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Wednesday Do three “training sets” of overhand pull-ups three sets of underhand pull-ups, and three sets of overhand pull-ups where the back of your neck touches the bar. A training set is dictated by your current level of strength. If you are advanced, it might be 5 or 6. Rest one minute between sets. The goal of the workout is to do the same number of repetitions per set, so start off conservatively, if you can only do 1, use one
Uradi 3 trening seta zgibova nathvatom, 3 seta zgibova pothvatom i 3 seta zgibova iza glave, gdje ces vratom da dodirnes sipku. Trening set odredjuje tvoj trenutni nivo ( odnosi se vjerovatno na broj zgibova ). Ako si napredniji vjezbac, to moze biti 5 ili 6. Odmor 1min izmedju setova. Cilj ovog treninga je da uradis jednak broj zgibova u svakoj seriji, zato budi oprezan.
Thursday Do training sets, resting one minute between each set, until you are unable to complete a set. Use the same number of repetitions that you used in your Wednesday sets. This will probably turn out to be your longest (and hardest) day
Radi setove zgibova sa pauzom od 1min izmedju serija i radi tako dok vise nebudes mogao da uradis kompletan set. Radi isti broj ponavljanja kao I u srijedu. Ovo ce ti vjerovatno biti najduzi i najtezi trening