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Autor Tema: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia  (Pročitano 26548 puta)

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #15 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 03:07:19 posle podne »
Citat: Binais
Insuline can be very usefull if you take it right otherwise it can kill you or make you fat. Diuretics, Insulin and DNP are three things that we should have respect for!

Start at very low doses like 4 IU a day for a couple a days and try to higher doses after that. I think that using insulin without GH is useless. They work perfect in a symbios:)

...yes of corse..everything is right whot binais wrote here..

but one thing is more imortant...IT CAN KILL YOU IN SECOND IF YOU DONT KNOW HOVE TO USE...

dosage is imortant but carbs after shoot of insulin is maybe more imoprtant than dosages of insulin...

milos is sayin always.....1 iu of insulin -10 grams of dextrose or some simple sugars....

Van mreže Binais_Begovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #16 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 03:25:16 posle podne »
I agree Pedjos!

10 gram of simple carbs such as dextrose, maltrodexin on 1 IU isulin and it also very important to eat some complex carbs and protein one hour after intake of insulin and simple carbs. I woul also never recomend to anyone to use longlasting insulin only fast (Novorapid) otherwise you have to go around and eat carbs all day long and it´s nothing to reccomend if you are dieting and trying to get rid of some body fat!


Van mreže sasacg

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #17 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 05:43:48 posle podne »
pedja i binais,posto ja nemam podatka o insulinu(bar ne na srpskom,mozda prevedem pa postavim temu),mogli bi da bacite par recenica o tome.
"You'll be able to spit nails. You're gonna eat lightening and you're gonna crap thunder, you're gonna become a very dangerous person"


Van mreže Yuri-Gutsan

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #18 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 06:08:32 posle podne »
Citat: sasacg
pedja i binais,posto ja nemam podatka o insulinu(bar ne na srpskom,mozda prevedem pa postavim temu),mogli bi da bacite par recenica o tome.
Agree! Wehave to put it in special dedicated topic. But too bad i will not understsand, as all i understand is only words that are similar to Russian.

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #19 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 08:25:17 posle podne »
Citat: sasacg
pedja i binais,posto ja nemam podatka o insulinu(bar ne na srpskom,mozda prevedem pa postavim temu),mogli bi da bacite par recenica o tome. oko toga nema nikakvih problema

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #20 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 08:28:51 posle podne »
Citat: Yuri-Gutsan
Citat: sasacg
pedja i binais,posto ja nemam podatka o insulinu(bar ne na srpskom,mozda prevedem pa postavim temu),mogli bi da bacite par recenica o tome.
Agree! Wehave to put it in special dedicated topic. But too bad i will not understsand, as all i understand is only words that are similar to Russian.
...yuri you dont have to try understand our leaungeage,beacuse we dont understand everything what we talk :lol:  :lol:  :lol: -joke man....

what you think about info from us??..everything what you want to know///just shoot..somebody must know something

 :wink:  :wink:

Van mreže Yuri-Gutsan

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #21 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 08:33:20 posle podne »
Oh, you will be sorry that you offered that to me. :-)
Couse i have a lot of questions.
First, what carbs in what time after injection should i consume?
Also is novorapid like Humalog or is it like Humulin "R"?
What Actrapid is alike? Humalog? Humulin "R"? I am asking 'couse i can't get nor Humulin, nor Humalog. So i am confused. I heard that humalog is faster than humulin "r"... Is that thruth?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #22 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 08:47:59 posle podne »
Citat: Yuri-Gutsan
Oh, you will be sorry that you offered that to me. :-)
Couse i have a lot of questions.
First, what carbs in what time after injection should i consume?
Also is novorapid like Humalog or is it like Humulin "R"?
What Actrapid is alike? Humalog? Humulin "R"? I am asking 'couse i can't get nor Humulin, nor Humalog. So i am confused. I heard that humalog is faster than humulin "r"... Is that thruth?
...i never used humalog or humulin :cry:  :cry: ,but I heard like you info about that insulin

I always use  ACTRAPID,and he is also fast acting isn,but it is not fast like humalog

after my shoot of insulin-depends how much iu I took,I wait 20 min and drink half of my pripeir shake of 70-80 gr of whey.70-100 gr of dextrose,10 gr of creatin and 15-20 gr of glutmin......after that I wait another 15 min and drink another half of shake...shake all together is 0.7 dcl mixed with water...

then shover,and go home and eat rich meal with 200-250 gr of strechi carbs and 100-150 gr of chiken breast with lot f water....

if you taking ins several times et day :wink:  :wink:  :wink: ,then you must be very careful about time when you are going on training and aal day most part of you day food must be carbs...strechi or fibers .....

Van mreže Yuri-Gutsan

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #23 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 08:52:41 posle podne »
Which carbs are starchy and which are fibrous?
Potato - starchy?
Tomato? Cucumber?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Re: Yuri Gutsan from Latvia
« Odgovor #24 poslato: Decembar 21, 2005, 09:00:24 posle podne »
The Truth about Carbohydrates, Make the Right Choices
By David Jenkins
The other day, I walked into a sandwich shop for lunch. As I scanned the menu, I noticed the
NEW "Low-Carb" Sandwiches. So, I asked the young man behind the counter what's the
difference between a Turkey on Whole wheat and the "Low-Carb" Turkey sandwich. Guess what
his response was.... "The low-carb one comes on healthy bread". By this point I'm amused, so I
decided to test his product knowledge and ask him what makes the low-carb bread healthy. Like
a deer in headlights he replied, "Well, all I know is that it doesn't have any carbonytrates in it."
That was not a typo, he actually said carbo-nytrates, he didn't even know what carbs stood for.
Obviously he was told to "push" the low-carb options by management. Why, because the low-carb
sandwiches were almost a dollar more than the regular sandwiches.
I'm so annoyed with the low-carb craze because this is a clear example of opportunity seekers
and marketing gurus exploiting America's obsession with losing-weight and low-carb diet
rave (you may recall that the person who authored that diet died of heart disease).
So without further delay, please allow me to educate you on the different kind of carbs.
First of all, I want you to understand that carbs are not bad for you. In fact, carbohydrates are a
nutrient that your body desperately needs to sustain metabolism and provide you energy. The
problem is that most Americans buy the wrong kinds of carbohydrates. You know, the processed
kinds…. the stuff that comes in a cardboard box or a plastic wrapper.
All carbohydrates are a monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide. These classes tend to
fall in one of these categories called simple sugars, complex (starchy) carbs, and fibrous carbs.
All of these carbs are safe to eat if you get them from natural sources.
Simple (Sugars) Carbohydrates: These are typically monosaccharides. An example of simple
sugars are most of your fruits.
Good Simple Sugars are: Bananas, Watermelon, Grapes, Pears, Apples, Strawberries,
Cantaloupe, Honeydew, etc. These carbs also have lots of great vitamins, minerals, and other
nutrients that fat cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Though can also have a fibrous
component, such as the skin of the apple or the seeds in the strawberries. An ideal consumption
of simple sugars would by 2-3 times a day.
Avoid these simple sugars: Crackers, White Bread, Most Cereals, Sweetened Juice, Sweet Tea,
(Any sweetened!), desserts, candy bars, etc. This is not real food. Usually depleted of all nutrients
and fiber. Avoid these as much as possible.
Complex Carbs are usually disaccharides. Here are some examples:
Good Complex Carbs: Oatmeal, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Grains, Whole Wheat, Beans,
Lentils, and Peas. Your consumption of complex carbs should also be 2-3 times per day. These
carbs have a fibrous component and also have vital nutrients.
Avoid these complex carbs: Potato Chips, Any thing mashed or fried like french fries, anything
saturated with sugar or butter, etc. I think you get the picture. It's what we do to complex carbs
that make them bad. Once again, try not to buy it from a can or from a cardboard box.
Fibrous Carbohydrates are polysaccharides and are nearly all of your vegetables. These are
the carbohydrates that supply you with the fiber you are missing from your diet. They also aid inThe Truth about Carbohydrates, Make the Right Choices
By David Jenkins
The other day, I walked into a sandwich shop for lunch. As I scanned the menu, I noticed the
NEW "Low-Carb" Sandwiches. So, I asked the young man behind the counter what's the
difference between a Turkey on Whole wheat and the "Low-Carb" Turkey sandwich. Guess what
his response was.... "The low-carb one comes on healthy bread". By this point I'm amused, so I
decided to test his product knowledge and ask him what makes the low-carb bread healthy. Like
a deer in headlights he replied, "Well, all I know is that it doesn't have any carbonytrates in it."
That was not a typo, he actually said carbo-nytrates, he didn't even know what carbs stood for.
Obviously he was told to "push" the low-carb options by management. Why, because the low-carb
sandwiches were almost a dollar more than the regular sandwiches.
I'm so annoyed with the low-carb craze because this is a clear example of opportunity seekers
and marketing gurus exploiting America's obsession with losing-weight and low-carb diet
rave (you may recall that the person who authored that diet died of heart disease).
So without further delay, please allow me to educate you on the different kind of carbs.
First of all, I want you to understand that carbs are not bad for you. In fact, carbohydrates are a
nutrient that your body desperately needs to sustain metabolism and provide you energy. The
problem is that most Americans buy the wrong kinds of carbohydrates. You know, the processed
kinds…. the stuff that comes in a cardboard box or a plastic wrapper.
All carbohydrates are a monosaccharide, disaccharide, or polysaccharide. These classes tend to
fall in one of these categories called simple sugars, complex (starchy) carbs, and fibrous carbs.
All of these carbs are safe to eat if you get them from natural sources.
Simple (Sugars) Carbohydrates: These are typically monosaccharides. An example of simple
sugars are most of your fruits.
Good Simple Sugars are: Bananas, Watermelon, Grapes, Pears, Apples, Strawberries,
Cantaloupe, Honeydew, etc. These carbs also have lots of great vitamins, minerals, and other
nutrients that fat cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Though can also have a fibrous
component, such as the skin of the apple or the seeds in the strawberries. An ideal consumption
of simple sugars would by 2-3 times a day.
Avoid these simple sugars: Crackers, White Bread, Most Cereals, Sweetened Juice, Sweet Tea,
(Any sweetened!), desserts, candy bars, etc. This is not real food. Usually depleted of all nutrients
and fiber. Avoid these as much as possible.
Complex Carbs are usually disaccharides. Here are some examples:
Good Complex Carbs: Oatmeal, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Grains, Whole Wheat, Beans,
Lentils, and Peas. Your consumption of complex carbs should also be 2-3 times per day. These
carbs have a fibrous component and also have vital nutrients.
Avoid these complex carbs: Potato Chips, Any thing mashed or fried like french fries, anything
saturated with sugar or butter, etc. I think you get the picture. It's what we do to complex carbs
that make them bad. Once again, try not to buy it from a can or from a cardboard box.
Fibrous Carbohydrates are polysaccharides and are nearly all of your vegetables. These are
the carbohydrates that supply you with the fiber you are missing from your diet.


dr david jenkins