Pa Robin Hood-e to si ti?
Drugar, vidi ovako, ako ti mislis da ne treba, ti nemoj da ih kupujes, i sve ok.
Ali nemoj druge ljude da navodis da ih ne kupuju, to nije pristojno i tome ovdje nije mjesto. Ako hoces da povedes borbu protiv kupovine bcaa, napravi svoj blogg, forum ili sta vec...
Oni koji su ih koristili u skladu sa preporukama o koriscnju istih, i o ostaloj suplementaciji i ishrani, su svakako osjetili sta znace bcaa, na sebi.
Tako da...
Izvini ako sam te uvrjedio ali to nije bila moja namjera. Ja nezelim nikome da kaze sta da radi, vec sam samo dao drugu stranu price o BCAA.
Dali znas mozda ko je Will Brink? Ako neznas pogledaj na netu, on je jedan od najpoznatijih (zajedno sa Chris Aceto) contest trenera
za IFBB i ostala takmicenja. Onaj gore text sto sam napisao nije od njega, ali ovaj jeste. Ako razumijes Engleski procitaj ga, jer mi se ne prevodi bezveze. Uostalom evo text, nadam se da ga nadjes zanivljivim. I ponavljam da ne zelim nikoga da uvrjedim, nego samo da dam drugu stranu price.
Will Brink i Chris Aceto su pioniri bodybuildinga I obadvojica pisu kako su se njihova misljenja mnogo promenila u zadnjih 25 godina. Chris Aceto je cak i bio trener "Jay Cutler-a" od 1999 do 2001 ako se sjecam.
Jos jedna stvar, ako neznas sta je "Placebo Effect" porucio bih ti da Googliras i to, jer su BCAAs mnogo povezani u studijama za placebo effect.
Will Brink:W
hat does the real world have to say?Truth is, research to date with BCAAs and performance has been contradictory, at best. One of the major drawbacks of the BCAAs as a supplement
is dosage. It takes very high doses to see any ergogenic eff ect, assuming there are any ergogenic eff ects to be had, as studies are still limited and or
contradictory. Recent evidence also suggests that BCAA-stimulated muscle protein synthesis is also limited in duration. A recent review on the role of BCAAs in
stimulating protein synthesis following exercise stated: “Providing increased exogenous BCAAs is likely to stimulate MPS (and possibly
decreased muscle protein breakdown), but the eff ect is likely to be short- given the muscle-full phenomenon.”
Within the context of a high protein diet, extra BCAAs don’t appear to be particularly eff ective. I don’t know of anyone that added extra LBM because
they started supplementing with BCAAs. There are some who feel they’re helpful for helping to maintain LBM during a cutting phase. This is
something that has not been directly evaluated under controlled conditions, so it’s strictly speculative at this point.
Although BCAAs supplementation may or may not be eff ective, it’s expensive when one factors in the amounts needed to boost performance. The
good news, however, is that proteins, in particular whey protein, are very high in BCAAs and this may be yet another reason whey is so popular with
athletes and so impressive in the research. In relationship to the functions they play in the body, branched chain amino
acids get a thumbs up from me, but as a supplement they get a thumbs down, at this time. It’s far more cost eff ective to use a high BCAA content
protein supplement than to take BCAAs supplements in capsule form, due to the high doses needed.
Znaci ako on ne preporucuje BCAA za svoju klientelu koja je puna Testosterona i Growth Hormona, zasto mislis da je BCAA suplementacija tebi potrebna.
Realno govoreci ako koristis Whey prah 2-3 puta dnevno, po recimo 60 - 90grama, 25% od toga ce vec biti BCAA, i jos plus koliko grama dobijes iz ishrane,
stvarno mislis da ti treba jos BCAA? Sacuvaj svoje pare.
Pozdrav i bez ljutnje...cekam tvoje objektivno misljenje.