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Autor Tema: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru  (Pročitano 47567 puta)

Van mreže Vladar

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Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« poslato: Oktobar 15, 2011, 05:16:17 posle podne »
Victor zadrzan u pritvoru zbog problema sa US vizom

Nakon povratka sa Arnold Classic Europe odrzanog u Španiji gdje je pobrao lovore, Victor je zatvoren zbog problema sa svojom americkom vizom (Victor zivi jako dugo u US, a originalno je Dominikanac). Nije zadrazn po osnovu neke kriminalne ranjde vec zbog problema sa boravisnom dozvolom.

Victor je ubjedjen da ce se stvari rjesiti kroz pad dana, ali do tada je u pritvoru.

Victor je ranije lezao u zatvoru zbog ucestvovanja u trgovini narkotika - mnogi tvrde da je izbjegao dugogodisnju kaznu jer je tuzilastvo uspomoc njegovog svjedocenja doslo do krupnih riba, a da je on prosao sa samo sa peckom po ruci i nije poslat nazad.

O novim zbivanjima oko ASC sampiona cu Vas naknadno obavjestiti.

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Oktobar 15, 2011, 11:32:36 posle podne »
Americki proseratori
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Novembar 07, 2011, 01:41:02 posle podne »
What Really Happened to Victor Martinez?

From: RxMuscle

Victor Martinez, $50,000 richer from winning the 2011 IFBB Arnold Europe, strolled right up to the U.S Custom window at JFK Airport on October 7th; however, he never saw the “light of day”. As of Monday November 7th, he’s been behind bars for a solid month and today is D-day for Victor. He’ll be appearing at a hearing in front of a judge that’ll determine whether or not he’ll be granted bail and temporarily released from custody. The question people have been pondering and speculating about all over the internet is: Why wasn’t Victor allowed re-entry into the United States? In the following paragraphs I’ll attempt to assemble all of the facts I‘ve gathered from my various sources and then throw in a little logic and supposition and hopefully I’ll paint a picture that’s relatively close to the truth.

Let’s go over the facts...

(1)   Victor Martinez isn’t a US Citizen. He's a permanent legal resident. That means he’s allowed to reside and work in the US on a permanent basis. After 5 years of residence, he could have applied to become a citizen, but for whatever reason, he never took that step. I’m sure you’ve heard of a “Green Card”. Well that’s what Victor has. What I bet you didn’t know, and I know I didn’t, was that these “colored” cards expire every 10 years. They must be renewed. That’s an important fact that I’ll be returning to in a bit.

(2)   Victor is a convicted felon. When dealing with I.C.E. (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), I am told a person’s criminal history, or lack thereof, comes heavily into play. That along with what they do for work, their education, and what they contribute to society. Obviously, having a criminal past won’t help his cause, but since it’s been many years since Victor has been in trouble; hopefully they’ll take that into consideration.

(3)   Victor’s been held for one month. The length of time is significant because it points strongly toward the US government attempting to deport Victor. The only reason he’s still being held in the USA is because he must have lawyers working to keep him here. Otherwise, he’d be in the Dominican Republic right now. The US government CAN hold Victor for up to 90 days, but the deportation process is usually much faster.

(4)   Victor has no current charges pending. No federal or state charges of any sort have been charged against him. If he had got caught with drugs while crossing the border, it would certainly be in the computer by now.

(5)   Victor went to India to compete at the Sheru Classic. We flew on the same flight, and he was right in front of me in line at US Customs. I witnessed him walking through, no problem.

Now, let’s return to that “Green Card” issue. Apparently, the reason Victor was able to go to India and return was, at that time (September 25th), his Green Card was in good standing. Apparently, it expired shortly thereafter. Victor took a gamble that he’d be able to return to the US with an expired “green card”. Normally, allowing this document to expire isn’t a huge deal. It’s not like Victor’s permanent resident status expires with the card. However, you are required by law to carry a valid card with you at all times to prove your status. If Victor had applied before he left; even RIGHT BEFORE, he would have been issued a temporary card at the time of the filing and he most likely would be sleeping in his own bed right now.

The issue is re-entering the US with an expired “Green Card”. It’s not like getting into a dance club with an expired driver’s license. This is the type of thing that gets checked. Now, combine that with Victor’s criminal history, and consider the fact that he’s one of the most muscular men on the planet,... you see how it could be a huge problem. That being aid, it’s possible that Victor was apprehensive about renewing his green card since this might have been the first time he’s had to have it renewed since the felony convictions. One of the very few ways it’s possible to have the renewal process declined is to have been convicted of a criminal act.

Today’s hearing is pivotal, and if he doesn’t get bail, it’s a safe assumption that Victor is going to be deported. If he is granted bail, then it’s seems likely the US government will allow Victor to renew his card. If it’s denied and he’s deported, an I.C.E. agent will fly with Victor back to the Santo Domingo, the capital city of the Dominic Republic, and he’ll be dropped off at customs. I.C.E. is pretty secretive about when these flights are, and who knows about it so chances of me catching a “last word” with Victor are slim to none. I.C.E doesnt even inform the local authorities. Only the air traffic control room staff is informed as the plane is landing! If this happens as a result of a felony conviction, Victor will not be allowed back into the US for at least 10 years, and possibly never.

If you think that means the end of Victor’s bodybuilding career... You’d be wrong. With 9 pro contests outside the US this coming year, he could do 5 more shows than the 4 he competed in this year. Obviously, it wouldn’t allow him to do the two biggest shows, The Olympia and Arnold, but there’ll be plenty of contests and prize money available for him.
Victor Martinez has survived his mother dying, a serious injury, and his sister being murdered. And it seemed like Victor’s luck was starting to change, but now this. I’ve have the opportunity to hang out and talk to Victor, and he’s a mellow, easy going, guy. You wouldn’t think he deserves all the misfortune that he’s been forced to endure. They say we “make our own luck”. . . I sure hope Victor can transform all the thorns in his life into roses!

I know I speak not just for myself, but Dave Palumbo and the whole RxMuscle family when I say I truly wish Victor Martinez good luck at his hearing tomorrow morning.



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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Novembar 09, 2011, 09:57:16 pre podne »
Nažalost,Viktoru je odbijen zahtev za kauciju i u pritvoru ostaje do 6-og januara kada će se opet pojaviti u sudu...

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Novembar 16, 2011, 03:27:49 posle podne »
Dominikanski dominator u ozbiljnim problemima?

Prema određenim navodima prava istina je da je Victor imao falsificiranu zelenu kartu (green card), dakle vizu za boravak u SAD-u. I to ne samo to nego da je Victora prijavio vlastima nitko drugi nego njegov trener Victor Munoz!

Kao što smo ranije pisali... Jedan mjesec nakon što je zadržan prilikom ulaska u SAD radi problema oko imigracijske vize, Victor Martinez je imao sudsko ročište na kojemu je trebalo biti određeno hoće li mu se dozvoliti plaćanje jamčevine te tako izbjeći zadržavanje u pritvoru do slijedećeg ročišta. Martinezu je odbijen zahtjev za jamčevinom te do slijedećeg sudskog ročišta koje je 6. siječnja 2012. ostaje u pritvoru.

Prema određenim navodima prava istina je da je Victor imao falsificiranu zelenu kartu (green card), dakle vizu za boravak u SAD-u. I to ne samo to nego da je Victora prijavio vlastima nitko drugi nego njegov trener Victor Munoz! Ako je to istina, to bi opravdalo činjenicu da Victoru nisu dozvolili da plati jamčevinu i da se brani sa slobode. Još uvijek čekamo službenu izjavu Victora ili ljudi bliskih njemu kako bi saznali pravu ili barem djelomičnu istinu. A ukoliko poželite Victoru napisati pismo i izraziti podršku ili iz bilo kojeg drugog razloga, njegova adresa je:

Victor Martinez A-3-W 252912

35 Hackensack Ave. Kearny, NJ 07032



Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Januar 09, 2012, 03:53:40 posle podne »
Saga o Victoru Martinezu se nastavlja...

Nekoliko novosti o Victoru Martinezu. Victor je 6. siječnja imao ročište na sudu u New York City-u. Mislili smo da će njegovo saslušanje biti formalnost te kako će Victoru nakon pregledavanja papira i dokumentacije odrediti termin za završno ročište. Stvari se očito nisu razvijale tim tokom. Prema izvorima iz MD-a nekoliko dokumenata nije bilo u redu...

Nekoliko novosti o Victoru Martinezu. Victor je 6. siječnja imao ročište na sudu u New York City-u. Mislili smo da će njegovo saslušanje biti formalnost te kako će Victoru nakon pregledavanja papira i dokumentacije odrediti termin za završno ročište. Stvari se očito nisu razvijale tim tokom. Prema izvorima iz MD-a nekoliko dokumenata nije bilo u redu. Termin za završno ročište mu sudac još nije odredio. Njegovi odvjetnici ipak vjeruju kako će se završno ročište održati negdje između travnja i svibnja.

Victoru Martinezu nije odobreno plaćanje jamčevine i obrana sa slobode iako njegovi odvjetnici tvrde kako bi se to moglo dogoditi prije njegovog slijedećeg sudskog ročišta koje je 24. veljače. Njegovi odvjetnici također dodaju i činjenicu (zbog koje nam je neobično drago) kako bi Victor trebao (ukoliko sve bude u redu na njegovom završnom ročištu) dobiti državljanstvo SAD-a!

Prema izvorima iz MD-a, Victoru nedostaje njegova obitelj, fanovi, nedostaju mu treninzi i nedostaje mu teretana. Izgleda zdravo i odmoreno. Također mu je želja se vratiti – bolji nego ikada!

Podsjetimo kako je Victor Martinez uhićen prilikom ulaska u SAD 9. listopada, samo jedan dan nakon osvajanja „Arnold Classic Europe 2011“ u Španjolskoj. Victoru je karijera konačno krenula uzlaznom putanjom. Nakon osvajanja jako dobrog četvrtog mjesta na Mr O. te osvajanja prvog mjesta na „Arnold Classic Europe 2011“ u Madridu, za slijedeću sezonu je najavio još više osvojenih natjecanja. Ova cijela priča mu je sigurno korak nazad. Nadamo se da će Victor svoje probleme sa zakonom brzo i uspješno riješiti...


Van mreže vlada sin

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Januar 09, 2012, 04:54:49 posle podne »
Kako li se klopa u zatvoru zivo me interesuje. Ako nista makar ima materijala za film pod nazivom nekog od Bakicevih slogana.
Men sana in corpore sano !

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #7 poslato: April 28, 2012, 09:47:26 pre podne »
Victor je pusten iz zatvora... par fotki nakon izlaska.

Van mreže aNaBoLiKa

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #8 poslato: April 28, 2012, 02:08:05 posle podne »
auuuuu kako je izgubio na masiii strasno :S

Van mreže jovann

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #9 poslato: April 28, 2012, 03:19:45 posle podne »
Izgubio jeste al nije puno malo duks cini svoje,ali jbg-a takav je sport ne treniraj ne hrani se po planu cao nema te vise...

Van mreže Kolev Nenad

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #10 poslato: April 28, 2012, 03:44:35 posle podne »
Ma ne radi se o duxu,glava mu se mnogo smanjila.....


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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #11 poslato: April 28, 2012, 03:54:21 posle podne »
Pomijesao si loncice.

Van mreže Kolev Nenad

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #12 poslato: April 28, 2012, 04:02:42 posle podne »
Znajuci sebe vrlo je moguce  :D


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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #13 poslato: April 28, 2012, 08:42:28 posle podne »
Ma ne radi se o duxu,glava mu se mnogo smanjila.....

onda se nije bas nacito ....  ;D
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Van mreže PEJABG

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Odg: Victor Martinez ponovo u zatvoru
« Odgovor #14 poslato: April 28, 2012, 08:55:20 posle podne »
za dorucak jedno jaje :)