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Autor Tema: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos  (Pročitano 5772 puta)

Van mreže Badnews

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Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« poslato: Maj 13, 2011, 07:38:36 pre podne »
Odgođeno Lesnar - Dos Santos, Carwin kao zamjena

Divertikuloza, bolest probavnog takta koja je već jednom izbacila Brocka Lesnara iz slobodne borbe na godinu dana se pojavila opet te je zbog toga UFC bio prisiljen otkazati borbu između Lesnara i Juniora Dos Santosa, planiranu za UFC 131 u Vancouveru.

Umjesto Lesnara, protiv Dos Santosa će se boriti Shane Carwin, bivši prvi izazivač u teškoj kategoriji.

Carwinova posljednja borba je bila prije nešto manje od godinu dana upravo protiv Lesnara. Nakon odlične prve runde, Carwin je ostao bez kondicije te je bio laki zalogaj u drugoj rundi za Brocka.

Što će biti s Lesnarom u budućnosti još se ne zna, nadajmo se još jednom uspješnom oporavku i brzom povratku borbama.

« Poslednja izmena: Maj 13, 2011, 09:46:42 pre podne Vladar »

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Maj 13, 2011, 09:45:30 pre podne »
Lesnar: ‘This Isn’t the End of My Fighting Career’

Brock Lesnar had been noticing symptoms for three months, even while filming the 13th season of “The Ultimate Fighter.” He knew exactly what the problem was and how serious it could be, but hoped nonetheless that it wouldn’t force him to bow out of his scheduled June 11 engagement with rival “TUF” coach Junior dos Santos.

On Wednesday, the former UFC heavyweight champion spent 14 hours at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., undergoing what UFC President Dana White classed a “bumper-to-bumper” battery of tests. The news wasn’t good: Lesnar’s diverticulitis -- the intestinal infection which first disrupted his fighting career in November 2009 -- was flaring up again.

“Diverticulitis is an illness that never goes away,” Lesnar said during a Thursday media conference call. “It’s something that I’ve dealt with since my first occurrence and have been battling with it. It’s something that’s in your colon for the rest of your life.

“What it does is, it drains my entire body down. Basically, you’ve got an infection in your stomach and all my resources went toward fighting this problem instead of rebuilding what I tore down in the gym.”

Lesnar had two decisions to address. One was fairly clear-cut, if not easy to make: pulling out of his fight.

“The first thing that came to mind was, from today until June 11, I can’t be well-enough prepared to step in the Octagon and face Junior dos Santos,” Lesnar explained. “It wouldn’t be fair to myself or my family, or to the people I have to get in the Octagon and perform in front of, because I wouldn’t have been 100-percent on June 11 ... It was a hard decision. I’m choked up about it. There’s nothing I can do.”

“It’s not as serious as last time,” said Lesnar, whose first brush with diverticulitis left him hospitalized and reportedly near-death. “It just didn’t allow me to train the way I needed to train for a No. 1 contender’s bout ... I only have three weeks to turn this thing around. We just didn’t feel like I could do that.”

The second decision is one Lesnar is weighing more heavily.

“I am forced with the decision to either have surgery, or to deal with this for the rest of my life,” said Lesnar, who was uncharacteristically emotive at times during Wednesday’s call. “Obviously, I’m fighting a different fight here, other than having to give up the fight on June 11.”

Doctors originally urged Lesnar to have surgery, which could mend the problem by removing a section of his colon, in 2009. At the time, Lesnar resisted, instead relying on antibiotics and a strict diet to fight the infection. Now, the 33-year-old finds himself faced with the same choice in a different situation.

“Now I’m at another fork in the road to where ... now, what do I do?” said Lesnar. “I gotta follow-up with my doctors and weigh the risks and rewards. I went down there yesterday to figure out the problem. We’re waiting on a number of different tests to come back.”

In the meantime, Lesnar will be replaced by the man he beat in his July 2010 return, Shane Carwin. Watching Carwin fight Dos Santos at UFC 131 will no doubt be a frustrating experience for the sidelined and hyper-competitive heavyweight, but Lesnar hopes people will understand that there are greater things at stake.

“I wanted more than anything to fight Junior dos Santos and to win that fight and to get a shot at Cain Velasquez. I wanted nothing more than that. But now, more importantly, my health and my family are more important. So, we keep things in perspective,” said Lesnar.

Regardless of whether he goes under the knife in the near future, Lesnar vowed that he will return to the Octagon.

“It’s a matter of removing some of my colon and reattaching it, and I can’t foresee that being a career-threatening ordeal. At least, I hope not,” Lesnar said. “I’ll tell you one thing: I’m not retiring. This isn’t the end of my fighting career.

“I believe there’s a solution to every problem. I just gotta find the right solution to fix this problem. This isn’t the end of Brock Lesnar. This is a speed bump in the road. I’ve hit a lot of speed bumps in my career and this is one of them.”
« Poslednja izmena: Maj 13, 2011, 09:47:07 pre podne Vladar »


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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Maj 13, 2011, 03:27:42 posle podne »
Sranje.Steta jbt bas steta

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Maj 13, 2011, 11:55:47 posle podne »
"Znam da imam samo 30 dana, no imam san i moram ga slijediti..."

Ne samo da će Shane Carwin zamijeniti Brocka Lesnara na UFC-u 131, nego ce i ovaj dvojac odlučiti tko će biti izazivač broj jedan kada se vrati Cain Velasquez.

Informaciju je potvrdio poznati novinar Kevin Iole na svom Twitteru, a vijest je stigla od predsjednika UFC-a Dane Whitea. Nije to neko posebno iznanađenje pošto je i dvoboj Lesnar - Dos Santos trebao imati istu ulogu.

Ubrzo se oglasio i Shane Carwin koji je otkrio pojedinosti...

"Trenirao sam, a kada sam se nakon treninga pogledao mobitel, vidio sam propuštene pozive od Dane Whitea i Joea Silve. Nazvao sam menadžera da bih vidio što se događa i on me informirao da se pregovara oko zamjene za Brocka Lesnara na UFC-u 131", objasnio je Carwin.

Protiv Juniora dos Santosa će imati težak posao.

"Junior je ozbiljan protivnik, a ovo nije borba koju bi čovjek prihvatio samo 30 dana prije. No, ja imam san koji sam odlučio slijediti i nemam previše vremena. Ovo je prilika da se pozicioniram na poziciju izazivača. Treneri će me spremiti i dat ću sve od sebe", zaključuje Carwin.

Van mreže bo88gdan

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Maj 14, 2011, 10:24:41 pre podne »
 Shane is going to win this .

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Maj 17, 2011, 08:59:01 pre podne »
shane carwin via tko 1 rnd :)

Van mreže milan87

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Maj 17, 2011, 01:05:24 posle podne »
Dos Santos ;)


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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Maj 17, 2011, 04:34:07 posle podne »
shane carwin via tko 1 rnd :)
s obzirom koliko ima vremena da se spremi,dobro ce bit ako on pretekne 2 rundu. Btw sigurno ima vise sansi da dobije Juniora nego Brock

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Maj 18, 2011, 09:07:22 pre podne »
Junior Dos Santos : Nokautirat ću Carwina u drugoj rundi

U glavnoj borbi UFC-a 131, Junior Dos Santos i Shane Carwin borit će se za mjesto glavnog izazivača za Velasquezovu titulu. Sudar dvojice najopasnijih udarača u teškoj kategoriji gotovo garantira nokaut, a upravo je to i plan favoriziranog Brazilca.
"Nije mi važno protiv koga se borim, važno je da ulazim u Oktagon. Nisam se borio od kolovoza i nestrpljiv sam.

Shane Carwin je bolji boksač od Lesnara a ima i teške ruke. Doći će do žestokih izmjena udaraca. Ne možeš predvidjeti što će se dogoditi tvom protivniku niti što će UFC učiniti nakon toga. Zbog toga moraš biti spreman na sve. Savršen rezultat za mene je nokaut i vjerujem da ću tako i dovršiti borbu početkom druge runde."

Junior Dos Santos u jednom je periodu karijere bio glavni izazivač za pojas prvaka. Nakon povrede Caina Velasqueza, Brazilac se odlučio na odrađivanje jedne borbe u međuvremenu.

Njegov prvotno zakazani protivnik i trener suprotne ekipe u UFC-ovoj reality emisiji, Brock Lesnar bio je prisiljen otkazati borbu zbog povratka simptoma divertikuloze. Shane Carwin, koji se oporavio od operacije leđa, prihvatio je priliku objeručke, naglasivši kako je vremena premalo da bi odbio ovakvu priliku.


Van mreže icko

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Maj 20, 2011, 08:00:59 pre podne »
Stvarno nema puno vremena jos kad se uzme u obzir operacija i to da na prethodnim mecevima nije bas stajao dobro kondiciono. Ja bih zbog toga da prednost JDS.

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #10 poslato: Jun 12, 2011, 10:59:18 pre podne »
Winner - Loser - Method
Darren Elkins - Michihiro Omigawa - Decision (Unanimous)
Joey Beltran    - Aaron Rosa - TKO (Punches)
Dustin Poirier - Jason Young - Decision (Unanimous)
Nick Ring - James Head - Submission (Rear-Naked Choke)
Krzysztof Soszynski  Mike Massenzio - Decision (Unanimous)
Chris Weidman - Jesse Bongfeldt - Submission (Guillotine Choke)
Sam Stout - Yves Edwards - KO (Punch)
Donald Cerrone - Vagner Rocha - Decision (Unanimous)
Dave Herman - John Olav Einemo - TKO (Punches)
Mark Munoz - Demian Maia - Decision
Kenny Florian - Diego Nunes - Decision (Unanimous)
Junior dos Santos - Shane Carwin - Decision (Unanimous)


JDS superioran, Carwin je bio samo vreca za udaranje.

Bice zanimljivo JDS vs Cain.

Van mreže Laličić

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #11 poslato: Jun 12, 2011, 10:30:10 posle podne »
ima li dje ova borba da se odgleda..

Van mreže Black&Decker

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #12 poslato: Jun 13, 2011, 01:26:01 pre podne »
moze neki link za gledanje meceva ? sto starih sto novih


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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #13 poslato: Jun 13, 2011, 03:12:37 posle podne »

Van mreže Black&Decker

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Odg: Shane Carwin vs Dos Santos
« Odgovor #14 poslato: Jun 13, 2011, 07:32:21 posle podne »