Ja sam nedavno implementirao hek čučanj u moj trening, ali baš imam problema da savladam tehniku iako su težine koje dižem smešne.
Evo npr. da li valja ova prezentacija?
Hack Squat with Barbell ([url=http://www.trainatp.com]www.trainatp.com)[/url]
Najprecizniji opis tehnike izvođenja sam našao na sajtu
http://www.livestrong.com/article/529880-what-muscles-do-hack-squats-target/ ...
...gde kaže:
When doing a hack squat, use a barbell. Stand in front of the barbell and step back until the bar touches your legs. Brace your core and roll your shoulders back and down. Descend to the barbell and grasp it with an overhand grip. To keep your back from rounding as you descend, focus your gaze on the wall just above your head. If you're unable to grasp the bar when you descend, use a Smith machine and place the barbell on safety hooks above the ground. This eliminates any rounding of your back. Alternately, rest the barbell on one or two risers used to support step benches.
Rise back to standing, driving your weight into your heels and keeping your back flat. Feel the bar as it comes up the back of your leg. When the weight comes to your knees, pull your shoulders back and your pelvis forward. Descend and repeat, keeping a grip on the bar throughout the exercise. Release it when you are done with your set."
I sve to lepo zvuči, ali u praksi imam problema kad odignem teg u visini kolena (tj. zadnjeg dela kolena) i potom nastavim pokret neretko udaram šipkom o zadnju ložu. E sad u navedenom tekstu piše da u tom momentu (kada šipka dođe u visinu zadnjeg dela kolena) treba povući ramena unazad a karlicu gurnuti unapred.
Kako to za boga miloga?
Da li bi neko od iskusnijih mogao da pobliže opiše tehniku hek čučnja šipkom?