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Autor Tema: Zlatko Sulja :)  (Pročitano 225139 puta)

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #45 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:22:33 posle podne »
Uf , 2 meseca je proslo , i red je da stavim neke nove fotke . . Da cujem vase komentare,kritike itd.. :)
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #46 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:24:09 posle podne »
Nzm zasto je ubacilo dve iste slike, greska neka :)
« Poslednja izmena: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:25:49 posle podne rapidsoft »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #47 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:36:30 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #48 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:38:52 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže Genius

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #49 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:50:39 posle podne »
grudi malo zaostaju, samo cepaj..

Van mreže tenssa

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #50 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 04:51:37 posle podne »
Bogami fino si skinuo mast sa sebe, dobro napredujes.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #51 poslato: Oktobar 26, 2012, 05:07:31 posle podne »
grudi malo zaostaju, samo cepaj..
Grudi su mi jedna od jacih strana , ali se nevidi dobro na ovim fotkama .
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #52 poslato: Oktobar 29, 2012, 03:55:56 posle podne »
samo gas

Van mreže newbody

  • Cruiserweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #53 poslato: Oktobar 29, 2012, 04:00:21 posle podne »
dobro odradjen poso, cestitam, samo nastavi
sta dalje planiras?
Personalni/Licni trener Vernes.
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Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #54 poslato: Oktobar 29, 2012, 04:53:08 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #55 poslato: Oktobar 29, 2012, 04:56:17 posle podne »
dobro odradjen poso, cestitam, samo nastavi
sta dalje planiras?
Hvala ti.. uff o tome sam nesto malo razmisljao ,ugl rec je mozda o nekom takmicenju ali za to jos treba puno da se radi.. Ugl trudim se koliko mogu.. vec mi se povraca od hrane ali nedam se.. :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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  • Poruke: 397
Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #56 poslato: Novembar 04, 2012, 10:42:35 posle podne »
Opet ja :D .. Odlucio sam da probam sa rotacijama(mozda jos netreba dijeta al hocu cisto da probam) par nedelja pa da pitam vas strucne dal sam dobro rasporedio unos UH itd.. ovako: 75-150-50-0-200-75-100 .
radnim danima unos B je 2.2gr na moju kilazu (77kg imam) to je 170B .
vikendom 2.5gr B .
Zamenio sam i nacim treniranja :
Pon. Grudi-Triceps
Uto. Noge,listovi,abs
Sred. Ledja-biceps
Cetv. Ramena,abs
Samo ako neko moze da mi kaze kako da radim kardio posto mi je ovo prva dijeta pa nzm tacno..koliko minuta,koji intenzitet itd.
I dal da ubacim jos kofein umesto kreatina i blend izmedju obroka ?
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #57 poslato: Novembar 05, 2012, 12:23:30 posle podne »
dobra je rotacija ali ti nemas ni jedan jedini razlog da je radis..

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #58 poslato: Novembar 05, 2012, 01:33:50 posle podne »
dobra je rotacija ali ti nemas ni jedan jedini razlog da je radis..
Razumem ja to nego hocu cisto da probam kako ce ici ,nekih 2 nedelje . mislim da nemam sta da izgubim a mozda ce da mi se i isplati za sledeci put kad budem planirao dijetu..
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

  • Middleweight Member
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  • Poruke: 397
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.