The full story on Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Self-proclaimed Wannabe Dictator
Since we first researched Arnold and wrote the article below, even more amazing revelations have surfaced and then been confirmed concerning his frightening character. Here are just a few of the developments:
Fellow champion bodybuilders Robby Robinson and Rick Wayne have gone public about Arnold Schwarzenegger running around in front of huge crowds at bodybuilding meetings screaming, "'Down with the blacks, niggers this and blacks that..." (click here for related article)
In a 1976 interview for Rolling Stone magazine, Arnold said he dreamed of being a dictator and controlling large groups of people. (Click here for related article)
Now ABC News is reporting that Arnold wrote in his 1975 book proposal for Pumping Iron, "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. "I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it." He went on to say that he would have liked to be..."like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium and have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say."
(click here for related article)
We've also discovered that Schwarzenegger is in the private porn photo collection of infamous Robert Mapelthorpe. (click here for related article)
Schwarzenegger admits that the allegations by women of his out-of-control groping frenzies are true.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is obviously an unstable megalomaniac, psychologically unsuitable to be trusted with the most basic or jobs, much less running the world's 5th largest economy.
People need to know the truth about Arnold. Out of the tragedy that is Arnold's candidacy, some good can be gleaned. I can think of no better example of the Republican Party showing themselves as the Neo-con whores that they are. Arnold is diametrically opposed, in his actions and his policies, to every traditional American value in history, and he is being given massive endorsements from the George W. Bushes and Sean Hannitys of the world.
Please help us get the truth out about Arnold by emailing this article to friends, family and the media.
The establishment press has really been soft-pedaling Arnold's obvious mental illness. It's up to the grassroots to get the real story out about this would-be dictator. Please spread the word.
--Alex Jones
http://www.infowars.com/print/nwo/exclusive_arnold.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI8B5nRKjwA Feel the Love:
Warren Buffett, Arnold Schwarzenegger,and Lord Jacob Rothschild
(from left to right) (SLIKA 2)