Treba drzati teg palcem sa druge strane da se to ne desi.
Ja nikad ne drzim palac sa druege strane i nikad mi nije ispao teg kao ovom liku na snimku, tako da to uopste nije tacno da treba drzati palac sa druge strane. Ovde su bila dva pomagaca koji su dozvolili da teg padne, sto je skroz njihova krivica, a i on mi nije jasan kako je tek tako lako ispustio teg?!"Hand Placement
The placement of the hands is a much debated question. Is it better to use a closed regular grip (thumb around the bar) or the open hand "false" grip (thumb behind the bar)? World records have been set using either style, so apparently this is not what makes world records. However, I have seen many lifters carried to the hospital with broken ribs and internal injuries from using the false grip, so in my opinion, and we know about opinions, the false grip is unwieldy and dangerous. If the bar starts rolling in the hands during the ascent (and it usually does), what's going to stop it? Well probably your chest, certainly not your thumbs, that's for sure! Unless you are in some sort of pain from injury, avoid anything but the regular grip"
Mrzi me sada da trazim link za intervju sa svetskim rekorderom u bench-presu gde je rekao otprilike, da je drzao kao ti dok mu jednom nije pao teg na treningu...