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Autor Tema: UFC 119 CROCOP VS MIR  (Pročitano 53868 puta)

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #30 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 05:34:20 posle podne »
Mirko Filipovic

Želim djeci osigurati dobru odskočnu dasku
Mirko Filipović o nekim drugim temama, o životu i mukotrpnom radu kako bi osigurao djeci budućnost ali i izgradio svoje ime...
Mir je vrlo opasan borac, a Mirko Filipović (36) neće biti dovoljno spreman. A u tom gladijatorskom sportu više nego i u jednom drugom, važno je biti tjelesno maksimalno spreman. Ne da bi se pobijedilo nego da bi se preživjelo.

Trening opasniji od borbe

- Svaka je borba rizik za svakog borca. Ovo je krvavi sport. Sto puta sam rekao da svaka borba može biti posljednja. Ne zbog toga što će netko poginuti jer puno je veća smrtnost u sportovima poput formule 1 i skijaških skokova, nego zbog toga što je ovdje velik rizik od ozljede. Učas vam pukne ruka, kod bacanja vam može puknuti kralježak. Često su treninzi opasniji i naporniji od borbi.

Nedavno je rekao da osobno više nije gladan novca, ali da neće odbiti ponuđeno.

- Zašto da izigravam filantropa, zašto djeci ne bih osigurao što bolju odskočnu dasku u životu. Nadam se da će moj sedmogodišnji sin Ivan imati afiniteta za biznis više nego za sport. Želim mu omogućiti da se školuje u najboljim školama na svijetu - kaže Mirko.

On je i bez odskočne daske zaradio za spokojan život do njegova isteka.

- Nisam ni pomišljao na to jer kada sam ja počinjao - u ovim sportovima novca nije ni bilo, a bilo je i dana kada nisam imao za kvalitetnu sportsku prehranu, no mene je zanimala jedino sportska slava - kaže nam.

Preuzeto sa :www.croring.com
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže Cipiripi

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« Odgovor #31 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 07:19:38 posle podne »
hvala na ovome Igore...

Van mreže Jeep

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« Odgovor #32 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 09:01:28 posle podne »
Mirko je  the man,koji rizik covece:mnogo je realan i retko kvalitetanCOVEK

Van mreže Jeep

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« Odgovor #33 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 09:02:56 posle podne »
Shto vishe pishemo na ovu temu,to mi je sve gore prespavati noc i sachekati taj da.... 25.09 :)
@igor2806 kontam ja tebe brate,al razumi i ti mene,ako vec prichamo ovde o tome,ja mislim da trebamo biti realni,a ne npr sad ja da kazem,Mirko mislim da bi trebao uci u borbu sa nekim perjem na glavi kao indijanac i da nosi shortc kao iz njegovog prvog mecha protiv Jeroma,kontash ? xD
Sve shto mi brate ovde prichamo,nema veze sa njim i njega ne dotiche,on zna najbolje kako ce uraditi i shta ce uraditi i meni je drago zbog toga,jer svako je krojach svoje sudbine,a mi ovde mozemo tako da nagadjamo svakakve gluposti....

Hmm, donekle si u pravu, ali ovo je ipak forum, sluzi da ljudi razmene misljenja, utiske itd. tako da nemoj da zameris decku sto je izneo svoj stav. Mozda to tebi zvuci iritantno, mozda te nervira, ali opet to ne znaci da je decko time nesto lose mislio. Postuj tudje misljenje, uvazavaj ga, ali drzi se svog puta  :). Hehe, ne bih da filozofiram (tj. kakim  ;D) vise, svi smo uz Mirka, pa neka mu je sa srecom, a da li ce koristiti low kickowe ili ce forsirati klinc ili ce mozda cak otici i u parter, to je totalno nebitno, zivi bili pa videli  :D.
eto da je BJPenn koristio noge mozda bi dobio edgara

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #34 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 09:26:34 posle podne »
ja ne znam zasto mu to nisu savetovali njegov tim izmedju rundi,nego ga samo tapkaju po ramenu i bice ok,jaci si,..a ovaj ga izdominirao..
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže Jeep

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« Odgovor #35 poslato: Avgust 29, 2010, 11:05:01 posle podne »
mislim daje BUlly sledeci prvak u 155

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #36 poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 12:34:53 pre podne »

Right leg Hospita...Left leg Cemetery !


if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže igor2806

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  • To be a legend, you have to beat a legend!!!
« Odgovor #37 poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 04:57:29 pre podne »
U Zagreb stigli ljudi koji će Cro Copa ekspresno pripremiti za opasnog Franka Mira!

MIRKO FILIPOVIĆ se ovih dana intenzivno priprema za meč protiv bivšeg UFC-ovog prvaka Franka Mira do kojeg je ostalo samo 26 dana. Cro Cop i Mir će se potući u borbi večeri na UFC-u 119 u američkom Indianapolisu.

Index doznaje da su u ponedjeljak u Zagreb stigli stručnjaci koji će Filipoviću pomoći u pripremi. Radi se o njegovom stalnom treneru kick-boksa Nizozemcu Ivanu Hyppoliteu, kao i o majstoru brazilskog jiu jitsua i bivšem UFC-ovom borcu Deanu Listeru.

Amerikanac je prije točno dvije godine već boravio u Zagrebu kada je pripremao Filipovića za meč protiv Alistaira Overeema. Mirko je tada trebao izbjegavati Overeemovu giljotinu, a sada se mora čuvati Mirovih poluga na noge. Očito da je Cro Cop bio zadovoljan suradnjom koja se nastavila i za ove pripreme.

UFC je u nedjelju objavio i službenu videonajavu dvoboja Cro Cop - Mir. Stvar je kasnila zbog razumljivog razloga, odnosno Nogueirinog otkaza zbog ozljede. Prvotni video je povučen, a posao je trebalo napraviti iznova s Filipovićem i Mirom u glavnim ulogama.

Preuzeto sa :www.index.hr
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates


  • Gost
« Odgovor #38 poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 06:14:44 pre podne »
poranili su

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #39 poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 05:26:32 posle podne »
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže Jeep

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« Odgovor #40 poslato: Avgust 31, 2010, 06:46:24 posle podne »
UFC 107: Mir copied ‘The Pacquiao punch’
Pacquiao KO Ricky Hatton

Frank Mir KD Kongo with the same move:

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #41 poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 01:50:34 posle podne »
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #42 poslato: Septembar 01, 2010, 05:56:29 posle podne »
Posto je na oficijalnom ufc sajtu izasao tekst seven defining moments frank mir ,danas su objavili super seven-mirko cro cop memorable moments pa evo tekst na engleskom...

 One of the most ferocious strikers in mixed martial arts history, Mirko Cro Cop has rebounded from a rocky start in the UFC to reel off wins in three of his last four bouts, including a spectacular June win over Pat Barry. On September 25th, he’s back in action and back in the main event, as he takes on former two-time UFC heavyweight champ Frank Mir. Will this bout be added to the list of Cro Cop’s most memorable moments?
KO 1 Igor Vovchanchyn – PRIDE Total Elimination 2003 – August 10, 2003
“Right leg hospital, left leg cemetery.” Maybe the greatest, and certainly the most intimidating, quote in mixed martial arts history, and it definitely applies to the fighting style of Cro Cop, who used his signature left head kick to blast out the vastly underrated Vovchanchyn out in the first round. It was Cro Cop’s sixth MMA win against no losses and two draws, and coupled with his knockout of Heath Herring two months earlier, it put him right on track for a shot at the PRIDE heavyweight title.

KO 1 Dos Caras Jr. – PRIDE Bushido 1 – October 5, 2003
Before Cro Cop would get that shot at the interim heavyweight belt though, there was a little business to be taken care of, as he helped kick off PRIDE’s Bushido series against pro wrestler Dos Caras Jr. Now mind you, this will never match some of Cro Cop’s big wins over legit competition, but as far as being a guilty pleasure, it doesn’t get any guiltier than this. Looking almost disdainful at the mask-wearing Caras (yes, he wore his pro wrestling mask during the bout), Cro Cop walked down his opponent until he saw an opening, and a single left kick to the head dropped Caras as if he were shot. It took just 46 seconds.

Lsub2 “Minotauro” Nogueira – PRIDE Final Conflict 2003 – November 9, 2003
Unbeaten in nine mixed martial arts bouts, the K-1 kickboxing standout finally got his first shot at the belt against Brazilian superstar “Minotauro” Nogueira, and for the first round of their interim title fight, Cro Cop was firing on all cylinders as he inflicted a frightful beating on Nogueira, punctuating the round with a kick to the head that dropped his foe to the canvas. Expected to finish the job in the second stanza, Cro Cop instead got taken to the mat immediately by Nogueira and submitted via armbar. It was a crushing defeat, but the first round did show what Cro Cop could do to a future Hall of Famer.

KO 1 Aleksander Emelianenko – PRIDE Final Conflict 2004 – August 15, 2004
Following the loss to Nogueira, Cro Cop won four of his next five bouts, with the only loss coming via an upset knockout by former UFC heavyweight boss Kevin Randleman (a defeat later avenged). Hoping to put himself in line for another title shot against then-champion Fedor Emelianenko, Cro Cop made his case for a championship fight by fighting the champ’s brother, Aleksander. Only problem was that Emelianenko was perhaps the most physically imposing opponent Cro Cop had met in the PRIDE ring, making him a difficult style matchup. And it was evident in the early going that the Croatian wasn’t going to walk recklessly at Emelianeko, but when he got his shot, he pounced, ripping off straight left hands that would make Manny Pacquiao blush before finishing the bout with – you guessed it – a kick to the head.

KO 1 Wanderlei Silva – PRIDE Final Conflict Absolute – September 10, 2006
After beating Aleksander Emelianenko and sending Josh Barnett, Randleman, Mark Coleman, and Ibragim Magomedov down to defeat, Cro Cop got his shot at the PRIDE belt in August of 2005, but lost a decision to Fedor Emelianenko. Two fights later, he would lose again, this time to Mark Hunt, and some questioned whether he had run his course among the best in the world. But reports of his demise were greatly exaggerated, as he proved in this 2006 Open Weight Grand Prix semifinal matchup against “The Axe Murderer”, who wasn’t only outmatched size wise, but in the striking game. Cro Cop delivered one of his most frighteningly effective performances before lowering the boom 5:22 into the bout.

Wsub1 (strikes) Josh Barnett - PRIDE Final Conflict Absolute – September 10, 2006
There would be no rest for Cro Cop after his win over Silva. In fact, he would fight fellow contender Josh Barnett for the Open Weight Grand Prix crown the same night in Saitama, Japan. But there would be no denying Cro Cop, and after he finished the former UFC heavyweight champ via strikes at the 7:32 mark of the first round, we saw the emotion come rushing to the usually stone-faced Croatian, who had just scored the biggest win of his career.

Wsub3 Pat Barry – UFC 115 – June 12, 2010
Despite three previous wins in the UFC Octagon, there was nothing that brought to mind the fearsome striker that terrorized Japanese rings for much of the previous decade. That changed this June, when Cro Cop survived two knockdowns from equally dangerous striker Pat Barry to roar back, drop Barry with his own strikes and then finish him off with a rear naked choke in the third round. Add in that Cro Cop was more accessible than ever before and after the fight, showing off his sharp sense of humor, and it was as if he finally realized that he’s at his best when he’s enjoying everything in and around the fight. If he does it again this month against Mir, he may be closing in on a UFC title shot.
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže igor2806

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« Odgovor #43 poslato: Septembar 02, 2010, 01:15:33 posle podne »
if you can walk out of the gym after legs, GET BACK IN THERE!!

''Each workout is like a brick in a building, and every time you go in there and do a half-ass workout, you're not laying a brick down. Somebody else is.'' -Dorian Yates

Van mreže Jeep

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« Odgovor #44 poslato: Septembar 02, 2010, 04:21:29 posle podne »