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Autor Tema: Zlatko Sulja :)  (Pročitano 225190 puta)

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #105 poslato: Februar 11, 2013, 09:13:37 posle podne »
Oko 70-80 kvadrata ima.. Pa dolaze ljudi ,vecina mojih drugova ide tamo ali max 3-4 moze u jedno vreme da radi pa se zakazuje termin..
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #106 poslato: Februar 11, 2013, 09:19:36 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #107 poslato: Februar 12, 2013, 07:00:30 pre podne »
malo vise laktove prema unutra kada radis taj trisho push iza glave sa buckicom

Ok ,kapetane :D :D

actually it is a general :D

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #108 poslato: Februar 12, 2013, 10:48:06 pre podne »
malo vise laktove prema unutra kada radis taj trisho push iza glave sa buckicom

Ok ,kapetane :D :D

actually it is a general :D
kako sam osecao da ces da me ispravis ..hahah :D :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #109 poslato: Mart 21, 2013, 08:19:46 posle podne »
Malo da obnovim :D .. Trenutna kilaza 80-81 . Radi se masa ,jos uvek :D .. Ishranu sam sredio maximalno(u mom slucaju) .. Sa UH sam oko 4,5-5 (zavisi kako kad ) a B oko 2.7-3 ..  Evo jedna slika ,cisto iz fazona :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže vlada sin

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #110 poslato: Mart 21, 2013, 08:42:35 posle podne »
Ukoliko nisi konzument streroida 3 grama proteina ti je previse.
Odlican si
Men sana in corpore sano !

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #111 poslato: Mart 21, 2013, 08:48:41 posle podne »
Nisam . Na koliko da smanjim ? I jel ima kontra efekat ako unosim vise nego sto bi trebalo?posto se ne mastim nesto previse ,cak sta vise i trbusnjaci mi se vide isto kao pre ,mozda cak i bolje ..
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #112 poslato: Mart 21, 2013, 10:58:39 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže Serbian Beast

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #113 poslato: Mart 22, 2013, 02:26:21 posle podne »
Super je ovo , noge odlicne :)

Van mreže vlada sin

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #114 poslato: Mart 22, 2013, 02:45:57 posle podne »
Nisam . Na koliko da smanjim ? I jel ima kontra efekat ako unosim vise nego sto bi trebalo?posto se ne mastim nesto previse ,cak sta vise i trbusnjaci mi se vide isto kao pre ,mozda cak i bolje ..

ne verujem da ima kontra efekat i ako ti odgovara ti tako nastavi ali i da malko smanjis proteine a nadoknadis to kompleksnim hidratima ne verujem da bi nesto bitno menjalo a prilicno je jeftinije i verovatno lakse za pojesti.
Sto sam se ja informisao 2.5 gr proteina je za ljude koji ne uzimaju nista sto bi pospesilo sintezu proteina  sasvim dovoljno mada kada su rezultati dobri sve je ok.
Men sana in corpore sano !

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #115 poslato: Mart 22, 2013, 04:07:27 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #116 poslato: Mart 22, 2013, 04:12:31 posle podne »
Nisam . Na koliko da smanjim ? I jel ima kontra efekat ako unosim vise nego sto bi trebalo?posto se ne mastim nesto previse ,cak sta vise i trbusnjaci mi se vide isto kao pre ,mozda cak i bolje ..

ne verujem da ima kontra efekat i ako ti odgovara ti tako nastavi ali i da malko smanjis proteine a nadoknadis to kompleksnim hidratima ne verujem da bi nesto bitno menjalo a prilicno je jeftinije i verovatno lakse za pojesti.
Sto sam se ja informisao 2.5 gr proteina je za ljude koji ne uzimaju nista sto bi pospesilo sintezu proteina  sasvim dovoljno mada kada su rezultati dobri sve je ok.
Ja sam zadovoljan sa rezultatima, smanjicu B malo ,npr.posle treninga umesto merice ipo da stavim jednu mericu i to ce biti taman dovoljno .. A za UH? Da nastavim isto(naravno dok sam na masi) ili? :)
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže opaquer

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #117 poslato: Mart 23, 2013, 08:22:28 posle podne »
malac super ti ide mocno se slazes...nevidim razloga zasto bi ista mjenjao?meni to sve super izgleda kako radis...samo nastavi...

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #118 poslato: Mart 24, 2013, 12:02:45 posle podne »
malac super ti ide mocno se slazes...nevidim razloga zasto bi ista mjenjao?meni to sve super izgleda kako radis...samo nastavi...
Dok ima napretka ,tj pomaka radicu ovako , mozda smanjim malo B i to je to .. I hvala :)
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #119 poslato: Mart 24, 2013, 03:49:04 posle podne »
buduci jay ;)

Ala si navalio na tog Jay-a .. :D :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.