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Autor Tema: DAVID ICKE  (Pročitano 117961 puta)

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #150 poslato: April 11, 2012, 11:28:48 pre podne »
Engleski kriticar za Davida Ickea:"Tip je totalno lud ali srce mu je na pravome mjestu, a svi podaci su mu tocni"
Na Rubu Znanosti David Icke pt 01
Na Rubu Znanosti David Icke pt 02
David Icke 2011 2012 Revolution of perception
« Poslednja izmena: April 11, 2012, 11:42:02 pre podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Scarecrow

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« Odgovor #151 poslato: April 11, 2012, 12:14:15 posle podne »
sve sam provalio... filip je reptil, ali je hteo da nam zamaze oci sarkazmom!!! Ali nije racunao na MENE!!!!!! 8)
The training is nothing, will is everything.


  • Gost
« Odgovor #152 poslato: April 11, 2012, 12:51:30 posle podne »
Icke nije lud, on samo roka crystal meth :)

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #153 poslato: April 11, 2012, 01:11:49 posle podne »
Siguran sam da je barem polovica ljudi koji su procitali ovu gore recenicu, opazili samo rijec "lud", a da ovo dalje nisu niti registrirali. ;D

Van mreže Scarecrow

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« Odgovor #154 poslato: April 11, 2012, 02:41:36 posle podne »
pa daj bre onda nek pokaze nekog coveka reptila
The training is nothing, will is everything.


  • Gost
« Odgovor #155 poslato: April 11, 2012, 04:09:45 posle podne »
Siguran sam da je barem polovica ljudi koji su procitali ovu gore recenicu, opazili samo rijec "lud", a da ovo dalje nisu niti registrirali. ;D

brate, bez uvrede - get a job :)

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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« Odgovor #156 poslato: April 12, 2012, 05:12:01 pre podne »
sve sam provalio... filip je reptil, ali je hteo da nam zamaze oci sarkazmom!!! Ali nije racunao na MENE!!!!!! 8)

you medling kids....ill get you next time!
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #157 poslato: April 12, 2012, 08:11:08 posle podne »
Projected onto the Houses of Parliament last night - the TRUTH

Svaka cast. ;D

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #158 poslato: April 12, 2012, 08:12:51 posle podne »
pa daj bre onda nek pokaze nekog coveka reptila

Ma pusti reptile, pogledaj samo sto se dogada u svijetu.

Siguran sam da je barem polovica ljudi koji su procitali ovu gore recenicu, opazili samo rijec "lud", a da ovo dalje nisu niti registrirali. ;D

brate, bez uvrede - get a job :)

Ne znam zasto bi se uvrijedio. :)
« Poslednja izmena: April 12, 2012, 08:38:03 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #159 poslato: April 13, 2012, 10:01:00 pre podne »
Šveđani započinju NWO ukidanjem papirnate valute?!

Dio Šveđana uz sebe uopće nema gotovine, s obzirom da svoja plaćanja mogu obaviti elektroničkim putem. Napredovanje na poljima znanosti i tehnologije ohrabrilo je Šveđane u pokušaju da što više popularizira elektronički novac, što bi je učinilo prvom zemljom bez gotovinskog plaćanja, piše CCTV.


Skandinavska zemlja prva je u Europi 1661. godine izdala papirnati novac. Unatoč tome, Švedska preferira korištenje kreditnih kartica umjesto gotovine. Dio Šveđana uz sebe uopće nema gotovine, s obzirom da svoja plaćanja mogu obaviti elektroničkim putem, piše The Christian Science Monitor .

U glavnom gradu Stockholmu, građani mogu karte za autobus kupiti karticom, ili SMS-porukom, ali ne i gotovinom. U crkvi u središtu Stockholma, župljani mogu donirati novac ne samo u vidu gotovine, već i pomoću kartice.

Uz to, na stanicama podzemne željeznice u Stockholmu, putnici na automatima s pićima i grickalicama mogu plaćati SMS-porukom. Gotovinskog poslovanja odrekle su se i neke banke u Švedskoj, piše The Christian Science Monitor.

- Postoje gradovi u kojima uopće nije moguće ući u banku i platiti gotovinom - žali se Curt Persson, predsjednik Udruge umirovljenika.

Andrea Wramfelt, vlasnica kuglane u švedskom gradu Landskroni gdje se gotovina ne prihvaća od 2010. godine, hrabro predviđa: - Vjerujem da će papirnati novac i kovanice u Švedskoj prestati postojati u idućih 20 godina.


« Poslednja izmena: April 13, 2012, 10:02:38 pre podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #160 poslato: April 15, 2012, 12:00:33 posle podne »

(The one they don't tell you about.)

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

I was sitting in a bar at Los Angeles airport last week waiting for my flight home after speaking in Hawaii. There was a bank of televisions as always, but all of them thankfully mute. Then Obama appeared on one of them to make a long election speech, well, to read the Teleprompter for a long time, anyway.

I made the mistake of saying to the barman that political speeches always sounded better when you couldn’t hear them. He must have misunderstood what I was saying and he flicked the sound on. Not the best move I have ever made, but I listened. And listened. And listened.

Fortunately, Obama finished just at the point where I was losing the will to live. It was sickening to watch as he condemned the Republicans for proposing everything that he has been doing for the last four years – soaking the poor, and what America calls the middle class, on behalf of the super-rich.

These people have no shame.

Obama 2012 had morphed into Obama 2008. He was a man of the people again. Wow, where had this guy been for four years? Oh yeah, soaking the poor, and what America calls the middle class, on behalf of the super-rich. Oh yeah (2), and ordering the bombing of the innocent in country after country while America collapses at home and untold millions are homeless and destitute.

But he feels your pain, people. Well, at least until the election in November; and only when the cameras are rolling. Obama is the banksters’ moll. He took their shilling to break all records for political funding in the election campaigns of 2008 and he is doing the same this time around. Obama, the 'man of the people', funded into power by the men of the cesspool. It doesn’t scan somehow. Or any how.

David Icke - The Reptilians - the Schism - Obama and the New world Order.


« Poslednja izmena: April 15, 2012, 12:03:49 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #161 poslato: April 15, 2012, 12:05:19 posle podne »
Your Thoughts Are Sending Waves to the Edge of the Universe   ;)


See Awakening The World … Every Heart Makes A Difference ...

Peter Gabriel - The Book of Love
Remember Who You Are - the great new song written and performed by Gareth Icke

« Poslednja izmena: April 15, 2012, 01:01:48 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #162 poslato: April 15, 2012, 01:19:09 posle podne »
Preporucujem da pogledate film od 1:55 pa nadalje. ;)(dobro objasnjeno ukratko)

David Icke - They are Evil Notorious Pedophiles

« Poslednja izmena: April 15, 2012, 01:22:32 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #163 poslato: April 19, 2012, 09:33:31 posle podne »
Welcome to Our New Lizard Overlords: Study Suggests Alien Worlds Could Be Full of Super-Intelligent Dinosaurs ;)

'Nasa's Kepler telescope scans the skies for 'habitable worlds' - but an American chemist has suggested the whole project might be a terrible idea.

Ronald Breslow suggests that life-forms based on slightly different amino acids and sugars could take the form of huge, ferocious dinosaurs that have evolved to have human-like intelligence and technologies.

'We would be better off not meeting them,' says Breslow, who claims that it was a stroke of luck that an asteroid wiped out dinosaurs on earth, leaving the field clear for mammals such as humans.'

Comment from a member of the public under this article in the Daily Mail:

'Isn't this what David Icke already believes? And was ridiculed many times by the DM, but now here they present intelligent reptilians as a matter of fact because a scientist says so. Hypocritical.'(Klasika 8))

« Poslednja izmena: April 19, 2012, 10:01:06 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže TeH FiLiP

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« Odgovor #164 poslato: April 20, 2012, 03:59:42 pre podne »
ahahahahahahahha T rex a pametnjakovic :D ovi iz NASA imaju bolji stand-up materijal od Kris Roka jbt :D   

ali salu na stranu,ovo sam jutros slikao pored Dunava    http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/021/1/a/on_the_hunt_for_dovakhin_by_lupusmagus-d4n3fye.jpg
How could he know this new dawn’s light
Would change his life forever?
Set sail to sea but pulled off course
By the light of golden treasure