Kevin Levrone :
,,Uvjek sam drzao strogu dijetu 12 nedelja pred takmicenje .Jeo sam istu hranu svaki obrok a to bi bila riba 6 kg dnevno,kuvanog povrca 6 casa najcesce mijesanog.
Braon pirinca 6 casa.Galon vode dnevno.
Nikad nisam radio keto dijetu i bez unosa UH pred takmicenje.Tokom prirema bih dobijao 3 do 5 kg nedeljno.Teski treninzi,savanje po 10 sati dnevno,redovni obroci,'ali 90 % onoga sto sam
postigao je zahvaljujuci genetici.
Postoji mnogo pozrtvovanja ali ne odricanja sa zacrtanim ciljem u glavi.
Bez obzira kakva vam je gentika, oslonite sa na svoju snagu i stavite cekic dole(e ovo nisam mogao revesti na naski
Iako nemate moju genetku,jos uvjek se mozete nositi kao sampioni i dostignuti svoj potencijal-to je sve sto je bitno.
Ne zaboravite da kazete svoje molitve pred spavanje,idite na spavanje sa cistom savescu,probudite se i nastaviti dalje putovanje.
Sto se tice off season,moj split trening je bio isti kao i pred takmicenje,prvi dan:grudi,ramena triceps,drugi dan:kvadricespsi,treci dan:ledja ,bicep i zadnja loza.
Cetvrti dan odmor i onda sve izpocetka,Tokom off-a vrlo jaki treninzi.
Dakle ,ajde da kazem da sam sad zavrsio ,,Arnolda.Ne bih nista radio od sada i izmedju juna.
Smanjio bih kalorije jeo 3 puta dnevno i izgubio do 40kg.Zatim u junu bih poceo treniranje i dobijao 3-5 kg nedeljno i bio spreman za Mr.O.
I jos ovo:Nikad nisam drzao veliki unos Uh tokom nedelje ,a nizak unos nedeljom,samo bih ubrzao cardio.Za mene ako drzite strogu dijetu unosite male ili srednje unose UH,i raditi cardio.
Onda ce te zavrsiti onako kako zelite.Predpostavljam mijenjaje Uh i natrijuma je vise od rizika,ne znajuci kako ce tijelo odreagovati,a takodje lenjost ne zeleci da radim cardio.Takodje zavisi koliko vjezbi u tri dana split treninga,je sve sto je potrebno da obuhvati sve misicne grupe to bi bilo oko 36-40 vjezbi,ili da srusi vase misicne grupe.
U prosjeku sam radio 4 vjezbe po misicu."
Kevin Levrone
I've always stuck to a strict diet pre-contest for 12 weeks. I would eat the same thing every meal: that would be fish (6 lbs a day, flounder). Steamed vegetables (six cups, mixed frozen vegetables). Brown rice (six cups). Gallon of water a day.
I never did a keto diet or no carb diet pre-show. During the prep I would gain anywhere from 3-5 lbs of muscle a week. Training really, really heavy, sleeping ten hours a day, eating right, but I would have to attribute 90% of what I did to genetics. In fact, 90% of pro bodybuilding is genetics. Maybe more.
There's a lot of sacrifice, not quitting, visualizing, having a goal sitting in your head. So whatever genetics are, tap into it, tap into your strength, and put the hammer down guys. If you don't have my genetics, you can still carry yourself like a champion and reach your potential – that's all that matters. Don't forget to say your prayers at night, go to sleep with a clear conscience, wake up and continue the journey the next day.
As far as my off season, my training split was the same that is was pre-contest. Pushing movements day one (chest/shoulder/tris), day two, quads, day three, back, bis and hamstrings. Abs and calves every time I was in the gym. Day four was a rest, and I started it all again on day five, and so on. Train very heavy during off season.
So let's say I just finished the Arnold. I wouldn't do anything between now and June. I would cut the calories in half, eat three times a day and lose 40 lbs of muscle. Then in June, I'd start training and gaining 3-5 lbs of muscle a week and train heavy all the way up until Mr. Olympia.
I never did a high carb week with a low carb week, I would just up my cardio. For me if you stick to a strict diet, keep carbs medium to low, and do cardio. Then you'll end up looking the way you want. I suspect fluctuating carb and sodium is more of a risk, not knowing how you're body will respond, and it's also laziness not wanting to do cardio. Also, in terms of how many exercises in a three day split, whatever it takes to hit your muscle groups, it would be about 36-40 exercises, or whatever it takes to tear down your muscles. On average I would do four exercises per muscle.