Ovako nešto:
"The test was not designed to test concentration but it is possible. It has sensitivity greater than 0.3 mg. So it means that everything which is less than 0.3 mg will not show any results. So with some good math and skills you should be able to estimate the concentration. You just need to look for the threshold. For example if your 1 cc (1 ml) holds 250 mg then the threshold would be 0.0012 cc (1.2 µl) so dropping anything bellow 1.2 µl will not react with the test, anything above will show positive reaction. If you cannot make that small injection then you can mix with oil to achieve smaller concentration.
Let me give you example. If you have 10 mg anavar pill and you divide it into 33 parts, it gives you about 0.3 mg, this is the estimated threshold for the test to react. If your sample test positive it means that your anavar pill is indeed around 10 mg. You can try this also with liquid or any other samples. If you cannot divide your 10 mg pill into 33 parts then mix it with 23 mg of neutral powder, get a good scale, weight 1 mg and you are ready to go. If you do not have scale then divide it in half, then 16.5 grams again in half until you get 1 mg (which will contain 0.3 mg of your original pill). Please note that this is only very rough estimate and it will not give you accurate answer since it is not test for testing potency. This movie shows you how to detect potent and under dosed testosterone enanthate."