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Autor Tema: ALA  (Pročitano 4543 puta)

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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« poslato: Januar 08, 2006, 04:26:11 posle podne »
evo nesto o ovom preparatu..naravno by milos sarcev

MILOS WROTE-I agree with consumption of dextrose immediately after the workout.
Dextrose (or D-Glucose) is simple carbohydrate (monosacharide) that would find its way
into our bloodstream, within 3-5 minutes upon the intake. It would “peak” within 40
minutes, which would create two great benefits to the trainee. One– high concentration of
the glucose (needed for glycogen repletion) and two- strong stimulation of insulin release
(strongest anabolic hormone, capable of transporting and storing available nutrients into
the muscle cells).  
I agree with their choice to use creatine monohydrate, as well. Personally, I think that
amount is bit excessive (10 grams per serving), but this is debatable.
Their “big discovery” was alpha-lipoic-acid (thioctic acid). While I completely agree
that ALA is very effective anti-oxidant and that in some studies does show promising
effect on diabetic patients (increases uptake and lowers blood glucose) it is far from
“miracle bodybuilding supplement”.
If I would have available monetary fond to do research, I think I can prove that using
dextrose and creatine alone - would be more effective than using Celltech.
Than I would add other necessary ingredients of my Fed-ex formula (fast absorbing
amino acids with abundance of glutamine peptides and BCAA) and prove that my
formula is 19 and a half times better or 1456 % more effective…(if they can make
such a claims, so can I).
As I mentioned – high levels of glucose would stimulate release of insulin. Celltech
does not contain any amino acids?! Wouldn’t their team of scientists want to create
strong anabolic environment and use insulin’s strong storage action to transport both
glucose and amino acids (plus creatine) into the cells and enhance their uptake?
Interestingly, for couple of years I have several amateur competitors in my gym that
religiously used Celltech. I told them my theory and they decided to switch from
patented formula that contains precise combination of these exact nutrients (Celltech)
to undetermined amount of dextrose (I gave them the liberty to use between 75 –200
grams of dextrose, according to their best estimate of glycogen they think they’ve
depleted during their workout session) with only half the amount of creatine (5 grams).
Within only couple of weeks their feedback was that their recovery is better and that
their muscle fullness is more apparent!
After initial two weeks they’ve added the rest of the Fed-ex formula and realized even
more dramatic improvements.
I started looking into available research and I’ve found some studies that compared ALA
to insulin. While it was evident that ALA is glucose-lowering agent it appeared that
ALA’s regulation of glucose metabolism in the muscle is quite different than insulin’s.
Insulin clearly produced dramatic enhancement in glycogen synthesis and the same was
expected from ALA. What was discovered was surprising. It seemed that ALA actually
acted as inhibitor of glycogen synthesis and caused considerable glucose oxidation!
Of course, experiences of several of my guinea pigs from Gold’s Gym of Fullerton is not
enough to publish a study in New England Journal of Medicine, but their results were
confirming that what’s found in some animal studies could be true for humans as well.
I still recommend modest doses of alpha lipoic acid daily (400mg after the breakfast)
for its ability to eliminate free radicals and enhance our immune system with the increase
of intracellular glutathione. Also, I would like to mention that ALA is valuable

hepatoprotector frequently used for the treatment of liver diseases.
However, exact time when ALA should not be used is – in the post workout drink!
To conclude, this is only my personal opinion (and opinion of half of the members of
the Gold’s Gym in Fullerton…)  

Antonio, as you probably know - I encourage people to TRY everything...and make their own experiences...
With ALA  I experimented since early 90's and I honestly stay behind my statement which I post it here...but AGAIN I would like to emphasize that this is only MY OPINION...and not documented study with definite results