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Autor Tema: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?  (Pročitano 7282 puta)

Van mreže Dominikanac

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Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 04:40:15 pre podne »
Onako za dokone tj one koji imaju dovoljno vremena supsa hrane i ass... Da li je preporucljivo i da li je kontra produktivno posto znamo da misicu treba vremena da se odmori... Znam da neki iskusniji rade 2x dnevno ali je 100% za manje iskusne veova kontra produktivno.
Sunce koje przi ko da kaze da izdrzim, vetar muzika za usi, ritam kisa koja pljusti

Van mreže jocifer

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 09:18:40 pre podne »
Nadam se da je pravopisna greska, zato sto mi je najsmesnije kad vidim ljude da stalno pisu ass umesto aas...

Van mreže Milos Zivanovic

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 10:16:01 pre podne »
Pa ako imas rezultata od 1treninga dnevno, nema razloga da menjas nesto sto radi dokle god radi - to je bar moja logika.. Mozes 7 dana da sokiras telo ovim, ali na duze staze pretreniranost je verovatno izvesna...

Ja kada bi imao vremena samo bi dan za ruke podelio pre podne bic - po podne tric da probam..  ;)

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 11:26:44 pre podne »
mozes ali pazi kako koncipiras treninge. Imas one fazone ujutru veca grupa,uvece manja.Ja trenutno radim iste misice i ujutru i uvece s tim sto ujutru radim manaji broj serija,manji broj ponavljanja,pauze oko 90 sek ( da kazemo jednom recju ujutru-low volume) a uvece obrnuto vise serija,mnogo manje pauze. E s tim sto gledas da ti razmak izmedju treninga bude barem 4 sata ali ne vise od 10 jer ces se upaliti (bar se ja upalim jako brzo psole treninga i onda dzaba ako ti je prevelika pauza).

 Naravno,ovo sve vazi ako mozes da ispratis sa hranom i suplementacijom inace je totalno kontraproduktivno.

p.s. i moje msiljenje je da prvo ti nastavis sa normalnim treninzima jer si tek do skora lepo krenuo sve po spisku raditi,lako ces posle praviti ove mahinacije dva put dnevno :D
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Van mreže BUKAS

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 12:43:19 posle podne »
I have a confession to make: I don’t really like being in the gym. That’s right, despite the
constant attention from the many vixens there and my love for the iron game, I just can’t
wait to get out of there! That’s why I personally love to train twice a day. Wait a minute,
you just said that you hated being in the gym, then why train two times in one day? Well,
using twice-a-day workouts allow me to use very short sessions each time. I prefer to do
the same amount of work (or only slightly more) in two short sessions than in one big
workout. There are several advantages to this:
1. It’s harder to loose motivation, being in the gym for only 25-30 minutes doesn’t give
you time to get bored!
2. Your overall work quality is much higher. By splitting your workload in two daily
sessions you are fresher for the second half of the workout, which means greater gains.
3. You burn more calories. A recent study by Almuzaini et al. (1998) found that when the
same volume of work is divided into two sessions, the total amount of calories burned is
greater (mostly due to a higher, more sustained post-exercise oxygen consumption). So
for individuals wanting to gain a lot of muscle, this will make it possible to eat more good
food without gaining as much fat. And for individuals looking to get ripped, well, the
advantage is self-evident!
4. When you perform the same amount of work divided into two sessions you can recover
faster from the workload and thus progress at a more rapid pace.
5. Fast-twitch individuals and peoples with an efficient nervous system seem to respond
much better to split training than to one, longer session.
6. You can see twice as many vixens in the same day!
Now, twice-a-day sessions seem to be the Holy Grail and in some sense it can be.
However it’s easy to abuse such a method. Many peoples will make the mistake of
actually doubling their workload, doing two big sessions instead of two small ones. This
is one of the fastest ways to stagnation. When doing twice-a-day sessions the first
workout should be no longer than 30-40 minutes and the second one between 20 and 30
minutes in length.
Another classic mistake is to work on the same physiological facet in both sessions. To
make the most out of twice-a-day sessions you should vary the type of demand you place
on your body. I found that having a functional emphasis in the morning session and a
structural emphasis in the evening session to be the best way to train.
A final mistake that peoples make is to work different body parts on each of the two
sessions of a same day. This is a mistake. All it does is actually reduce the recovery time
that each muscle group receives (each muscle’s turn comes back faster). Furthermore,
since you only use a very low volume of work at each session, doing different body parts
on each session will actually reduce the training effect.
So how can I make it work for me?
If you respect the following guidelines you should benefit greatly from twice-a-day
sessions, if you do not respect them, well, train at your own peril! :
1. Train for no more than 30-40 minutes in the first session and no more than 20-30
minutes in the second.
2. Train the same muscle in both daily sessions.
3. Include more functional-oriented training in the first session of the day. This means
heavier weights, more acceleration or more complex exercises.
4. Include more structural-oriented training in the second session of the day. This means
more volume, less weight and a slower tempo.
5. Use a good post-workout drink after every session. The best product available is Surge
for this purpose.
6. Train each muscle only once a week. You can pair muscles groups and train 4 days per
week or only work one muscle per day and train 6 days per week.
A sample program
This is an example on how you can structure twice-a-day training for maximum muscle
mass gains. This routine will be effective for 4 weeks, after which you should change the
exercises around.

Day 1: Upper back
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Weightedchin-ups 5 5 20X 90 sec.
Barbellrowing 5 5 201 120 sec.
Seatedrowing 4 8 201 90 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
1-armdumbbell rowing 3 12 302 60 sec.
Pullover 3 15 302 90 sec.
Incline rear delt raise 3 15 302 90 sec.

Day 2: Chest
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Bench press 5 5 201 120 sec.
Low incline dumbbell press 5 5 201 90 sec.
Weighted dips 4 8 201 90 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Flat dumbbel lflies 3 12 301 60 sec.
Low incline dumbbell flies 3 15 301 90 sec.
Machine chest press 3 15 301 90 sec.

Day 3: Legs
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Power clean from blocks 5 5 Explosive 120 sec.
Full back squat 5 5 201 120 sec.
Romanian deadlift 4 8 201 120 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
1-leg back extension 3 12 301 60 sec.
Lunges 3 15 301 90 sec.
Leg curl 3 15 301 90 sec.

Day 4: Biceps
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Preacher curl 5 5 201 90 sec.
Hammer curl 5 5 201 90 sec.
Cable curl 4 8 201 90 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Zottman curl 3 12 301 60 sec.
Dumbbell curl 3 15 301 60 sec.
Machine preacher curl 3 15 301 60 sec.

Day 5: Shoulders
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Push press 5 5 Explosive 120 sec.
Bent press 5 5 201 120 sec.
Dumbbell shoulder
press 4 8 201 90 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
Incline lateral raise 3 12 301 60 sec.
1 arm lateral raise 3 15 301 60 sec.
Cable front raise 3 15 301 90 sec.

Day 6: Triceps
AM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
JM press 5 5 201 90 sec.
Close grip bench press 5 5 201 120 sec.
½ dips 4 8 201 90 sec.
PM workout
Exercises Sets Reps Tempo Rest interval
V-bar cable pressdown 3 12 301 60 sec.
1 arm cable pressdown 3 12 301 60 sec.
Overhead cable triceps extension 3 15 301 60 sec.

This is a schedule suited for individuals who obviously have a lot of time to train. It looks
like a lot of work, and in a sense it is. However each muscle group will have 7 days to
recover so you can progress, and progress very well on this schedule.
If you only want to train 3-4 days per week you can couple some muscles together, as
long as you stay within the duration guideline.
Conclusion on twice a day workouts
Twice-a-day workouts are an advanced technique and it is not for everybody. But if done
properly it is very effective and will allow you to gain a lot of muscle mass while staying
leaner. If you want to try this technique I suggest that you start with a 4-weeks test drive
to see how your body handles it. From there you can decide if you can thrive on this
method. From experience, individuals with a short temper and a boiling character do very
well on this method while more “stable”, calmer individuals benefit a bit less from twicea-
day workouts. But if it suits you, it will help you reach an important level of muscular
development much faster than you thought possible.

Chrstian Thibaudeau- Black Book of Training Secrets

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 02:38:18 posle podne »
This is an example on how you can structure twice-a-day training for maximum muscle
mass gains. This routine will be effective for 4 weeks, after which you should change the
exercises around.

But if it suits you, it will help you reach an important level of muscular
development much faster than you thought possible.
..a ako ne....jbg...soory but jebiga...zajebali smo se kada sam pisao PhD disertaciju..


samo sto se zabpravio deo o
 xxx iu inuslin
xxx mcg IGF1
xxx GH


i tako...ali dobro
ipak su to sitnice,napsram onoga sta moze da vam donese trening dva puta dnevno pogtovo istog misica

« Poslednja izmena: Jul 05, 2011, 03:27:39 posle podne Pedja_Petrovic »

Van mreže BUKAS

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 11:07:06 posle podne »
Pa to se podrazumeva vecina programa naprednih zahteva koriscenje necega, a ovo sam ciljano stavio jer Dominikanac planira kuru http://www.realx3mforum.com/smf/index.php/topic,23631.0.html

Van mreže Dominikanac

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Jul 05, 2011, 11:31:49 posle podne »
Ok shvatio poentu hvala. I mislio sam da ostanem na 1x dnevno ali cisto da pitam i naucim jos nesto vise. Kad sam se bavio sportom imao sam treninge 2x dnevno 3-4 meseca pred takmicenje ali ne teretanu vec jedan trening tehniku drugi snaga ili kondicija zavisi. Zato me je zanimalo kako to ide u BB kad se radi malo ozbiljnije. Filip je dao odgovor koji me je interesovao...
Sunce koje przi ko da kaze da izdrzim, vetar muzika za usi, ritam kisa koja pljusti

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Jul 06, 2011, 05:14:14 pre podne »
Pa to se podrazumeva vecina programa naprednih zahteva koriscenje necega, a ovo sam ciljano stavio jer Dominikanac planira kuru http://www.realx3mforum.com/smf/index.php/topic,23631.0.html

nisam ni mislio da ti neznas kako bi trebalo da izlgeda,vec je problme u tome sto mnogi smatarju da je TRENING ono sta je NAJBITNIJE a potpuno zapostavljuju druge MNOGO VAZNIJE segmente
a i bez obzira siguran sam da dominikanac nije spreman za ovakve vrste treninga

Van mreže BUKAS

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Jul 06, 2011, 10:45:13 pre podne »

 druge MNOGO VAZNIJE segmente

Sto se tice bb-a u potpunosti se slazem.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Jul 06, 2011, 01:31:17 posle podne »

 druge MNOGO VAZNIJE segmente

Sto se tice bb-a u potpunosti se slazem.

na BB i mislim

Van mreže Dominikanac

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Odg: Trening tegovima 2 x dnevno?
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Jul 06, 2011, 01:50:28 posle podne »
Prihvacena cinjenica. Treba jos dosta vode da protece da bi moje telo moglo da izdrzi 2x dnevno treninge sa tegovima. Cisto sam pitao imam uslova i vremena pa me je interesovalo. Kad uspem da odspavam popodne sat dva i probudim se uvek imam uzasnu zelju da treniram iako sam odradio trening ujutro. Ali bolje ne raditi nego ici u rikverc...
Sunce koje przi ko da kaze da izdrzim, vetar muzika za usi, ritam kisa koja pljusti