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Autor Tema: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12  (Pročitano 43800 puta)


  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #31 poslato: Januar 08, 2011, 05:00:08 posle podne »
SF ima najbolje teskase trenutno u MMA ali jednostavno Fedor sucks

Van mreže gonzo

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #32 poslato: Januar 08, 2011, 08:14:47 posle podne »
o jeboga, ako to ponovis jos milion puta mozda ce postati istina :)

Van mreže milan87

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #33 poslato: Januar 08, 2011, 08:47:04 posle podne »
StrikeForce kako je krenuo oduvace UFC :D
Ne pamtim kad sam u poslednje vreme gledao bolji event kad je glavna borba bila Handerson vs Sobral, a sad ovo...

SF ima najbolje teskase trenutno u MMA
ovo je jedino u cemu se slazem sa tobom ;)


  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #34 poslato: Januar 08, 2011, 11:59:58 posle podne »
    "Sambo is great. Jiu-jitsu is nothing special. We went over several jiu-jitsu guys like that before. I lost because of what happened.  My loss was caused by my personal mistake in the cage… I lost my head. Wanted to finish it all as soon as possible."

    "As far as the rumours about my last fight being set up... I was asked about it many times already. I will never go against my conscience and never betray my country like that. Money doesn't matter that much to me that I could lie to people. Since I lost to Werdum, it was meant to be. And I'm thankful to God it happened that way."

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #35 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 09:44:30 pre podne »
Fabricio Werdum : Opet ću uhvatiti Alistaira Overeema, vidjet ćete

Iako još nije poznat datum njihova susreta, Alistair Overeem i Fabricio Werdum sigurni su četvrtfinalisti Strikeforce-ovog najavljenog  turnira. To će biti njihov drugi međusobni susret u slobodnoj borbi i Werdum naporno trenira ne bi li ponovio rezultat iz njihovog sraza 2006.godine.

Nakon pobijede nad Jemjeljanjenkom, Werdum se ozlijedio i udaljio od kaveza na šest mjeseci. Uoči ovih priprema, kako sam kaže, ozljeda je prošlost no još nije dostigao prijašnju formu.

"Oporavio sam se, no još uvijek nisam na fizičkom vrhuncu. Kada sam utreniran, mogu se boriti s bilo kime. Uvijek sam u borbu ulazio misleći o svome protivniku no sada razmišljam o sebi i kako ga mogu pobijediti. Obojica smo bolji nego prije, on je mnogo jači i poboljšao je parter. Iako sam napredovao u stojci, ne želim ulaziti u izmjene udaraca s K-1 prvakom. Odvest ću ovu borbu na pod, vjerujem da nije dovoljno vježbao parter da bi se pripremio za mene. Borba će biti taktička, kao i ona 2006. godine. Uhvatit ću ga opet, vidjet ćete," rekao je samouvjereni Werdum, ne skrivajući želju za još jednom Kimurom, kojom je prije četiri godine svladao Nizozemca.

Na istome turniru bore se i posljednje Werdumove "žrtve", Fjodor i "Bigfoot" Silva. Andrei Arlovski ulazi u kavez sa Sergeiom Kharitonovom a Josh Barnett bori se s Brettom Rogersom. Bez obzira na ishode u četvrtfinalu, polufinale gotovo garantira atraktivne mečeve. Fjodor vs. Werdum i Fjodor vs. Overeem borbe su koje fanovi najviše žele vidjeti a Fabricio će Rusu rado pružiti revanš.

"Fjodor je željan pobijede no znam da je i "Bigfoot" motiviran. Svašta se može dogoditi kada dvoje teškaša uđu u kavez. Silva je izdržljiv i jako udara. Vjerujem da je Strikeforce organizirao borbe na ovaj način kako bi prodali što više pay-per-view-a za polufinale i finale. Vjeruju da ću ja pobijediti Overeema i da će Fjodor pobijediti Silvu a svi žele vidjeti još jednu borbu između Jemjeljanjenka i mene. Ne sviđa mi se što moram dati revanš Alistairu no Fjodor ga zaslužuje."

"Mislim da će Kharitonov pobijediti Arlovskog, Andrei je dobar kada je agresivan no uzmiče kada je napadnut. Barnett će srediti Rogersa, u to sam siguran. Josh će ga baciti u parter a Brett će se predati. Bilo bi odlično osvojiti ovaj turnir, to mi je san. 2006. godine eliminiran sam sa GP-a, protiv "Minotaura", no sada sam mnogo iskusniji."

"Strikeforce : Fedor vs. Silva" održava se 12. veljače (New Jersey). Event još nije kompletiran no potvrđen je prvi dio četvrtfinala, Fjodor vs. Werdum i Arlovski vs. Kharitonov.



Fedor želi osvojiti GP

Emelianenkov menadžer potvrdio da je angažirao trenere i borce iz kampa legende K-1 borbe, Ernesta Hoosta kako bi se pripremio za nadolazeću borbu...

Fedor je veliki povratak najavio u Las Vegasu 12. veljače na Strikeforceovom spektaklu Heavyweight Grand Prixu na kojem će dakle nastupati samo teškaši (njih osam). Nakon šokantnog poraza od Werduma Fedor ništa ne želi prepustiti slučaju u borbi protiv Antonia Bigfoot Silve.

- Za nekoliko dana Gegard Mousasi (DREAM-ov light heavyweight prvak, 93 kg) te dobro poznati treneri legendarnog Ernesta Hoosta doći će u Rusiju te će se priključiti Fedorovim treninzima. Cilj je prije svega pripremiti Fedora na različite opcije tijekom borbe. Dosad je trenirao uvijek s istim sparing partnerima, a ovo će mu pomoći da nauči nove vještine. - kazao je Fedorov menadžer Vadim Finkelstein te dodao:

- To će pomoći Fedoru da upozna najbolje od boraca koji imaju različite stilove, ali i da nauči neke nove tehnike. Također, u sparing momčadi će biti i borac težine 122 kilograma, dakle iste težine koju ima Antonio Silva.

Ne treba ni govoriti da je Fedor pod pritiskom nakon poraza u lipnju protiv Fabricia Werduma. Na istom turniru u Las Vegasu će nastupiti Bjelorus Andrej Arlovski, bivši UFC prvak, koji će se boriti protiv Rusa Sergeja Haritonova, dok će u trećem mjesecu svoj nastup imati i Alistair Overeem u meču protiv Fabricija Werduma te Josh Barnett protiv Betta Rogersa.


Van mreže gonzo

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #36 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 01:05:18 posle podne »
pa odavno fedja radi sa hustom.
mozda ne bi bilo lose da navata i nekog vrhunskog greplera za sparing, da ne uleti opet onako naivno u triangl.

Van mreže sleepy

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #37 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 01:35:15 posle podne »
nije on uleteo naivno u triangl...on je izasao iz triangla i onda se vratio zato sto je bio samouveren
I r made of sugar, spice and everything awesome. But mom and dad accidentaly added an extra ingredient...chemical WIN!!!

Van mreže gonzo

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #38 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 01:52:02 posle podne »
pa dobro, naivno je bio samouveren :)


  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #39 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 02:24:10 posle podne »
Problem sa fidom je taj:sto jednostavno nece da vezba sa ostalim ruskim borcima medju kojima ima dosta vrhunskih grapplera,i oni sami se
cude tome,ali izgleda da je on dosao do odredjenog nivo i tu stao...ko zna sto,a uvek ima mesta za napredak stvarno ne razumem sta ce njemu Hoost jer mu je u ovom trenutku vazniji bjj i parter da bi mogao da sprovede voj ludacki GNP. Jer stvarno bolesno jako udara u gnp-u.Mada mislim da ce bigfoot biti topovsko meso za njega,kao i Werdum ako se sretnu..


  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #40 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 04:07:20 posle podne »
Fabrício Werdum: "I have the weapons to win this GP”

This week Strikeforce has officially announced a heavyweight GP which promises to mix things on MMA’s market. Chosen to participate of the GP, Fabrício Werdum is training hard and motivated to conquest this tournament. Recovered from the injury that put him off the rings for six months, the world champion of Jiu-Jitsu and champion of ADCC is sharpen his conditioning to get 100% o February 12th, when he’ll face Alistair Overeem on the first phase of the GP. “I’ll finish him again, you can bet on it”, promises Werdum, who might confront, on the second step of the tournament, the Russian Fedor Emelianenko, a guy he has submitted last year. Despite cheering for Big Foot, the Brazilian who currently lives on the United States wants to give the Russian a rematch. “To Fedor I’ll concede this rematch happily, because I like him and he deserves this rematch”, said Werdum, on the exclusive interview that you check below.

How are the trainings going? Are you 100% recovered from your injury?

From the injury I’m totally recovered, but I still ain’t on my best physically. I’m training enough to get it back. Everyday I go to Huntington Beach to train with Rafael (Cordeiro). I train with him from 11am to 1pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I have a special training with Jason Miller and Mark Muñoz. We do a sparring and train Wrestling with Muñoz.

You’ll face Alistair Overeem, a guy you’ve submitted in Pride, in 2006, on the fisrt round of the tournament. What are your expectations for this fight?

The expectations are as high as they can get. Being trained I can fight anyone. I’ve changed my mind. Before I entered there thinking about my opponent, now I get there thinking of me, how I’ll get to him and what I can do. We both evolved a lot. Overeem evolved a lot on the floor and he’s stronger and more experienced. When we fought in 2006, I pretend to do it for a while, fooled him a bit (laughs). Now I’m training a lot my bang but it still isn’t good for me to bang with him. The guy has just won K-1, so I’ll try to go for the ground, even because he was training his bang a lot and he didn’t have enough time to improve his ground game for this fight with me.

Will this be your game plan?

The fight will be very tactic, it’ll be like the one of 2006 and I’ll catch him again, you can bet on it. I’ll beat him with my game plan and smartness. The longer it gets, the better it is for be because he has a background that proves he’s not resistant. I’ll tire him up, bring him to the ground and finish the fight.

On the same side of the key Strikeforce matched Fedor Emelianenko and Antônio Big Foot, two guys you’ve beaten. What is your bet for this fight?

Fedor is hungry for a win, because he has just lost to me and he wants to win again. But I’ve talked to Big Foot and he also wants to win pretty bad. Between two heavyweights, anything can happen, there’s o favorite. Big Foot is very tough, can handle much and has heavy hands.

Technically, your side of the key is stronger, is where the favorites are. Why do you think that Strikeforce matched the fights this way?

I believe they did it that way so that they can sell many pay-per-view subscriptions on the semifinals and on the finale. They’re betting I’ll beat Overeem and that Fedor beats Big Foot, because they know everybody wants that rematch. So, they want to guarantee a good semifinal so that they sell it out and they’re betting on it. Who doesn’t want to watch a rematch like this one?

On the other side of the key there’s Sergei Kharitonov against Andrei Arlovski and Josh Barnett facing Brett Rogers. How do you think these fights with end like?

Kharitonov wins, because he’ll go for it the entire time. Arlovski is good when he’s attacking, but when he’s attacked he backs up and I bet the Russian will beat him. On the bout between Barnett and Rogers I’m 100% Barnett because once he put Rogers on the ground, he’ll turn him into a turtle (laughs).

Both Kharitoov and Arlovski has beaten you. Do you think about fighting them again?

What I think about is a rematch with Fedor. I wouldn’t like to give Overeem this rematch, I’m just fighting because the event matched this fight. To Fedor I’ll give this rematch happily, because I like him and he deserves this rematch. But first I have to think about how I’ll beat Overeem so that rematch can happen.

You’ve fought on the greatest MMA events of the world, but you’ve never conquered a belt. How are you facing this opportunity?

It’d be a dream come true wining this GP. I’ve fought only one GP, which was Pride’s, in 2006, when I beat Overeem on the first phase and then lost to Minotauro on the second one. Back than I lacked experience, but today, being trained and more experienced, I have the weapons to win this GP.




  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #41 poslato: Januar 09, 2011, 04:13:17 posle podne »
Prijatelju,svaka cast na optimizmu i srcu ali mozda budes gotov za 15~20sec.

Van mreže gonzo

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #42 poslato: Januar 10, 2011, 12:23:20 pre podne »
ma ne bih ja ni silvu otpisao tek tako. protiv pitbula je pokazao koliko je napredovao u stendapu, i tu je cak dominirao.
dao bih mu 20 posto sanse, sto i nije lose.
barnet mi isto poprilicna misterija, ne bi me iznenadilo ni da on uzme turnir. rodzersa ce da pokida, tu nema dileme.
jedino momci iz gornjeg desnog ugla vise realno nemaju sta da traze.

Van mreže judge_wolf

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Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #43 poslato: Januar 10, 2011, 10:07:24 pre podne »
StrikeForce kako je krenuo oduvace UFC :D
Ne pamtim kad sam u poslednje vreme gledao bolji event kad je glavna borba bila Handerson vs Sobral, a sad ovo...

a ja ne pamtim veci mismatch od tih borbi, realno. a ovo za oduvavanje UFC-a, mislim da si nerealan. imaju samo jednu diviziju bolju od ufc-a i to zbog greske ufc-a.

nije on uleteo naivno u triangl...on je izasao iz triangla i onda se vratio zato sto je bio samouveren

to mi bas nije jasno, narocito za iskusnog borca kakav je fedor. pocetak borbe, trenja kolko oces, crni pojas bjj i to svetski prvak, totalna misterija.

"I just want to be known as the best ever, is that too much to ask?" - bj penn


  • Gost
Odg: Emelianenko-Silva, HW Tourney Slated for Feb. 12
« Odgovor #44 poslato: Januar 10, 2011, 12:20:58 posle podne »
« Poslednja izmena: Januar 10, 2011, 12:33:06 posle podne deadgame »