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Autor Tema: Prvo koriscenje steroida  (Pročitano 31120 puta)

Van mreže Kralj ist Back-Bakic

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #30 poslato: Avgust 11, 2011, 02:53:15 posle podne »
No Comment sa moje strane . Ovo je kako Pedja kaze 8DALI PLACATE DANAK-POREZ NEZNANJA)????? Pa nek se mali zapita????

Lagano sigurno  Demoliranje samog sebe to rade ovi Mladici!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edukacija-ucenje o Anatomiji-Fiziologiji je vise nego standard za one koje hoce ili zloupotrebljavaju AAS-Roide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kralj ist Back

Van mreže jocifer

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #31 poslato: Avgust 11, 2011, 03:02:14 posle podne »
Odnos u kome nece biti poverenja na relaciji roditelj-dete...
Meni moji nikad nisu trazili urin a opet su znali da mogu da mi veruju....

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #32 poslato: Avgust 11, 2011, 06:24:33 posle podne »
haha kontrola mladih :D dal me neko zajebava,pa ako neko hoce da se drogira drogirace se,ako neko hoce da vara zenu,prevarice je...nema tu kontrole,ako nekom ne mozes verovati na rec,tu sve pada u vodu
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Van mreže Kralj ist Back-Bakic

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #33 poslato: Avgust 11, 2011, 07:56:52 posle podne »
Da bas tako!!!!!!!!! Zato je nas narod i otisao tamo gde netreba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Srbi narod koji nestaje!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Film

Primer ja LICNO nemogu da promenim taj TREND sa AAS droge,zloupotreba medikamenata itd... ali ako pripazim na vaspitanje svoje dece mogu (bar se nadam) da cu da  izbegnem tak porok koji je jako opasan za mlade ljude!!!!!!!!!!
Znaci nemogu da promenim ali pokusati nebiti zrtva tog poroka!
Kralj ist Back

Van mreže hattab

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #34 poslato: Avgust 17, 2011, 09:33:03 posle podne »
Imali iko ovdje da mi pomogne oko prvog ciklusa!?Imam 28 god,visok sam 182,tezak 96kg a treniram 10god!Imam u planu da odradim kuru za masu!Al ne znam kako i sta da koristim od Anabolike?Jel ok da uzmem plava srcad,boldenon i test depo!

Van mreže Kralj ist Back-Bakic

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #35 poslato: Avgust 17, 2011, 09:51:40 posle podne »
Vazno . kakva ti je ishrana koliko znas o Roide,dali si potpuno zdrav kad si zadnji put radio krvnu sliku itd..  kakav bi ti bio trening,duzina ciklusa sa roide i suplementacija sta imas u planu. i zasto bi usao u te vode(roide)???

Imali iko ovdje da mi pomogne oko prvog ciklusa!?Imam 28 god,visok sam 182,tezak 96kg a treniram 10god!Imam u planu da odradim kuru za masu!Al ne znam kako i sta da koristim od Anabolike?Jel ok da uzmem plava srcad,boldenon i test depo!
Kralj ist Back

Van mreže FGeR

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #36 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 12:24:37 pre podne »
Moze li ko da izbaci slike tih "napunjenih" vodom i ovih sto nisu "napunjeni vodom" ?

Van mreže nemanja1234

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #37 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 12:28:19 pre podne »
Evo, nasao sam za sve one koji razmisljaju da uzimaju steroide, "nekoliko" pitanja, pa kao sto autor kaze "ako mozete sa lakocom da odgovorite na SVA pitanja, onda postoji sansa da su MOZDA steroidi za vas..."

If YOU are a young man who longs to “get swole”, you should know the answers to these questions at least as well as the middle-aged woman who is asking them.

So then, grasshopper, when you can answer the following questions with ease… there is a small chance that you may be ready.


Turn over your examination paper.

You have all the time you need.


1. What are your maintenance calories?

2. Can you design and adhere to an appropriate diet for your goals?

3. What is your current lean mass and your % bodyfat?

4. Do you know how to gain weight?

5. Is your current training built around heavy compound lifts and free-weight movement patterns, or bodypart splits and machines?

6. Name three steroid hormones your body makes.

7. Is growth hormone a steroid?

8. What does AAS stand for?

9. What is the difference between AAS and steroids such as cortisone?

10. Are the oral birth control pills women take also AAS?

11. How do you stimulate muscle to make it grow?

12. What do you think you will get from AAS that you aren’t getting now?

13. Are you ready to no longer be able to say you’re natural?

14. Beyond “newbie gains”, how much muscle can an average man in say his mid-twenties expect to gain naturally in a month if he does everything right?

15. How much if he runs AAS?

16. Beyond “newbie gains”, can you gain any appreciable amount of muscle without gaining weight?

17. What happens if you gain weight faster than you can gain muscle?

18. Will this still happen if you run AAS?

19. How much testosterone does a normal healthy man’s body produce in a week (give the average for men aged 20 and for men aged 40)

20. Explain the difference between endogenous and exogenous testosterone.

21. Explain the difference between the medical terms “physiologic” and “supraphysiologic”.

22. Explain why men must take enough testosterone to completely replace their own testosterone, PLUS enough to go over this level, in order to elevate their levels above normal.

23. Why are oral steroids more toxic than injectable steroids?

24. Assuming you get clean gear, what are possible risks to your health of using injectable steroids?

25. The most commonly used AAS is testosterone, a hormone found in the human body. Testosterone is available as a suspension, and also dissolved in oil as the following esters:
* Propionate
* Enanthate
* Cypionate
* Undecanoate

26. Why use these oil-based injections rather than the water-based suspension?

27. Explain:
* The purpose of esterification
* The difference between the above esters

AAS affect your own hormones, as well as other blood chemicals such as your lipid profile and thyroid function.
Describe what can happen to your own:
28. Testosterone production

29. Estrogen production

30. T3 production

31. Blood lipids, specifically
a. HDL
b. LDL
c. Triglycerides

32. Liver function

33. In light of all this, list the blood tests you should have done before and after your cycle.

34. Describe post-cycle therapy, and explain why it is often necessary for men, but not for women.

35. Describe aromatase:
* What does it act upon?
* What does it produce?
* In which type of tissue does aromatase reside?

36. Describe 5-alpha-reductase:
* What does it act upon?
* What does it produce?
* What drug prevents 5-alpha-reductase from performing this function?

37. What is a SERM?

38. Explain the difference between SERMs and aromatase inhibitors, giving an example of each.
* What are the health risks associated with taking SERMs?
* What are the health risks associated with taking aromatase inhibitors?

39. What is clomid and why is it used?

40. Which of your five senses can be permanently harmed by Nolvadex?

41. Many users experience what is called post-cycle depression.
* Explain why, and strategies for getting through this.

42. Are anabolic steroids addictive?

43. What is an androgen receptor? In which types of tissues are they found?

44. Why is it important to cycle steroids rather than just stay on?

45. How long should you wait after running a cycle until you run another cycle? Why?

46. How much of your gains while “on” can you expect to keep when you’re “off”?

47. How will you handle being asked if you are on steroids? Will you tell your family? Your friends? Your main squeeze?

Will any of them ever use this information against you – for example, in child-custody or other disputes?

48. How will you handle being asked for sources?

49. Do you know and understand the laws regarding steroids where you live?

50. Are you ready?

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #38 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 02:42:47 pre podne »
31. Blood lipids, specifically

40. Which of your five senses can be permanently harmed by Nolvadex?

ja ne znam ova dva,ovo za lipide u krvi ne kontam (povecanje jel?)

a nemam blage na koje culo moze uticati nolva?

How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #39 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 07:25:15 pre podne »
31. Blood lipids, specifically

40. Which of your five senses can be permanently harmed by Nolvadex?

ja ne znam ova dva,ovo za lipide u krvi ne kontam (povecanje jel?)

a nemam blage na koje culo moze uticati nolva?

povecanje lipida i nolva moze da utice na culo VID-a (na zalost)

Van mreže vlada sin

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #40 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 10:38:39 pre podne »
Nemanja svaka cast za post, nadam se da ce svakoga ko se polakomi da natera da dobro razmisli o svemu. Ko ima  vremena moze i prevod da ubaci  za one sa slabijim znanjem engleskog. Bravo jos jednom.
Men sana in corpore sano !

Van mreže hattab

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #41 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 10:46:16 pre podne »
Vazno . kakva ti je ishrana koliko znas o Roide,dali si potpuno zdrav kad si zadnji put radio krvnu sliku itd..  kakav bi ti bio trening,duzina ciklusa sa roide i suplementacija sta imas u planu. i zasto bi usao u te vode(roide)???
Imali iko ovdje da mi pomogne oko prvog ciklusa!?Imam 28 god,visok sam 182,tezak 96kg a treniram 10god!Imam u planu da odradim kuru za masu!Al ne znam kako i sta da koristim od Anabolike?Jel ok da uzmem plava srcad,boldenon i test depo!
Krvan slika mi je ok,zrav sam ko dren :-)
Vazno . kakva ti je ishrana koliko znas o Roide,dali si potpuno zdrav kad si zadnji put radio krvnu sliku itd..  kakav bi ti bio trening,duzina ciklusa sa roide i suplementacija sta imas u planu. i zasto bi usao u te vode(roide)???

Imali iko ovdje da mi pomogne oko prvog ciklusa!?Imam 28 god,visok sam 182,tezak 96kg a treniram 10god!Imam u planu da odradim kuru za masu!Al ne znam kako i sta da koristim od Anabolike?Jel ok da uzmem plava srcad,boldenon i test depo!
Krvna slika mi je ok,zdrav sam kao dren :-) Ishrana mislim da mi nije losa jedem svaki dan bar pola kg mes a nekad i vise pijem 2-3 puta na dan wey protein,uzimam amino kiseline,vitamine i minerale.Za Kuru sam se odlucio jer sam jednostavno prestao da rastem vec 3 god sam uvjek isti.Jednostavno to zelim.Samo sto ne znam sta da uzmem :-) Ovaj jedan frend mi je savjetovao plava srcad ,boldenon i test depo.

Van mreže hattab

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #42 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 09:40:05 posle podne »
ja foruma!Pa nikad nikog neme online cccccccccc

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #43 poslato: Avgust 18, 2011, 09:56:46 posle podne »
a zar tvoj prethodni post zahteva nekakv odgovor?? Sta tebi neko da kaze kada ti zelis da uzmes jbt...ja ne zelim nikad vise da uzmem ali znam da moram jer drukce ne mogu dostici sta sam zacrtao...a vas danas kopka da zumete jer je zanimljivo o jbt...
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Prvo koriscenje steroida
« Odgovor #44 poslato: Avgust 19, 2011, 06:55:13 pre podne »
ja foruma!Pa nikad nikog neme online cccccccccc

pa da,bas je bez veze