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Autor Tema: Zlatko Sulja :)  (Pročitano 225140 puta)

Van mreže SlobodanS

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #495 poslato: April 17, 2016, 01:23:16 posle podne »
Čestitke na 2. mjestu! Odlicni ste bili, i ti i Tomo.

Pridruzujem se cestitkama,evo celo jutro trazim bilo gde rezultate iz Jagodine al nikako..

Imas Aco neke slike mozda ili ?

Van mreže VOJA.S

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #496 poslato: April 17, 2016, 01:30:10 posle podne »
Nije izbacivao Zlaja jos nista.Ja sam video samo jednu koju je izbacio Zeljko,njegov burazer.
Takodje,svaka cast i videcemo sta ce biti veceras...;)

Van mreže AcoBB

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #497 poslato: April 17, 2016, 01:43:25 posle podne »
Čestitke na 2. mjestu! Odlicni ste bili, i ti i Tomo.

Pridruzujem se cestitkama,evo celo jutro trazim bilo gde rezultate iz Jagodine al nikako..

Imas Aco neke slike mozda ili ?
Slika ima samo jedna iz backstagea stavio njegov brat na FB, jako dobar je posao napravio. Meni je Ado odma javio nakon takmicenja rezlutate, bit ce vjerovatno danas-sutra puno vise slika od svih. Damjanovic 1. u njegovoj kateg, također i apsolutni, stvarno je decko potencijal za PRO-a. Draskovic prvi +90, classic 1. Kržanović, 2. Zovko. Ove druge kateg. ne znam. Biti ce kroz tjedan dana sve kategorije na ytu kaze Pedja.
Instagram: Aco_1007

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #498 poslato: April 20, 2016, 10:03:29 posle podne »
Konacno stigoh i do foruma,sorry na cekanju .. Prvo da se zahvalim momcima na cestitkama :)
Everest kup Jagodina 16.04.2016 , 2.mesto u seniorima Bodyclassic -180cm.
Drzavno Srbija open 17.04.2016 , 3.mesto ista kategorija.
Rezultatima sam zadovoljan(osim drzavnog,tu bas nisam skroz zadovoljan plasmanom ali sta je tu je) , stavicu sad i neke slicice da vidite kako je to izgledalo.. a mozete pogledati ostatak kod mene na fejsu ..
Najvise bih se zahvalio nasem generalu Pedji , koji mi je zaista puno pomogao ,pokrpio sve rupice sto se tice suplementacije i ispalo je vrh .. Verujte mi da je mnogo lakse odraditi takmicarske pripreme kad imate malo veci arsenal suplementacije...
Ono sto je dalje u planu je revers dijeta.. polako dizanje kalorija i pracenje stanja pa da vidimo sta se moze izvuci posle svega ovoga :) . Sve je u glavi ;)
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #499 poslato: April 20, 2016, 10:07:37 posle podne »
Decko skroz levo 2.mesto , ja 3.mesto , decko s desne strane 4.mesto i skroz desno 1.mesto.
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #500 poslato: April 20, 2016, 10:11:38 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #501 poslato: April 20, 2016, 10:13:14 posle podne »
I Mr.Big je bio vredan :)) dan posle drzavnog.
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #502 poslato: April 20, 2016, 10:14:55 posle podne »
fuj to :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže VOJA.S

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #503 poslato: April 21, 2016, 12:15:28 pre podne »
Samo napred Zlajooo...:D

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #504 poslato: April 21, 2016, 12:45:07 posle podne »
Hvalaaa :D
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #505 poslato: Februar 22, 2017, 07:38:14 posle podne »
Pozdravim svima, odlucio sam da osvezim temu posto me dugo nije bilo ..
Eto ukratko, radio se period mase , 4-5 meseci.
Sa 86.5kg na 102kg . Plan je bina u oktobru , cilj 88-90kg na bini.
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #506 poslato: Februar 22, 2017, 07:39:33 posle podne »
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #507 poslato: Februar 22, 2017, 07:51:36 posle podne »
4 meseca
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.

Van mreže VOJA.S

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #508 poslato: Februar 22, 2017, 08:02:06 posle podne »
Odlican posao ste odradili Zlajo, samo napred ovo izgleda super pa da te gledamo u oktobru.

Van mreže rapidsoft

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Odg: Zlatko Sulja :)
« Odgovor #509 poslato: Februar 23, 2017, 10:48:06 pre podne »
Hvala Vojo :)
There are days when you feel like You don't have a home. No family or anything to Lean on. Your best friend can't even Spot you.That is why the Gym is my true home. The bench is always there for me to lean on, and a complete starnger will always Spot me.