2009 NPC Nationals official pics!
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Dave Palumbo
MICHAEL TERMINI: good conditioning…quads need size….condition is good.
TROY TATE: almost didn’t make weight….shredded…ripped glutes…nice structure but his frame can handle more muscle….sacrificing muscle to suck down to LHW.
LLEWELLYN BAYTOPS: great arms….good side leg…needs size.
MARIJAN LIPSINIC: color could be darker….tons of muscle….thick quads…great chest and traps…needs to be a little crisper from behind.
MIKE YABLON: good side leg….striated glutes….lots of thick muscle....lacking the “wow” factor despite his awesome condition.
BRAD DAVIS: lots of size…great chest, arms, and traps…needs to be a little drier and tighter from behind
TAMER EL-GUINDY: shredded…might be harder than he was at the USA….small LWH (187).
AL AUGUSTE: looks like the class winner…seems to have gained 5lbs of pure muscle since last year…all the wow factor you can have….Ronnie-like glute-ham tie-in…great arms
HARRY JONES: shredded…..thick muscle…short and dense.
SETH FEROCE: freak factor, but aesthetically not that pleasing…back needs to improve….freaky quads.
DAVID FISCH: small waist and big quads….good condition.
LORENZO JONES: ripped glutes….good quad separation….thick abs.
VAUGHAN ETTIENNE: tiny waist….good shape…nice delts and pecs.
TOM JIMENEZ: 2nd in MW class at the 95 USA…great comeback…condition is on.
BRANDON RAY: good from the front, but condition is off from the back….symmetry is good, but condition needs to improve.
ROBERT BURNEIKA: huge…good condition…..freaky arms….not hard enough.
TREY BREWER: legs look small….condition needs to improve…freaky physique a few weeks ago but it didn’t hold…loose skin on the glutes.
STEVE KUCLO: seems to have lost size….nice condition…sacrificed size for condition and it didn’t pay off.
KIRK DEFRANCESCO: great shape….no wow factor….harder than he’s been in awhile…legs don’t match upper body.
GABRIEL LATIFI: lots of muscle, just not conditioned enough.
EBONI WILSON: good arms…small waist…legs need size.
MALCOLM MARSHALL: lots of muscle…huge arms and delts…so tall its tough to fill out his frame…legs need size to balance upper body.
CEDRIC MCMILLIAN: knotty back…ripped glutes…tiny waist…big delts, arms, and chest.
SEAN ALLEN: new blonde hair….great upper body….legs need to come up.
TODD JEWEL: tighter at the North American…he’s tight, but needs to add some size for his height…maybe should have taken the year off to add size.
KEVIN REEVES: good arms….cross striated pecs….not tight enough from behind.
ABBAS KHATAMI: condition is on…good quad separation…polished…back could use some size.
AMBROSE MIDDLETON: good delts and arms…condition is decent….upper body needs size.