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Autor Tema: DAVID ICKE  (Pročitano 119199 puta)

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #225 poslato: Maj 31, 2012, 09:07:05 posle podne »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #226 poslato: Jun 03, 2012, 01:30:00 posle podne »
Celebrate the Queen's Diamond Jubilee? You Must Be Bloody Joking

Anyone think that there might just be something wrong here?

Millions in Britain with flags in their hands this weekend clearly think not.


'Are you that man who says that I am a reptilian Satanist parasiting off the slavery and creative energy of the people?'

'Philip, this is him, the one who found out who we are.'
« Poslednja izmena: Jun 03, 2012, 01:31:40 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #227 poslato: Jun 03, 2012, 01:39:45 posle podne »
War Criminal Henry Kissinger confronted on Bilderberg and Mass Murder!

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #228 poslato: Jun 03, 2012, 01:53:43 posle podne »
Rothschild i Rockefeller prvi puta javno priznali suradnju nakon Bilderberga (Yea ;D)

Tvrtka RIT Capitals Partners nakon jučerašnjeg sastanka Bilderberg grupe postaje suvlasništvo kontroverznih obitelji Rothschild i Rockefeller.

Lord Rothschild je otkupio gotovo 40% tvrtke Davida Rockefellera, a posao je dogovoren već prije dvije godine dok je danas samo potvrđen. Iako svjetske agencije ovo navode kao prvu suradnju obitelji izvan "teorije zavjere" jasno je da samo budala nije znala koliko je snažna povezanost dvaju magnata. Teoretičari zavjere su još jednom u pravu, a dežurni skeptici i pragmatici opet šute i ostaju bez komentara. ;D

Dvije obitelji koje kapitalom i vezama doslovno vladaju važnijim svjetskim interesnim sferama sada su još dodatno ojačali svoju moć, a mediji takav pakt pozdravljaju kao "vrijedan transatlantski savez". Obitelj Bauer (iliti Crveni Štit) već stoljećima "žari i pali" ratovima i krizama dok su Rockefelleri poznati kao kreatori brojnih interesnih skupina poput Vijeća za međunarodne odnose, Trilateralne komisije ili Bilderberga. Pošto su sada javno obznanili "brak" interesantno je vidjeti što nas čeka u budućnosti...

« Poslednja izmena: Jun 03, 2012, 01:56:43 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #229 poslato: Jun 03, 2012, 01:59:36 posle podne »
David Icke: We Are In Control
David Icke: We Are In Control

David Icke - Consciousness & DNA
David Icke - Consciousness & DNA
« Poslednja izmena: Jun 03, 2012, 02:10:35 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #230 poslato: Jun 05, 2012, 07:54:30 posle podne »
Masonski hram - Beograd
Masonski hram - Beograd

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #231 poslato: Jun 05, 2012, 08:30:33 posle podne »

« Poslednja izmena: Jun 05, 2012, 08:33:10 posle podne IGI900 »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #232 poslato: Jun 06, 2012, 10:29:34 pre podne »
This Exercise Can Cause a Seven-Fold Surge of Heart Problems

'Do you dread going to the gym for what feels like hours at a stretch? Or do you avoid working out altogether because you just don't have the time? Then what I'm about to tell you should be music to your ears: sometimes when it comes to exercise, less is more.

It's becoming increasingly clear that too much exercise, particularly long bouts of cardio, can cause more harm than good.

And while most Americans would be well served to exercise more, there's probably no need to work out for more than 45 minutes or so at a time, as long as you exercise correctly and efficiently. In fact, one of the most effective exercises I know of takes just 20 minutes for the whole workout (I'll explain more below)...'


When Good Exercise Goes Bad...

When Good Exercise Goes Bad...

    Getting your heart pumping with regular cardio exercise is important. As your heart rate rises, the amount of oxygen in your blood improves, and endorphins, which act as natural painkillers, increase.

    Meanwhile, aerobic exercise activates your immune system, helps your heart pump blood more efficiently, and increases your stamina over time. But there is a cut off point to these benefits, and if you push your cardio session too long it can actually harm your body, leading to:

        A catabolic state, in which your tissues break down
        Excess cortisol (stress hormone) release, which not only contributes to catabolism but also chronic disease
        Microscopic tears in muscle fibers (which will have trouble healing if you continue over-exercising) and increased risk of injuries
        A weakened immune system
        Insomnia, especially if your workout is in the afternoon or evening

    Research emerging over the past several years has now given us a whole new understanding of what your body requires in terms of exercise, and many of our past notions have been turned upside-down. It's now clear that exercising too much can be a serious blow to your health

Short Bursts of High-Intensity Exercise Gives You More Benefits in Less Time

Earlier I mentioned an incredibly efficient workout that you can complete in just 20 minutes. I was referring to Peak Fitness. After a three-minute warm up, you raise your heart rate up to your anaerobic threshold for 20 to 30 seconds (this can be done by sprinting, using an elliptical machine, recumbent bike, etc.), followed by a 90-second recovery period. Then repeat that cycle for a total of eight repetitions, as shown below.

According to fitness expert Phil Campbell, author of "Ready Set Go," getting cardiovascular benefits requires working all your muscle fibers (you have three different types) and their associated energy systems. Curiously enough, this cannot be achieved with traditional cardio... Your heart has two different metabolic processes:

    The aerobic, which require oxygen for fuel
    The anaerobic, which do not require any oxygen

Traditional strength training and cardio exercises work primarily the aerobic process. High-intensity interval training, such as Peak Fitness, on the other hand, work your aerobic AND your anaerobic processes, which is what you need for optimal cardiovascular benefit. As an added boon, when you perform Peak Fitness exercises properly, you will also increase your human growth hormone (HGH), which increases your muscle growth and effectively burns excessive fat. Naturally enhanced HGH release also plays an important part in promoting your overall health and longevity.

When you work out, it is wise to push as hard as you possibly can a few times a week, but you need to wisely gauge your body's tolerance to this stress, and give your body time to recuperate. In fact, you should not do Peak Fitness more than three times a week. If you do, you may actually do more harm than good -- similar to running marathons. I personally do them about once a week if I am doing strength training as this give me enough time to recover. 

You Can Also do High-Intensity Super-Slow Weight Training

Dr. Doug McGuff, M.D., an emergency room physician, is a proponent of high-intensity interval training using weights, which is purposed to achieve many of the same results as Peak Fitness using cardio equipment. If you watch the interview you will see he advocates even LESS exercise and recommends only using a very intense program once every 7 to 10 days. I am not convinced that this is ideal but it may be, so I still do three workouts a week, two strength training and one Peak Fitness.

In the interview above, he discusses both high-intensity anaerobic-type training, and high-intensity super-slow weight training. He believes you only need 12 minutes of Super Slow type strength training once a week to achieve the same growth hormone production as you would with Peak Fitness! Intensity is key, and, according to Dr. McGuff, when the intensity is really high, the frequency may need to be reduced in order for it to be really productive.

These exercises can be done using either free weights or machines. The benefit of using a quality machine is that it will allow you to focus your mind on the effort, as opposed on the movement.

Dr. McGuff recommends the following five movements:

    Pull-down (or alternatively chin-up)
    Chest press
    Compound row (A pulling motion in the horizontal plane)
    Overhead press
    Leg press

Here's a summary of how to perform each exercise:

    Begin by lifting the weight as slowly and gradually as you can. The first inch should take about two seconds. Since you're depriving yourself of all the momentum of snatching the weight upward, it will be very difficult to complete the full movement in less than 7-10 seconds. (When pushing, stop about 10 to 15 degrees before your limb is fully straightened; smoothly reverse direction)
    Slowly lower the weight back down
    Repeat until exhaustion. (Once you reach exhaustion, don't try to heave or jerk the weight to get one last repetition in. Instead, just keep trying to produce the movement, even if it's not 'going' anywhere, for another five seconds or so. If you're using the appropriate amount of weight or resistance, you'll be able to perform four to eight repetitions)
    Immediately switch to the next exercise for the next target muscle group, and repeat the first three steps. When done in this fashion, your workout will take no more than 12 or 15 minutes.

The Importance of Recovery

    You exercise because it makes you feel better, and for most, it helps keep your weight at an optimal level. It's also one of the best treatments for insomnia and reducing insulin resistance, as well as being a wonderful aid in the treatment of depression. So the reasons to exercise are many. If you start slow, and most importantly, listen to your body, you shouldn't run into the problem of exerting yourself excessively.

    If you're a serious athlete, however, you may want to reconsider how you train. From my perspective you can train for two goals, either to maximize athletic competitiveness, or train for longevity and increased fertility (especially for women). In my view, it is not possible to do both as they have conflicting workout patterns.

    As I've discussed before, research has shown that replacing those long cardio sessions with shorter, high-intensity burst-type exercises, such as Peak Fitness, actually produces GREATER results in far less time! But recovery is crucial...

    This includes not only resting your body in between workouts but also giving it the proper nutrients it needs in the recovery phase, as your post-workout meal can support or inhibit the health benefits of exercise. For instance, fast-assimilating protein such as high-quality whey protein, eaten within 30 minutes of your workout, will essentially "rescue" your muscle tissue out of the catabolic state and supply it with the proper nutrients to stimulate repair and rejuvenation.

« Poslednja izmena: Jun 06, 2012, 10:41:31 pre podne IGI900 »

Van mreže djake

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« Odgovor #233 poslato: Jun 06, 2012, 11:12:39 pre podne »
Sa reptila na whey protein :)

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #234 poslato: Jun 06, 2012, 11:43:52 pre podne »
Pa nije David suljo ili mujo:)

Van mreže kure_ss

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« Odgovor #235 poslato: Jun 06, 2012, 12:10:04 posle podne »
Nek si nam rek'o Dejvide. Ustvari nije se čovek uopšte toliko isr'o u ovom članku.

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #236 poslato: Jun 08, 2012, 10:54:43 pre podne »

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #237 poslato: Jun 08, 2012, 11:08:10 pre podne »


Thank goodness for Wembley

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday with a major background article about the London rituals this summer and how the pieces fit

‘Oh to be in England, now that April’s here’, wrote the poet Robert Browning, but in these ritual-soaked months of 2012 it would be more appropriate to say ‘Oh not to be in London now that June is here’ … and July, and August. It is a summer of mass rituals orchestrated by the bloodline families of the global Control System to fundamentally manipulate the energy field of London and, by its knock-on effect, the rest of Britain and the wider world ...

... I have been emphasising for a long time, as I did two weeks ago in the newsletter about the Olympic flame, that what we focus on – give our attention to – we energetically connect with. Once that happens, if we are dealing with a manipulative force, our energy can be vampired through that connection. Information or energetic perception programs can also come the other way and infiltrate the psyche. I suggest that both are happening in London this summer as one of the key locations on the Earth energy (information) grid is being subjected to two enormous mass rituals ...

... How outrageous it all is for this focus and finance to be showered on one woman and one family. Members of Parliament, judges, the military, Intelligence personnel, police officers and even Christian clergy all swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen when they take office – not to the people of the country. It’s her parliament, her military, her MI5 and MI6, her police, her Church.

The Queen stands on the blood red carpet to address her parliament, her clergy and her judges surrounded by her military and her silly men in silly clothes of red, black and gold. We don’t even have a national anthem in Britain – we have an anthem to the Queen. The Monarch is purely symbolic? Oh please. She is the symbol of state power and she has literal power behind the scenes. Woe betide anyone who crosses her. Are you expected to bow or curtsy to a member of the official government? No, but they are to her. So where does the real power lie? ...

... I do everything by intuition and my intuition at the end of last year said hire the Wembley Arena in north London for October 2012 and so we did so despite the financial risks. It is becoming ever clearer why that was done, coming as it does after the summer that is literally ablaze with mass rituals designed to vampire the peoples’ energy, draw power to the Illuminati global centre in London and encode the energy grid with their Satanic vibration (information).

I hope that as many people as possible will gather at Wembley all day on October 27th and add their heart and energy to the Great Gathering of Consciousness that will dismantle this energetic web that is being constructed before our eyes. We will definitely have 5,500 seats, but if the interest is there before the end of July it could be 7,500 or even 11,000. It all depends on ticket sales before the end of July when we have to make those decisions.

The Illuminati families think they have the power, but their power is only our power that they steal from us. The truth is that we have the power to end this nonsense – and we need to use it very soon.

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee 'beacon' (prime Illuminati symbol) near Buckingham Palace. It was lit by the Queen using a crystal diamond to activate the mechanism and it completed the ritual sequence of more than 4,000 beacons that were illuminated across Britain and the world.


Van mreže Stevcho

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« Odgovor #238 poslato: Jun 08, 2012, 11:34:22 pre podne »
Igi, shvatio sam da si ti ustvari judomasonski reptil plaćen da ismevaš borbu protiv njih, da bi se ljudi opustili i pomislili da vi ne postojite.
No curling in the squat rack!

Van mreže Donovan

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« Odgovor #239 poslato: Jun 08, 2012, 12:06:03 posle podne »
Ma ne, mi samo volimo biti iznad drugih i nositi nase krune i rubine, te se kupati u jezeru punih novcanica teskih 17 trilijuna funti dok ostalo stanovnistvo umire od gladi. Zivjela kraljica. ;D
« Poslednja izmena: Jun 08, 2012, 12:08:35 posle podne IGI900 »