rest 3-4 minutes between sets).
•   Flat DB bench press (palms in or out)
•   Incline DB bench press (palms in or out)
•   DB floor press (palms in)
•   Barbell push-ups (wearing weighted vest)
•   Blast strap push-ups (wearing weighted vest)
•   “Criss-cross” chain push-ups
•   “Triceps death”
•   Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose to do weighted chin-ups for your first exercise)
C.   Horizontal pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.
Group 1
•   DB rows
•   Barbell rows
•   Seated cable rows (various bars)
•   T-bar rows
•   Chest supported rows
Group 2
•   Rear delt flyes
•   Scarecrows
•   Face pulls
•   Seated DB “power cleans”
•   Band pull-aparts
D.   Traps – Perform 3 – 4 sets of 8-15 reps of one of the following exercises:
•   DB shrugs
•   Barbell shrugs
•   Safety squat bar shrugs
•   Behind the back barbell shrugs
E.   Elbow flexor exercise - Perform 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps of one of the following exercises:
•   Barbell curls (regular or thick bar)
•   DB curls (standing)
•   Seated Incline DB curls
•   Hammer curls
•   Zottmann curls
•   Iso-hold DB curls
TUESDAY – Dynamic-Effort Lower Body
A.   Jump training – choose one of the following exercises and perform 5-8 sets of 1-3 jumps:
•   Box jumps
•   Vertical jumps
•   Broad jumps
•   Hurdle hops (jump over hurdle and land on ground)
•   Box squat into box jump
•   Depth jumps (onto box)
•   Weighted Reactive box jumps
B.   Unilateral exercise (w/ added ROM) – choose one of the following exercises and perform 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps:
•   Bulgarian split squats, front leg elevated (holding DB’s or with a barbell)
•   Barbell reverse lunge, front foot elevated
•   Barbell reverse lunge w/ knee lift (front foot elevated)
•   Step-ups (box height slightly above knee)
C.   Hip extension exercise – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps:
•   45-degree hyperextensions
•   Reverse hyperextensions
•   Pull-throughs
•   Swiss ball back bridge + leg curl
•   Glute-ham raises
•   Romanian deadlift
•   Forward sled dragging, upright posture (3 sets of 30 yards)
D.   Weighted Abdominals – choose one of the following exercises and perform 4 sets of 10-15 reps:
•   DB side bends
•   Offset barbell side bends
•   Barbell Russian twists
•   Low cable or band pull-ins
•   Hanging leg raises
•   Weighted Swiss ball crunches
•   Spread-eagle sit-ups (holding DB over chest)
•   Standing sit-ups (using a band or a high pulley)
THURSDAY – Repetition Upper Body
A.   Repetition Exercise – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of max reps OR 4 sets of 12-15 reps:
•   Flat DB bench press (palms in or out)
•   Incline DB bench press (palms in or out)
•   DB bench press on Swiss ball (palms in or out)
•   DB floor press (palms in)
•   Push-up variations
•   Chin-up variations
•   Barbell bench press (55-60% of 1RM)
B.   Vertical pulling / Rear delt superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3-4 supersets of 8-12 reps of each exercise.
Group 1
•   Lat pulldowns (various bars)
•   Chin-ups (don’t perform these if you chose to do chin-ups for your first exercise)
•   Straight arm pulldowns
Group 2
•   Rear delt flyes
•   Scarecrows
•   Face pulls
•   Seated DB “power cleans”
•   Band pull-aparts
C.   Medial delts – choose one of the following exercises and perform 4 sets of 8-12 reps:
•   DB lateral raises
•   L-lateral raises
•   Cable lateral raises
•   DB military press
•   DB side press
D.   Traps / Arms superset - Superset one exercise from “Group 1” with one exercise from “Group 2.” Perform 3 supersets.
Group 1 (Perform 8-10 reps)
•   DB shrugs
•   Barbell shrugs
•   Safety squat bar shrugs
•   Behind the back barbell shrugs
Group 2
•   Barbell curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   Seated Incline DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   Hammer curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   Zottmann curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   Iso-hold DB curls (8-10 reps each set)
•   DB triceps extensions (10-15 reps each set)
•   Triceps pushdowns (15-25 reps each set)
E.   Grip / Forearms – choose one of the following exercises:
•   Wrist roller (2-3 sets of 2-3 reps)
•   Thick bar or heavy DB holds (2-3 sets of max time)
•   Plate pinch gripping (2-3 sets of 2-3 reps)
•   Captains of Crush gripper (3 sets of max reps each hand)
•   Rice digs (3 timed sets)
*DON’T train your grip/forearms if you’re planning on deadlifting the next day.
FRIDAY – Max-Effort Lower Body
A.   MAX-EFFORT LIFT – work up to a max set of 3-5 reps in one of the following exercises:
•   Box squats (regular bar, safety squat bar, cambered bar, buffalo bar)
•   Free squats (regular bar, safety squat bar, cambered bar, buffalo bar)
•   Straight bar deadlifts (traditional style, sumo style)
•   Trap Bar deadlifts
•   Rack pulls (partial deadlifts)
•   Tire flip – (remember, your max-effort lifts don’t necessarily have to be limited to just barbell exercises!)
*Bands and/or chains can be incorporated into all of the above exercises for the not-so-skinny bastards reading this article.
B.   UNILATERAL MOVEMENT – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 6-12 reps:
•   Bulgarian split squat variation (holding DB’s or with a barbell)
•   Reverse lunge variation
•   Step-up variation
•   Walking lunges
•   Backward sled drags (3 sets of 30 yards)
•   Forward sled drags, 45-degree angle (3 sets of 30 yards)
C.   HAMSTRING / POSTERIOR CHAIN MOVEMENT – choose one of the following exercises and perform 3 sets of 8-12 reps:
•   45-degree hyperextensions
•   Reverse hyperextensions
•   Pull-throughs
•   Swiss ball back bridge + leg curl
•   Glute-ham raises
•   Romanian deadlifts
•   Forward sled dragging (upright posture)
D.   Ground-based, high-rep abdominal circuit – Example: sprinter sit-ups, V-ups, toe touches, hip thrusts. Perform 10-20 reps of each exercise and go through the circuit 2-3 times. Rest 1-2 minutes between circuits.
Men sana in corpore sano !