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For example, women with an excessive percentage of fat on the back of their arms are likely to have elevated insulin levels or low DHEA levels.
Men unlucky enough to be lugging around a generous set of man-boobs are likely to have high levels of estrogen (often combined with high insulin and low testosterone)
High InsulinCausesEating too much over-processed, nutrient deficient carbohydrates – fast food, frozen dinners, pop, fruit drinks, sugary foods, processed diet foods…you know. Crap.
Eating too little protein – real protein, not processed McNugget protein
Eating too little fat – real fat, not trans-fat
Not enough fiber in your diet - no need for supplements, you should get enough protein from fruit & veg
Unmanaged high levels of chronic stress
Not enough exercise
Excessive exercise to the point of muscle wasting
Steroid based medications
Poor liver function
Environmental toxins
Poor sleep patterns
Aging – sorry about that one
SolutionsDiet – Sugar/Insulin control diet – Paleo/Atkins/Medierranean
Botanical – Cinnamon, Chromium – talk to your naturopath
Increase consumption of fiber
Increase consumption of fish oils
Weight loss
Reduce exposure to toxins & improve liver function – talk to your naturopath
Get your hormone levels checked
High TestosteroneWhile not very common in men, it affects about 10% of women
CausesIncreased production by the adrenal glands
Polycystic ovaries caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Low Estrogen. Estrogen is a potent inhibitor of testosterone production, so anything that decreases estrogen levels beyond the norm is going to increase the testosterone to estrogen balance
SolutionsStress management = lowered cortisol = reduction in adrenal production
Insulin control diet – Paleo/Atkins/Mediterranean
Pharmaceutical – Troglitazone and Metformin – talk to your doctor
Botanical – Saw Palmetto – talk to your naturopath
Estrogen replacement – bio-identical or conventional – talk to your doctor
Get your hormone levels checked
Low TestosteroneCausesAging
Damage to the testicles
Testicular or Pituitary tumors
Serious viral infections
Various genetic conditions – Klinefelter’s, Kallmann’s, Prader-Willi syndromes and Myotonic Dystrophy
In addition to these causes, there are a variety of lifestyle causes. These include:
Obesity…it’s a vicious circle – low test causes obesity and obesity causes lowered test…sorry
Exposure to pesticides
Exposure to hormones used in factory farm meat and poultry production. These hormones act like Estrogen in your body, and…
Estrogen is a potent inhibitor of testosterone production, so anything that increases estrogen levels beyond the norm is going to negatively impact testosterone production
Phthalates (found in soap, cosmetics and plastics) are another estrogen like compound that suppresses testosterone.
Alcohol…especially beer
Temperature – boxers v.s briefs
Sleep apnea
Diet – Dump your low-fat diet and increase your healthy fats
Botanical – Tribulus - talk to your naturopath
High Intensity exercise
Get your hormone levels checked
Diet – Dump your low-fat diet and increase your healthy fats
Botanical – Tribulus – talk to your naturopath
Pharmaceutical – Aromatase blockers and/or testosterone, anabolic steroids – talk to your doctor and/or your lawyer…see Manny Ramierez
High Intensity exercise
Get your hormone levels checked
High Estrogen or Estrogen DominanceCausesPregnancy & menstrual cycle fluctuations
Unmanaged high levels of chronic stress
Obesity – obesity causes high estrogen which causes obesity…
Poor diet – processed foods, a high fat diet, a high sugar diet, excessive caffeine, low levels of magnesium and B6
Birth control pill
Exposure to hormones used in factory farm meat and poultry production. These hormones act like Estrogen in your body, and…
Phthalates and other xenoestrogens (found in soap, cosmetics and plastics)
Low testosterone
Impaired liver function
Poor digestion
Lack of exercise
Lack of sleep
SolutionsStress management
Improve your diet – Paleo/Atkins/Mediterranean/increase your fiber
Reduce your exposure to hormones and xenoestrogens
Improve liver function – talk to your naturopath
Get more sleep
Exercise more
Pharmaceutical – Testosterone – talk to your doctor
Get your hormone levels checked
Low EstrogenCausesAging – Menopause
Premature failure of the ovaries
Surgical menopause
Unmanaged high levels of stress
Low-fat diets
Extremely low body-fat
Estrogen replacement – bio-identical or conventional – talk to your doctor
Get your hormone levels checked
High CortisolWe all have stress in our lives. The problems begin when we can’t handle the stresses that are thrown our way. That is when stress starts negatively impacting our health. Chronic elevated levels of corisol is just one symptom of that impact.
CausesUnmanaged high levels of chronic stress
SolutionsStress management – meditation, breathing techniques, psychiatry, psychotherapy, mindfulness practice, biofeedback + a million more techniques available on late-night infomercials and the inter-web.
Insulin control diet – Paleo/Atkins/Mediterranean
Reduce intake of stimulants
Supplements – Multi-Vitamin/Mineral, magnesium, B5, B6, Phosphatidylserine, adaptogens such as ginseng – talk to your naturopath.
Get your hormone levels checked
Low Growth HormoneCausesAging
Lack of sleep
Lack of exercise
Eating before bed
Sleeping with lights on
SolutionsDon’t eat before bed
Sleep in the dark
High Intensity exercise – low intensity (ie cardio) has little effect
Intermittent fasting
Supplements – GHB and the Amino Acids Arginine, Lysine and Ornithine – talk to your doctor/naturopath
Get your hormone levels checked
Low DHEACausesAging
Unmanaged high levels of chronic stress
SolutionsDHEA supplements – talk to your naturopath
Stress management – meditation, breathing techniques, psychiatry, psychotherapy, mindfulness practice, biofeedback + a million more techniques available on late-night infomercials and the inter-web.
Insulin control diet – Paleo/Atkins/Mediterranean
Reduce intake of stimulants
Supplements – Multi-Vitamin/Mineral, magnesium, B5, B6, Phosphatidylserine, adaptogens such as ginseng – talk to your naturopath.
Get your hormone levels checked
Low ProgesteroneCausesLack of ovulation
Unmanaged high levels of chronic stress
Low levels of luteinizing hormone
Excess prolaction
SolutionsProgesterone cream – talk to your doctor/naturopath
Stress management – meditation, breathing techniques, psychiatry, psychotherapy, mindfulness practice, biofeedback + a million more techniques available on late-night infomercials and the inter-web.
Get your hormone levels checked