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Autor Tema: Arnoldov recept za masu  (Pročitano 12579 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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Arnoldov recept za masu
« poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 10:18:36 pre podne »
Evo kako je to izgledalo nekada....

Mali broj ponavljanja, velike tezine i serije izvodjene do otkaza cine moj recept za masu....
Zivimo u eri tehnologije bodi bildinga, ali se osnovna pitanja nisu promenila: kako naterati misice na rast,
kako izgraditi sto vecu misicnu masu? I odgovor je ostao isti: da bi se povecao obim misica mora se povecati
i njihova snaga, a to se najlakse postize osnovnim vezbama, izvodenim sa velikim tezinama i u malom broju
Brojne nove, naucne tehnike koje se danas primenjuju bez sumnje vodte ka boljoj formi vrhunskih vezbaca.
Medutim, pocetnike i srednje iskusne vezbace sigurno, znatno vise od oblika i detinicije misica, interesuje razvoj
njihovog obima. Zbog toga, za pocetnike i srednje iskusne vezbace nije preporucljivo da u treninzima
ekjpenmentisu sa komplikovanim tehnikama, koje vrhunski bodi bilderi koriste za prevazilazenje zastoja u razvoju
misica, jer ce time samo ometati i usporiti rast misica.
Prvi korak u razvoju misicne mase jeste da morate cvrsto verovati u to da cete uspeti u izgradnji masivnih misica.
Postavite sebi cilj i radite sto napornije na njegovom ostvarenju.
Sledeci korak predstavlja izuzetno naporno vezbanje, sastavljeno od osnovnih vezbi, izvodenih velikim tezinama.
Za veci deo misicnih partija, umesto sajli i masina, koristite dvorucne i jednorucne tegove.
Osnovne vezbe koje preporucujem su:
grudi     benc pres, kosi beni i lezece letenje
ledja       vratilo, veslanje sa T-sipkom, sedece vucenje sajie na lat masini i veslanje u pretklonu sa dvorucnim tegom
ramena potisak ispred i iza vrata i lateralno dlzanje jednorucnih teg ova
ruke      pregibi jednorucnim i dvorucnim tegovima, triceps po tisak   i sklekovi na razboju sa opterecenjem
noge     cucnjevi, nozni potisak, nozna ekstenzija i pregib na kurl maiini

Pri radu na masi, bez obzira koje vezbe primenjujete, morate koristiti velike tezine, uz izvodenje manjeg broja
ponavljanja. Svaku vezbu pocnite serijom od 12 ponavljanja (zagrevanje), zatim uradite sledecih sest serija
povecavajuci opterecenje i smanjujuci broj ponavljanja (na samo jedno ponavljanje u dva zadnja seta).
Vezbe snage, kajo sto su »mrtvo« dizanje, trzaj i izbacaj, treba da imaju primenu u programu ciji je cilj povecanje
misicne mase. Ove vezbe, medutim, nije preporucljivo izvoditi cesto, jer su izuzetno naporne i, u kombinaciji sa
osnovnim vezbama, mogu dovesti do pretreniranosti. Njihovim periodicnim ukljucivanjem u trening lakse cete
steci snagu, neophodnu za brz prirast misicne mase.

Intenzitet je Jos jedan pojam, kojim cesto zbunjuju pocetnike preporucujuci im da treninge izvode u sve kracem i
kracem vremenu. Ovakav nacin treninga je ispravan za iskusnije, vec formirane bildere, koji su izgradili neophodnu
misicnu masu, mectutim, pocetnicima savetujem bas suprotno - vezbajte sat i po, ono za sta vam je normalno
potrebno sat vremena. Na taj nacin cete moci potpuno da se oporavite izmectu serija, pa cete u svakoj narednoj
biti u stanju da vezbate sa maksimumom snage.
Tehnika izvodenja vezbi je 'za pocetnike, a i iskusnije vezbace, vrlo znacajan faktor. Mnogi bodi bilderi su opsednuti
podizanjem sto veceg tereta, najcesce po cenu odstupanja od pravilne forme izvodenja vezbe. Neosporno je da je
potrebno savladjtivati sto veci teret, pogotovu ako se zeli brzi prirast misicne mase, medutim, sasvim je sigurno da
se konstantnom primenom citinga (varanja) ne postize neophodna kontrakcija misica, a samim tim ni angazovanje
veceg broja misicnih vlakana. Najkorisnije je teg podizati uz sto potpuniju kontrolu misica, a citing primenjivati samo
onda kada je teg nemoguce drugacije podici. Citing se obicno primenjuje pri kraju serije, u jednom do dva ponavljanja.
Pocetnici i srednje iskusni vezbaci, kojima je cilj postizanje sto veceg obima misica moraju strogo voditi racuna da .se
ne pretreniraju. Za njih je najproduktivnije da svaku misicnu partiju vezbaju dva puta nedeljno, jer ce tako misicima
ostati dovoljno vremena za oporavak i rast.
Ishrana igra veliku ulogu u razvoju misicne mase. Mnogi bilderi - pocetnici pokusavaju da dobiju brze na misicnoj masi
konzumiranjem velike kolicine hrane, pune praznih kalorija. To je sasvim pogresan nacin, jer telo nije u stanju da toliku
kolicinu i takvu hranu u potpunosti iskoristi, pa sav visak pretvara u masnocu. Sto je veci procenat masnoce u telu, to
ce misici sporije dobijati na obimu, jer veci deo energije, koji se inace koristi za misicni rad, odlazi na odrzanje masnog tkiva.
Ishrana sastavljena od manjih kvalitetnih obroka (5 - 6) omogucice da misici u svakom trenutku na raspolaganju imaju
dovoijno proteina i ugljenih hidrata i sto je najvaznije nece dovesti do nagomilavanja suvisnih naslaga sala.
Biti masivan sigurno nije sve sto je potrebno da bi se u.spelo u bodi bildingu, ali je masa temelj na kome ce se izgraditi
simetrija, proporcija, oblik i muskulatura. Masa je za bildera ono sto je za vajara glina koju oblikuje u finu skulpturu. Masa
nije kvalitet, ali je kvalitet nemoguce izgraditi bez bazicne strukture. Na sticanju kvaliteta (oblika i definicije), uz primenu
komplikovanijih tehnika, treba raditi tek nakon izgradnje mase, adekvatne strukturi i telesnom tipu svakog pojedinca.
Na kraju Jos jednom podvlacim: ne koristite komplikovane tehnike, bice vremena i za njih, vezbajte intenzivno, koristite
velike tezine, manji broj ponavljanja, hranite se pravilno i izgradicete zeljenu misicnu masu, sa sto manje masnog tkiva.

« Poslednja izmena: Jul 31, 2010, 10:01:25 pre podne Polomac »

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 11:06:47 pre podne »
ljubi ga tata weider...

Van mreže MilanceOlympia

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 05:38:34 posle podne »
Evo malo nesto i o Arnldovoj ishrani...iz knige Education of Bodybuilder....

Eating for Muscles
Every person who takes up bodybuilding should have a basic
understanding of nutrition. The very words body building imply
that we are undertaking something constructive. An exercise program
is not enough. Exercise merely tones and develops existing
muscles. In order to build muscles we must have the nutrients
that promote growth. In this section I shall provide only a basic
outline of what is involved in good eating. This should serve the
needs of most people. If you have a special problem, you should
consult a physician and study books on diet and nutrition.
There are three primary nutritional elements—proteins, carbohydrates
and fats. They are all necessary to the well-balanced
diet. I would suggest that in planning your diet you obtain a
small calorie counter from your supermarket or drugstore. Be
certain it gives a complete breakdown of the various foods—how
many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats are in each portion.
Use it to help regulate your intake of body-building fuel.
Protein is the most important element to the bodybuilder.
Protein is for growth, maintenance and repair of muscle tissue.
The amount of protein needed by the average person is 1 gram
for each 2 pounds of body weight. The bodybuilder needs
more—approximately 1 gram of protein to each pound of body
weight. Someone on a super-gain program will require even
more protein—at least 1½ grams of protein for every pound of
body weight.

The highest-quality proteins come from animal sources—eggs,
fish, poultry, meat and dairy products. Much lower in value (because
they are not as readily assimilated) are proteins of plant
origin—beans, rice, corn, peas and nuts. To make these more
readily available for use in the body they should be taken with
animal proteins. Generally speaking, the bodybuilder will experience
the fastest growth by choosing protein from animal
Carbohydrates raise the blood sugar level and supply the
muscles with energy. You need a certain amount of carbohydrates
to fuel your system so it can utilize its available protein to
the greatest advantage.
Fats too are essential to a good diet. Not only do they heat
your body and lubricate your body parts, they also provide a
necessary base for carrying vitamins A, D and E.
Aside from protein, carbohydrates and fats, you should have
adequate vitamins and minerals. It is preferable to get your vitamins
and minerals from the foods you eat. However, in accelerated
training situations it is advisable to reinforce your regular
diet with supplements. The following are the vitamins your body
needs to maintain itself properly:
Vitamin A—important to good vision, skin texture, and maintaining
the delicate linings of the nose and throat. Sources: eggs,
liver, milk, carrots, spinach.
Vitamin B complex (twelve B vitamins, including niacin, riboflavin
and thiamine)—essential to a good balance of the nervous
system and the normal functioning of the digestive system.
Sources: eggs, whole grains, poultry, green vegetables, fish, fruit,
milk, brewer's yeast.
Vitamin C—promotes healing; builds up resistance to infection;
aids in the production of connective tissues; generally
strengthens the skeletal and vascular systems. Sources: citrus
fruits, tomatoes, green vegetables.
Vitamin D—essential for strong teeth and bones. Sources:
milk, fish, egg yolks, chicken livers and, especially, direct
Vitamin E—contributes to the functioning of the circulatory,
respiratory and reproductive systems. Sources: wheat germ, vegetable
oils, eggs and leafy green vegetables.

In addition to vitamins, and in many cases to make certain
vitamins available to the body, you require adequate amounts of
the- following minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron,
iodine, potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese.
There are four basic food groups. You should be aware of thesegroups
and see that you include something from each one in
your daily diet.
1. Milk and dairy products—cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurt and
2. Fish, poultry, meat and eggs.
3. Fruits and vegetables (preferably fresh).
4. Breads, cereals, fats.
Obviously, you will concentrate on the first two groups, since
they contain the high-protein foods. But do not neglect carbohydrates
and fats. To maintain the stamina to train, you need fuel
and energy foods.
One thing every bodybuilder (or individual concerned with
the ultimate welfare of his body) ought to do is to cut superrefined
foods and food products from his diet. Do yourself a favor:
start eating foods that will give you quality and vitality. Replace
all refined sugar with honey. Avoid cakes, pies, candies,
french fries and packaged snacks. Satisfy your sweet tooth with
fresh fruit.
Those readers who wish to lose weight can do so easily just by
cutting out sweets, as I have suggested, balancing meals for more
protein, and staying with the exercise program. However, if you
really want to put on muscle I am including my super weightgaining
The secret of rapid weight gain is a high-protein, high-calorie
diet. Your body can effectively utilize only so much protein at a
time: 30 to 50 grams seems to be the maximum amount. Eating
six small meals a day (instead of three large ones) is the ideal
way to pace your protein intake. Smaller amounts of food are
handled more easily by the digestive system, and there is no
danger of over-stretching the stomach. The following diet is
based on the frequent-small-meal principle and supplies just
over 5,000 calories and 300 grams of protein.

BREAKFAST: 7 : 3 0 A.M.
3 eggs; ¼- to ½-pound beef patty; 2 pieces buttered toast; 2
glasses milk
half sandwich, meat; 1 hard-boiled egg; 1 glass milk
LUNCH: 12:30 P.M.
1 meat sandwich; 1 cheese sandwich; 2 glasses milk; fruit
1 hard-boiled egg; 3 slices cheese; 2 glasses milk
SUPPER: 6:00 P.M.
½ to ¾ pound ground beef; baked potato with butter; salad;
vegetable (corn, beans, peas, etc.); 2 glasses milk
Protein drink: 2 glasses milk, ½ cup nonfat milk solids, one egg,
½ cup ice cream. Mix in a blender.
I designed this diet for the individual who either works or is a
student. You can rearrange the mealtimes to suit your own
schedule, as long as you keep two and a half to three hours between
them. Here are a few additional suggestions that should
help you gain weight rapidly:
1. Take your own lunch to work. Make sandwiches of roast
beef, meat loaf, ground beef, tuna, liverwurst, chicken, turkey,
ham, egg, peanut butter or cheese.
2. Use only 100% whole wheat (stone ground is the best),
rye, or pumpernickel.
3. If you get hungry between meals, eat cashews. These nuts
supply protein, fat and additional calories.
4. Dried fruits are also high in calories and provide extra vitamins
and minerals.
5. Use mayonnaise, oil and salad dressings whenever possible
with sandwiches, salads and vegetables.
6. Have an extra protein drink on workout days.
7. Plan a definite eating schedule. The body thrives on regularity.
Never skip a meal or a snack.

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 11:30:22 posle podne »
  ;D   ;D
To su bili dani mlekadzija.. ;D   ;D
Bez sale,tadasnji bilderi su pili litre mleka..
Milance,opet hvala na dodatku..vidi se da volis old  school...
« Poslednja izmena: Oktobar 21, 2009, 11:55:16 posle podne Polomac »


  • Gost
Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 01:30:36 pre podne »
Doduse, Arni je trenirao 2x dnevno po 2h, 6x sedmicno, stoga i ovoliko kaloricna dijeta :)

Van mreže Ogi

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 03:27:32 pre podne »
Meni jedna stvar nije jasna, pa ako moze pojasnjenje. U clanku koji sam citao ovde se za masu preporucuje trening sa 7-10 ponavljanja, dok ovde kaze da se radi piramidalno i to cak da zadnje dve serije budu po jedno ponavljanje. Koji metod je efikasniji?

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 07:13:48 pre podne »
sve su to price koje je pisao sam tata weider jer je tada imao arnija kao nesto sto se moglo DEBELOOOOOO unovciti,a covek je bio ispred svog vremena i to je tako
zasto se nikada niste zapitali zasto nema npr ni jedan jelovnik od lou fergina,ili serge nuberta ili frnak zane...
samo se znao tj ljudi misle da se zna kako se arni hranio i milioni ljudi sirom sveta su to sledili......NEKADA !!!!


  • Gost
Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 09:50:45 pre podne »
sve su to price koje je pisao sam tata weider jer je tada imao arnija kao nesto sto se moglo DEBELOOOOOO unovciti,a covek je bio ispred svog vremena i to je tako
zasto se nikada niste zapitali zasto nema npr ni jedan jelovnik od lou fergina,ili serge nuberta ili frnak zane...
samo se znao tj ljudi misle da se zna kako se arni hranio i milioni ljudi sirom sveta su to sledili......NEKADA !!!!

u pravu si...

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 09:58:34 pre podne »
U dilu sa mlekarama..  ;D   ;D   ;D

Van mreže MilanceOlympia

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Odg: Arnoldov recept za masu
« Odgovor #9 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 12:29:35 posle podne »
  ;D   ;D
To su bili dani mlekadzija.. ;D   ;D
Bez sale,tadasnji bilderi su pili litre mleka..
Milance,opet hvala na dodatku..vidi se da volis old  school...

sve u svoje doba...80 su bile vrh sto se bb tice...
btw tnx Polomac...volim da se nadovezem na tvoje textove.. ;)