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Autor Tema: Program za vodjenje treninga, ishrane, napretka...  (Pročitano 10812 puta)

Van mreže The_Bulldog

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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Program za vodjenje treninga, ishrane, napretka...
« poslato: Oktobar 31, 2008, 10:55:15 posle podne »
Pre 2-3 godine sam trazio program koji ce mi pomoci u pracenju treninga, ishrane, napretka...Posle trazenja videh na nekim listama da ovaj program vodi i da je na vecini na prvom mestu. Skinuo sam ga (to je neka starija verzija od ove) i znam da sam bio odusevljen koliko opcija ima. Mozete da pravite kompletan program ishrane, da vodite i stampate treninge, da pratite napredak uz pomoc grafikona, mozete da ubacujete svoje slike pa da i tako vidite kako ste nekad izgledali i kuda ide vasa forma...i jos mnogo, mnogo opcija. Iskren da budem, posle nekog vremena me je mrzelo svaki dan da unosim podatke, pa odustadoh od toga.

Sad naleteh na ovu verziju, koja je krekovana, mada skenirajte je sa nekim antivirusom, jer nisam probao...Velicina fajla je oko 25 megabajta, pa ko voli nek izvoli....


Crosstrainer v6.56

Key Benefits

* Improve Your Health
* Lose Fat / Gain Muscle
* Improve Endurance
* Increase Energy
* Feel Better
Designed for people of all fitness levels,
Crosstrainer is the world's most complete health and fitness software program.
Crosstrainer is for you if you:
* are interested in improving the health, fitness and general wellness or yourself or your family,
* want to change your body shape, lose body fat and gain muscle,
* want a way to accurately analyse the quality of your meals and workouts
* would like to plan any type of physical activity; strength training, aerobic training, body building, weekend sports etc
* want a place to track details such as heart monitor readings, amount of sleep, psychological influences, medications, equipment lifecycles and more...

Reinforced Commitment

* Stay focused: Monitor your eating habits, track your fitness activities and create and manage your workouts.
* Gain motivation: Record your new measurements as you achieve your goals.
Experts agree that keeping a fitness log is vital to a successful fitness regimen. So go ahead and graph your achievements and check out your daily, weekly, monthly totals to detail your progress. Customize and use only the features you need to accomplish your objectives.
Feel Better, Look Better and have the energy you need to get out and do the things you've always wanted to do.
Crosstrainer is a dependable, fully customizable software trainer that will help you stay in shape and achieve your health and fitness goals.

Athlete Information
Whether you are using Crosstrainer for yourself, your family or a host of clients, the Athlete Information Area allows you to manage each athlete's personal information and their nutrition and fitness goals.

* Journal daily freeform information in the athlete's personal log book.
* Track and improve Body Measurements, BMR, Heart Rate Zones, Strength Capacity, Aerobic Levels and much more.
* Improve each athlete's performance by comparing results and analyzing variables
* Optional Password Protection for each athlete
Never under or over estimate calories or your nutrition again. Crosstrainer's Nutrition module allows you to plan, enter and monitor your nutritional intake.

Starting with the built-in foods database, you can add new food items or modify the foods that are included.

* Enter & edit everything you eat daily - let Crosstrainer count and graph your calories, carbs and fat intake for you.
* Instantly analyze the quality of your eating habits & nutritional intake
* Compare to the US RDA or to your set of custom nutritional goals to quickly identify deficiencies & correct them
* Manage & analyze your favourite recipes - experiment with substitutions & instantly see how it changes nutritional values.
* Plan & schedule meals with the Calendar
* and more...
Strength Training
By monitoring your training habits, Crosstrainer identifies areas where you need to adjust your routines for better results.
Let Crosstrainer set your goals or enter your own. Choose whether to prefill weights when scheduling workouts.
The Strength Training module allows you to create workouts based on your level, strength, schedule and exercises.
* Adjusts to any type of training.
* Create & schedule quality, accurate, individualized workouts for any level
* Schedule multiple workouts per day
* Includes entry level up to advanced workouts - each can be easily modified
Add & modify strength training exercises

Aerobic & Sports

The Aerobic & Sports module will help you make a personalized training plan that allows you to track your training & sports including any variables and statistics that you feel are important.

Every serious athlete keeps a training log of their workouts and sports sessions.

* Choose from the built-in library of training and sports templates or enter your own.
* Compare performances and view progress with Crosstrainer's range of graphs summaries and totals.
* Easily makes plans for many athletes or clients.
* The Calendar makes long term planning and scheduling quick and easy

Crosstrainer's Aerobic & Sports module can help anyone regardless of fitness level improve their performance.
Schedules mutiple workouts per day
Track your equipment
Ability to shedule competitions as well as workout days.
can be used for any sport or training activity.



Van mreže MarK3

  • Light Heavyweight Member
  • ****
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Odg: Program za vodjenje treninga, ishrane, napretka...
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Oktobar 31, 2008, 11:10:01 posle podne »
Imas i taj program na jednoj web stranici ,ne mogu sada tacno da se setim koji je web u pitanju ali ako neko hoce da koristi taj web neka me pita ,naci cu ga.. Takodje tu imaju razni grafikoni ,tezina ,visina, nivo forme itd... MAda ne znam koja je poenta toga... Mislim dobra je stvar ali o5 imas ogledalo i sam znas kako napredujes... Vise volim da slusam svoj organizam nego neke grafikone i tome sl  ;)

Van mreže mfunf

  • Član
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  • Poruke: 1
Odg: Program za vodjenje treninga, ishrane, napretka...
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Decembar 10, 2009, 11:18:52 posle podne »
Evo ga ljudi ispravan link pošto onaj prvi nije živ  :P


Program još nisam probao ali deluje zanimljivo . ;)